The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats

Unlock Spells in the Spellbook and Tips for Potion Recipes

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats
How to Cheat in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic

Players will inevitably want to cheat their Spellcaster Rank, unlock spells or remove curses, so I went through the game to find several useful cheats for doing exactly those things.. and more. You can give your Sim an artificial Magical Bloodline, add and remove Curses, or set a Sim to a specific rank of Spellcaster.

How to Cheat

Press Control + Shift + C on your keyboard or press all four bumper buttons on Xbox and PlayStation 4. Now you can type TestingCheats On to enable extended cheating -if that does not work, you can try testingcheats 1 or testingcheats true. You can close the box with escape if it's in focus, or just press Control + Shift +C or shoulder buttons again.

Only one cheat on this page requires a mod to use. This means that the cheats aren't exclusive to PC/Mac but can also be enjoyed by players who own the Xbox/PlayStation 4 versions of Realm of Magic when it launches October 15 on their platform.

Video Guide: Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats

The Sims 4 Realm of Magic features cheats to increase your Spellcaster rank. This gives an explanation of them, and a fix for the broken Magical Bloodlines feature.

The Sims 4 Video

Increase Spellcaster Rank

Max Spellcaster rank to get all perks in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic
Spellcaster Rank is one of the easier things to cheat without a mod in Realm of Magic. Just be careful and make sure the command has no typos.

Spellcaster rank can be tuned without a mod. Use the cheat Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP # - simply putting in a number like 3000 will set you to the max level. Each time you use it thereafter you will get one extra talent point for spent on the Perks page.

You start as an Apprentice and need the following XP number for each rank:

  • Neophyte - 50
  • Acolyte - 350
  • Adept - 875
  • Master - 1550
  • Virtuoso - 2350

In order to fill the bar at this stage, you'll need 500 "Witch XP" as it is referred to in the game code. Each time you do so, you'll get an additional talent point which means that players can purchase every perk. This is why simply setting XP at 3000 works to give you +1 talent point each time you do it. You're setting WitchXP to max + another 500. It is entirely possible to Lower your Spellcaster rank with this cheat as well.

Spellbook Tweaking

Cheat potion recipes and spells in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic
These are the commands to add specific spells to your Sim's spellbook, but you can alternatively look to build buy to get all of the spells. That doesn't require mods, but does take a bit more effort.

Important - Adding spells this way will require TwistedMexi's AllCheats mod. As an alternative, it's possible to use TestingCheats on, then bb.ShowHiddenObjects to text-search for Tome in the Build Mode catalog. This will reveal all the spells that can be learned via spellbooks. However, you do have to be the appropriate rank for a spell to be learned. This may mean cheating up your "Witch XP" as noted above. Thankfully possible without mods.

Practical Magic Spells

  • Scruberoo - Spells.Unlock_Spell Spells_Practical_1_Clean
  • Repairio - Spells_Practical_1_Repair
  • Delicioso - Spells_Practical_2_Food
  • Floralorial - Spells_Practical_2_Garden
  • Copypasto - Spells_Practical_3_Duplicate
  • Transportalate - Spells_Practical_3_Teleport
  • Herbio - Spells_Practical_4_GrowPlant
  • Homewardial - Spells_Practical_4_Transport
  • Rite of Ascension - Spells_Practical_5_ConvertToWitch

Unlock Mischief Magic Spells

  • Deliriate - Spells.Unlock_Spell Spells_Mischief_1_Confuse
  • Despairio - Spells_Mischief_1_Sadness
  • Furio - Spells_Mischief_2_Fight
  • Infatuate - Spells_Mischief_2_Love
  • Burgliate - Spells_Mischief_3_Steal
  • Morphiate - Spells_Mischief_4_Transform
  • Strangeify - Spells_Mischief_5_ChangeAppearance

Unlock Untamed Magic Spells

  • Inferniate - Spells.Unlock_Spell Spells_Untamed_1_Fire
  • Zipzap - Spells_Untamed_2_Lightning
  • Necrocall - Spells_Untamed_2_SummonGhost
  • Chillio - Spells_Untamed_3_Freeze
  • Minionize - Spells_Untamed_3_MindControl
  • Decursify - Spells_Untamed_4_RemoveCurse
  • Dedeathify - Spells_Untamed_4_Resurrect
  • Duplicato - Spells_Untamed_5_CloneSelf

Potion Recipes

There isn't an easy cheat that I know of in order to unlock these, because they count as recipes. Instead, use my potion list along with bb.ShowHiddenObjects to search for Tome or the main word of the potion name (ex. Nausea, Immortality) to bring it up. What you can do to make this better is just do Text Search for Tome at the top of the list so that it will show you all of the Tomes. Do bear in mind difficulty of potions if you give your low level Spellcaster a more difficult potion, it may be more likely to fail but I'm not 100% sure yet. I know it matters for spells you learn that are below your level.

Realm of Magic Unique Traits

Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!

Trait cheats in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic
Trait cheats can allow you to create an artifical Magical Bloodline in your Sims 4 saved game.

While there are exactly 0 new traits equippable in Create-a-Sim with the Realm of Magic Game Pack, there are definitely a few traits of interest you can equip on your Sims with the Traits.Equip_Trait X cheat. Slinger of Spells is the reward for Spellcraft and Sorcery Aspiration, while Purveyor of Potions gets Master Mixer. Both of these are very desirable traits. Additionally, you can cheat on the Magical Bloodline traits to start your own bloodline - there are three ranks.

Important Note About a Bug: If you give a Sim a weak, strong, or ancient bloodline, ANY bloodline, and attempt to use this cheat it will bug out and prevent you hitting max level, and not allow you to overmax. Until EA fixes this, avoid this situation and actively remove bloodline with traits.remove_trait or find a mod to make it work again. I've had multiple complaints telling me the cheats don't work. They are fine. If you're on PC/Mac and need a mod to fix bloodlines, see here.

Use Traits.Equip_trait trait_code with the reference below:

  • Slinger of Spells - Trait_Knowledge_SlingerofSpells
  • Master Mixer - Trait_Nature_MasterMixer
  • Weak Bloodline - Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeak
  • Strong Bloodline - Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrong
  • Ancient Bloodline - Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient


For storytelling purposes, it may be desirable to use Traits.Equip_Trait to put a curse onto a Sim, or maybe you don't have the cure and despise the curse you already have. You can remove curses from your Spellcaster with Traits.Remove_Trait. Here's a list of all the Curses your Sim can get:

  • Curse of Awkward Embraces - Trait_Curses_TouchyFeely
  • Curse of Infectious Laughter - Trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter
  • Curse of Repulsiveness - Trait_Curses_Repulsiveness
  • Curse of Scrambled Spells - Trait_Curses_WildMagic
  • Curse of The Night Wraith - Trait_Curses_NightStalker
  • Curse of Uncleansable Stench - Trait_Curses_SweatyStench
  • Curse of Uncontrollable Charge - Trait_Curses_FountainOfMagic
  • Curse of Unwarranted Hostility - Trait_Curses_PunchableFace
  • Hex of the Duelist - Trait_Curses_HexofDuelist

Familiars and Collectibles

I just want to point out that the new Valerian and Mandrake Root plants, you can also cheat them with bb.ShowHiddenObjects. It's also possible to find the objects that Sims use in order to bind familiars in the Build/Buy catalog. Buy them, place them down and have your Sim pick them up to get whatever familiar you want.

Realm of Magic Guides

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Comments (23)


If you want an existing Sim from before the pack to become a Spellcaster (without doing the sage quest) is there a cheat for that or could you cheat it by the Spellcaster level cheats?


Good question. While you can do it via the quest in the Magic Realm, it's still something players might want to do. You can use traits.equip_trait trait_occult_witchoccult to give a Sim the trait that defines them as a Spellcaster. From there it looked like the spellbook etc. were working just fine. It also automatically gave me the Glimmerstone item that you use to teleport to the magic realm. So there you go.


The bloodline just stops the bar from cheating not perk points added so you have to level the last bit to Max level if have a bloodline so that's what the natural mentor trait is for so not broken as points after Max still appear just a visual glicthe not one EA would be in a hurry to fix

Amanda Messersays...

If you have a spellcaster in the family already and they are at the Master or Virtuoso level, you can ask the Sage of Practical Magic to teach you the Ultimate Practical Magic spell. That spell will allow you to make other people spellcasters without doing the quest.

Also you could make them a spellcaster when you first create them, but you will have to create them from scratch. Its in the Create an Occult Sim option list.

Robert Michel Abreusays...

None of your bloodline cheats work !

Diana Wechslersays...

I was able to increase the XP but not remove the 2 curses my sims has.


General part:Traits.Equip_trait

Did you write the specific bloodline cheat after the general part of the cheat?

Or you just wrote the specific part?

A full bloodline cheat should look like this:

Traits.Equip_trait Trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient

Cupcake Harrisonsays...

They do work. However you may not see it right away. Exit your game. and when you come back its there.

amy pantlingsays...

i tried to get the bloodline cheat to work and couldn't so i went in search on another site and found this one traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncient and it worked first time it also works for the other Bloodline levels (ie: weak and strong) dunno if i was doing something wrong or not just thought i would drop a fyi here about it :)


Thanks for letting us know. I just made an error in transcribing them but I went through and made sure I got all the rest correct just in case.

amy pantlingsays...

just so you know Carl the bloodline trait is glitched altogether no matter if its a weak strong or ancient bloodline. What happens is your spellcaster's perk page either doesn't load up or it does n keeps reseting your perk points then doesn't load at all if you close it then reopen it. I've figured it out to be the bloodline trait that causes this if you remove it completely then reload your game it should work fine with no bloodline trait this problem also happens if your sims is born with a magical bloodline my super sim was born with a weak bloodline and she bugged out.


Zero (modder) has a mod to fix this. All her mods are free from her Patreon page so you don't need to support her if you don't want to pay but paying is always nice imo to say ty for the work...anyway, here is the link: Zeros Bloodline Trait fix


Thank You Amy for your help with the Bloodline cheat!

amy pantlingsays...

your very welcome read my response to Carl's post also :)


Hi i have the all cheat mod and i still cant find the spellbooks when i use the cheats


You don't need a mod to search for the spell tomes. Just enable 'testingcheats on' then go into build mode. In the search bar on the left search for 'scruberoo' and hit the magnifying glass to activate the search.


Curse of Unwarranted Hostility - Trait_Curses_PunchableFace

It's great to hear that the developer had fun developing


Broken Feature: DO NOT USE BLOODLINE CHEATS. They're currently breaking your spellcaster points (IE they reset when you max). Wait for a fix/update for now. :( Huge bummer


If I want an existing homeless NPC Sim to become a Sage, is there a cheat or special trait for that? The defaults look nothing like the ones in the trailer.


Can't edit the older post, but I've found the sage trait. It's a hidden trait labeled as trait_Magic_FIxups_Spells_MagicSage_Practical (or Mischief or Untamed). I'll try to find out if it can be applied to existing sims.


The sages that were in the trailer for Realm of Magic have just been added to the gallery. I haven't downloaded them myself so I don't know if they are sages or just ordinary sims. The Household is called "Realm of Magic Sages" and the creator is 'Maxis" with the hashtag #realmofmagic.


when i use the cheat to max my lvl it dont give me any talant points nor when i use it again to get more it dont give me any


Are you using Twisted Mexis' AllCheats mod?


Spell cheats don't work for me. If I enter them like this with testingcheats on

Spells.Unlock_Spell Spells_Mischief_1_Confuse

Nothing happens


You'll need Twisted Mexis 'allcheats mod'


I have his allcheat mod and it's still not working. I'll never take the time for my sim to go through all these spellcaster ranks. Any help please?


The only thing I can think of is that your spellcaster is not at the rank needed for the spell to be unlocked. You can't just cheat the top ranked spell in...your sim needs to actually be at that level in the game too.

The spell cheats work for me just apart from that I'm not sure as you don't really include much info in your post!


If you want to give a premade Sim spellcaster status, the cheat is traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_Witch Occult_Manifested. This is especially useful for premade children who can't get the trait any other way. Simply cheating the bloodline will not allow them to summon familiars, but this will.


I tried to unlock all Practical Magic Spells and the rest, but cheats does not work at all :( help??


The cheats need Twistedmexis 'Allcheats' mod to work. Once you have that mod installed then the cheats above all work. But you can search for the tomes in the build buy catalogue with just the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat if you'd rather not use a mod.


Right, I got bad news for you and that is the twisted Mexis cheat dose not work, so stop telling people to go and download it and none of the information on this site works, so I would suggest that you go back to the game an double check every thing you state here.

Also if you want to find any thing in this game, i.e. skill books like the Tome's, then all you need to do is type in "testingcheatstrue", "bb.showhiddenobjects" and go into buy mode and type debug into the search bad and then once you click on the debug option up pops all the hidden game contents.


Sorry you are having issues but the mod does work and the cheats do work and I made it clear that you do NOT need the mod for the tomes in my reply which I will quote here for you again>> " But you can search for the tomes in the build buy catalogue with just the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat if you'd rather not use a mod."


I used the cheat to max my rank and now I don’t get any talent points when the bar is full??


Yeah, sadly this is a known bug with spellcasters. EA Bug Report link


Does anyone know of any cheats that allows you to add Talent points (like you can with fame points) without having to rank up Spellcasters?


Your cheats may appear to work by increasing the ranks etc, but what good are they if you cant enjoy the talent perks...basically your mod/cheats are BROKEN and you have not fixed them, if you cant , pass them onto to some one who can or pull them from your site. Your reputation is going down the drain and faster than the sims 4 love for My First Pet Stuff pk.


Carl's guide to Realm of Magic cheats are not the issue, the issue is a known code bug. Carl doesn't make these cheats, these cheats are made by the game developers for testing purposes. The developers leave the cheats in the code as they know players like to use them. So when Carl makes a cheat guide, he is simply showing you what is in the code the developers wrote. Any mistakes or bugs are the fault of the developers who made the game.  The Bug Report can be found here (click). So, perhaps instead of blaming a guide writer for EA's game bugs you could go add a 'Me Too' on the Bug report and explain to Maxis how disappointed you are that a game you paid money for is broken.


What's the cheat to Max level your sim so they're virtuouso? I feel like im doing it wrong


Testingcheats on

followed by

Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP #

where # is best to be 500 so you also gain max amount of XP for each level cheated.


traits.equip_trait trait_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality

traits.remove_trait trait_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality


So if when I add an Ancient Bloodline and my stuff doesn't bug out, does that mean it worked? 'Cause there isn't really any other indication that it did...


You should see the trait in your Sims Trait panel.


How do you give yourself the skill? Or get a higher skill level?


Just as it says in the guide above, Spellcaster rank can be tuned without a mod. Use the cheat Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP # - simply putting in a number like 3000 will set you to the max level.

So enable testingcheats on, then Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 3000 and your Sim will be maxed.

Guide to Cheats


I'm confused and need help please, none of these work on Xbox one. Please advise. Thank you so much!


If you are trying to cheat the spellbook that requires a mod. The others should work so check for typos etc


Hmmm I think the bloodline bug has already been fixed? But the guide didn't update that part of the information?


So idk if a new problem has come up but when I use the cheat to level my Sim to max and then go to try and read a tome higher then the lowest level to learn spells, it says my Sim is not high enough of a level to study that tome. And I've tried the reset on my Sim and retarting the game and neither have worked anyone know why it's doing that and how to fix it?


Try deleting the localthumbcache.package file from your TheSims 4 folder.


How come there's no update on this page for the Werewolves pack? Has something happened to the person/people running this website?


Nothing has happened to Carl, he is simply working on other projects within the Sims 4 community. Check out the mods he has been making


Carl, you've done it again! This list is so insightful and the added explanations are tremendously helpful. Glad to be your Patreon and I hope I get to continue to support you. You do great (dare I say magical) things!

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