The Sims 4 Trait Cheats

Personality and Reward Trait Codes

The Sims 4 Trait Cheats
Trait Cheats can let you equip dozens of abilities to your Sims, increasing skill gains and unlocking unique behaviors.

The Sims 4 features many Traits beyond those found in Create-a-Sim. Traits often provide bonuses or penalties of some sort, and it may be desirable to remove them. Here is a list of all traits in The Sims 4 and the codes you need to equip them. Although you probably found this page there, my site does feature an extensive list of Cheats in The Sims 4 if you would like to learn more.

How to Cheat

Equipping traits in The Sims 4. You can also remove traits like this
The cheats console is visible. You can equip and remove traits very easily.

In order to cheat traits, you must first bring up the console by pressing Control + Shift + C. Do it all in one fluid motion with your keyboard. Playstation and Xbox players can do this by pressing all four shoulder buttons simultaneously.

Once the console (a white box in the upper left corner) is open, you can now type in commands. Use traits.equip_trait TraitName to add a trait to your Sim, or traits.remove_trait TraitName to remove them. Note that if you have trouble getting one to work you can attempt to put trait_ before it, such as traits.equip_trait trait_DogLover.

Create-a-Sim Personality and Bonus Traits

A list of trait cheats in The Sims 4. Here is Create-a-Sim, where you pick personality-style traits.
Personality-style traits can be equipped like this, but you're also able to go into Create-a-Sim with the cas.fulleditmode cheat (use testingcheats on first). Doing this lets you remove them, though sometimes modifying traits can cause issues. Always backup saves before doing a lot of cheating.

I would type traits.equip_trait bookworm to get the Bookworm Trait. Included in the list are the bonus traits you get for selecting a category. Children do not get bonus traits, so none exist for their aspirations.

IMPORTANT - Shorthand - for many of the BG traits, it's sufficient to use traits.equip_trait active for example without the trait_ but the trait_ portion makes it more accurate for various regions and packs. Try it with or without if it does not work for you for some reason.

  • Trait_Active
  • Trait_Alluring - for selecting a Love Aspiration
  • Trait_Ambitious
  • Trait_ArtLover
  • Trait_Bookworm
  • Trait_Bro
  • Trait_Business_Savvy - for selecting a Fortune Aspiration
  • Trait_CatLover - from The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs Expansion
  • Trait_Cheerful
  • Trait_Childish
  • Trait_ChildofTheOcean - Child of the Ocean from The Sims 4 Island Living
  • Trait_Clumsy
  • Trait_Collector - for selecting a Nature Aspiration
  • Trait_CommitmentIssues - this is the Noncommittal Trait
  • Trait_Creative
  • Trait_DanceMachine - from The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion
  • Trait_Dastardly - for selecting a Deviance Aspiration
  • Trait_DogLover - from The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs Expansion
  • Trait_EssenceOfFlavor - for selecting a Food Aspiration
  • Trait_Evil
  • Trait_FamilyOriented
  • Trait_FamilySim - is Domestic for selecting a Family Aspiration
  • Trait_Foodie
  • Trait_Freegan - Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack
  • Trait_Geek
  • Trait_Genius
  • Trait_Gloomy
  • Trait_Glutton
  • Trait_Good
  • Trait_Goofball
  • Trait_GreenFiend - Eco Lifestyle
  • Trait_Gregarious - for selecting a Popularity Aspiration
  • Trait_HatesChildren
  • Trait_High_Metabolism - for selecting an Athletic Aspiration
  • Trait_HomeTurf - for selecting a Location Aspiration
  • Trait_HotHeaded
  • Trait_Insane - this is the Erratic Trait
  • Trait_Insider - from The Sims 4 Get Together Expansion
  • Trait_IslandAncestors - Child of the Islands from The Sims 4 Island Living
  • Trait_Jealous
  • Trait_Kleptomaniac
  • Trait_Lazy
  • Trait_Loner
  • Trait_LovesOutdoors
  • Trait_Maker - Eco Lifestyle
  • Trait_Materialistic
  • Trait_Mean
  • Trait_Muser - for selecting a Creativity Aspiration
  • Trait_MusicLover
  • Trait_Neat
  • Trait_Outgoing
  • Trait_Paranoid - from The Sims 4 StrangerVille Game Pack
  • Trait_Perfectionist
  • Trait_Quick_Learner - for selecting a Knowledge Aspiration
  • Trait_RecycleDisciple - Eco Lifestyle
  • Trait_Romantic
  • Trait_SelfAbsorbed - from The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion
  • Trait_SelfAssured
  • Trait_Slob
  • Trait_Snob
  • Trait_Squeamish - from The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game Pack
  • Trait_Unflirty - from The Sims 4 City Living Expansion
  • Trait_Vegetarian - from The Sims 4 City Living Expansion

Reward Store Traits

You can also cheat reward traits, exactly the same way. Equipping these will give you the bonuses just as if you had bought them with satisfaction points from the rewards store. Click here to learn what all the reward traits will do for your Sims.

  • Trait_AlwaysWelcome
  • Trait_Antiseptic
  • Trait_Beguiling
  • Trait_BurningMan - this is HeatProof from Seasons
  • Trait_Carefree
  • Trait_ColdAcclimation - from The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack
  • Trait_Connections
  • Trait_CreativeVisionary
  • Trait_Entrepreneurial
  • Trait_Fertile
  • Trait_ForeverFresh
  • Trait_ForeverFull
  • Trait_FreeServices
  • Trait_Frugal
  • Trait_GreatKisser
  • Trait_GreatStoryteller - from The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
  • Trait_GymRat
  • Trait_HardlyHungry
  • Trait_HeatAcclimation - from The Sims 4 Seasons
  • Trait_IceMan - this is Iceproof from Seasons
  • Trait_IncrediblyFriendly - from The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
  • Trait_Independent
  • Trait_Marketable
  • Trait_Memorable - this Trait was removed but is still in the game code
  • Trait_Mentor
  • Trait_MorningPerson - this is the Morning Sim Trait
  • Trait_NeedsNoOne
  • Trait_NeverWeary
  • Trait_NightOwl
  • Trait_Observant
  • Trait_ProfessionalSlacker
  • Trait_Savant
  • Trait_SeldomSleepy
  • Trait_Shameless
  • Trait_SpeedCleaner
  • Trait_SpeedReader
  • Trait_SteelBladder
  • Trait_StormChaser - from The Sims 4 Seasons
  • Trait_StovesandGrillsMaster - from The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat
  • Trait_SuperGreenThumb
  • Trait_Waterproof - from The Sims 4 Seasons

Aspiration Reward Traits

Sims gain reward traits from completing Aspirations, which tend to relate to that Aspiration's theme. For example Angling Ace gives Fisherman's Tranquility, soothing negative moods while your Sim is fishing. Since these are all tied to an Aspiration, I'm also listing the name of the aspiration next to it. Click here for a full list of Aspirations in The Sims 4.

Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!

Children's Traits

Children have their own Aspirations. Completing them during this phase of life gives them a life-long benefit. Each of the four Children's Reward Traits gives a boost to one category of Adult Skills. Social would benefit telling jokes or charisma, while mental would impact gardening, logic, or the fishing skill.

  • Trait_CreativelyGifted - Artistic Prodigy Children's Aspiration
  • Trait_MentallyGifted - Whiz Kid Children's Aspiration
  • Trait_PhysicallyGifted - Rambunctious Scamp Children's Aspiration
  • Trait_ScoutingAptitude - For Finishing Scouts as Child or Teen (Seasons EP)
  • Trait_SociallyGifted - Social Butterfly Children's Aspiration

Parenthood Character Value Traits

The Sims 4 Parenthood includes a Character Values system, which either gives good or bad results in each of the categories of parenting. The following are the traits that you can only get if you raise a child or teen and instruct or neglect them. Sims made as adults don't have these traits.

  • Trait_Argumentative
  • Trait_BadManners
  • Trait_Compassionate
  • Trait_EmotionalControl
  • Trait_GoodManners
  • Trait_Irresponsible
  • Trait_Lifeskills_Unfeeling - Insensitive
  • Trait_Mediator
  • Trait_Lifeskills_Responsible
  • Trait_Uncontrolled

StrangerVille Infection Traits

The Sims 4 StrangerVille has an infection system in play, and you can also develop a vaccine. Sims can be mind controlled if they have been infected - use traits.equip_trait strangerville_vaccinated to vaccinate them, or traits.equip_trait strangerville_infected to infect them.

Career Rewards (Eco Lifestyle)

The Eco Lifestyle Expansion for The Sims 4 adds a couple new reward traits you can only get at the top of a career. It features one Civic Designer career, and which of its two branches you choose determines which reward you'll get at rank 10. But you're a cheater, so you can have both!

  • Traits.Equip_Trait Trait_ChampionOfThePeople- Civil Designer Career Reward
  • Traits.Equip_Trait Trait_EcoEngineer - Green Technician Career Reward

Age-Realted Traits

A lot of things in The Sims 4 are controlled via Traits and Buffs (Moodlets). This includes a Sim's age. This is how they are referenced as far as what activities they are allowed or not allowed to do. If you do cheat a Sim's age, it may be wise to change their age via traits.equip_trait baby, toddler, child, teen, youngadult, adult, or elder to make sure they have the right one. Since these are hidden I can't know if the traits make it to the Sim when you change their age via Create-a-Sim.

Island Living Career Reward Traits

Island Living features two unique traits that are rewards for the Conservationist Career. Marine Biologist gets the Master of the Sea reward and Environmental Manager gets Natural Speaker. Here are the two codes:

  • Trait_FriendOfTheSea - Master of the Sea (Marine Biologist)
  • Trait_NaturalSpeaker - Natural Speaker (Environmental Manager)

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Comments (34)

Sarah Schneesays...
What about the "top notch toddler" trait? How do you cheat that? I have a sim whom i aged up before toddlers were added and I want them to have the top notch toddler trait so skills build faster from maxing out skills in toddler age.
The cheat would be:
traits.equip_trait trait_Top_Notch_Toddler

I can't seem to remove the Immortal trait you get from drinking a potion created by a spellcaster. Anyone know the code for that one?


Yes there is. It's just a bit tricky, like other spellcaster related cheats:

traits.equip_trait trait_cauldron_potion_immortality


traits.remove_trait trait_cauldron_potion_immortality


it didn’t work any of them ugh


Really? That's strange as they are all working for me. Try reading though this guide on How To Cheat to see if you can figure out what it was you did incorrectly.

Guide to Cheating

A random personsays...

It's possible you need to enable testing cheats before you add traits with cheats (at least you need to enable testing cheats on console before you can use cheats to add traits).


If you are going to cheat in this game, i recomend the AllCheats from TWISTEDMEXI


What about removing music lover?


traits.remove_trait musiclover


You forgot the sincere trait from the reward store, it's not shown but it's in the game's code.


I cant seem to get any of these to work ive enabled testing cheats. Im not sure what im doing wrong.


We've a guide here (click) to How To Use Cheats that should help you figure out what you might be doing wrong.


You forgot the sincere trait from the reward store, it's not shown but it's in the game's code.


Umm, doesn't work in CAS? But does work in gameplay, ty!


Yeah, I have J Huntington III as a love interest for my Sim L, and he kept getting super tense in the r es lationship AND his job.

He was even engaged. But, non of the variations of the Commitment Issues removal cheat worked! Nlso I ended up having them break up because him being tense all the time made ME tense!

Why isn't it working?


J. is a great sim and was a great husband and father after I added the carefree trait with 3000 aspiration points from the rewards. (before trying cheats). My sim was non-committal as well, and they had a very successful, happy open marriage, once they both had the player trait, lol.


trait_JungleExplorer_TreasureHunter is the Treasure Hunter cheat if someone is looking for it.


Oh this is amazing any chance for pets traits love ? :>


seems all traits now use the eco-living add system of Traits.Equip_Trait Trait_(trait) so example being Traits.Equip_Trait Trait_Player. You may want to update this page.


Can you add the Journey to Batuu traits. I tried them and it worked.


With the Aspiration, Friend of The Animals, a trait called Animal Affection is added. It is not listed above, and it does not seem to be Trait_animal_affection.


traits.equip_trait Attraction

= Animal Affection.


Trait.equip_trait trait whisperer

found this on another site and it worked.


trait whisperer? probably a typo! but For anyone wondering, (im sure you had already guessed though), its the same layout but "animal whisperer". A couple related traits worth noting are the 'animal affection' and the 'animal enthusiast' trait.

Both tested to work August 2021


For anyone else that needs the seasons reward traits, most of these are not prefixed with trait_ - only waterproof is.


Once You Make A Sim And Chose A House Or Lot To Move In To, Go Back To Manage World's Click On Your Lot, Then Click On Manage House Hold, Then Click On Edit Household Then Click On Make Household Unplayed, Press Back Click On Your Lot Then Click Build Mode And All The Items Are Free Except Lockables. You Can Even Add Lots From The Gallery. And It's Not A Cheat.


I heard you can use this to make sims left handed


i gave a sim the potion of immortality (realm of magic) and it didn't work and turned them into a ghost. Instead of the moodlet you get when you use the ghost potion in the scientist career (cant remember the name of it) it gave the ghastly consequences trait. its been about 2 in game weeks and the potion isn't wearing off, so i was wondering if using this cheat to get rid of the trait would turn them back to a normal sim? I don't want to risk it but my sims were trying for a baby beforehand and they cant while she's a ghost. I've tried ambrosia and the dedeathify spell but nothing is working


So that is an expected result, this is what happens when the potion fails. It is only supposed to last for 24hrs though so perhaps try a potion of curse cleansing. Guide to Realm of Magic Potions


Someone know the name of the Immortal trait a sim would get from the Potion of Immortality? I want to remove it, but Trait_Immortal and Trait_Immortality do not work.



Skye Stewartsays...

Thanks so much for this site. It really helped me make my game more fun as I was getting a little bored with Sims 4 and these cheats made it a lot more fun.

Amber Hoguesays...

Anyone have a cheat for polyamory?


You'd need a mod for that.


Question, has anyone tried and succeeded in adding or removing "childhood phase" traits like the one called "I am a Bear"?


TwistedMexi has a useful list of cheats for removing childhood phases

Childhood phases cheats

Mrs. Tragic Clownsays...

Not sure if this old trick or what but I can't get this to work for the life of me and it's really a bummer. :( Did testingcheats true and the case mod cheat too.


I use these all the time when I want to fill up the worlds a little bit but having somewhat accomplished and interesting households to interact with my main playable household Thanks for the list and all the updates man


how do you enter the bloodline perks from realm of magic.

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Make Seasons Better!

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  • Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
  • Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
  • Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
  • Disable Fall Leaves
  • Disable Ground Snow
  • Keep the Stuff You Paid For!

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Super Sim Checklist + Other News

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Let's Play Playlist

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