The Sims 4: Frog Collection

Catching and Breeding Frogs

Collect Frogs from Logs in The Sims 4
Frogs can be found in Logs and Water Pumps

In The Sims 4, Frogs can be caught and bred to make new types. Finding these little guys is guaranteed when you search a log or water pump (as in Forgotten Grotto). However, they can also be found in ponds, but this requires you to queue up multiple actions in order to catch the slippery critters. I'd do it with the game speed on at least 2, and continually click to add new Search for Frogs interactions with the Pond.

While Frogs were initially set at a rather low value, a patch changed them to be more valuable, particularly for the rarer breeds. You can easily get a few hundred Simoleons by catching frogs for several hours. In this Guide, I'll teach you all you need to know about collecting Frogs with a little help from Forum Member Kresh, who graciously provided information on Frog Breeding Mechanics.

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Ponds are the best places to find Frogs
Ponds are the best places to find Frogs

Where to find Frogs
Skip the logs. You may have some luck here and there, but overall scouring each neighborhood for logs is just too time consuming. The best way to do it is to use the three ponds in the game. I first hit up the park in Willow Creek and got a good portion of my collection, probably about half. Afteward, a trip to Sylvan Glade provided some new types of Frogs. After several runs, my Frog collection was missing Spotted Heart, Heartsurfer, Dirtwhirl, Whirlyflower, and the Bullseye frog. Since I hadn't been there, I headed to Oasis Springs park and found all the missing ones.

To me, this provided proof that there are frogs common to all ponds, but different types may be found in each. If you are missing a particular frog, you can breed them to complete your collection. Read more on that below the list of Frogs.

Sims 4 Frog List

The Sims 4 Frog Collection
There are 25 Types of Frog in The Sims 4

Frogs List

Frog NameValueRarity
When placed, all Frogs give Environment +3 for Decorated Moodlets
Striped Leaf Frog$10Common
Striped Dirt Frog$30Common
Dirt Frog$10Common
Leaf Frog$10Common
Heart Frog$10Common
Spotted Leaf Frog$10Common
Spotted Dirt Frog$30Common
Eggplant Frog$10Common
Surfer Leaf Frog$10Uncommon
Tiger Frog$35Uncommon
Leopard Frog$100Uncommon
Striped Eggplant Frog$10Uncommon
Striped Heart Frog$10Uncommon
DirtSurfer Frog$100Uncommon
DirtWhirl Frog$120Uncommon
Spotted Eggplant Frog$10Uncommon
Spotted Heart Frog$30Uncommon
Sunflower Frog$30Uncommon
SunSurfer Frog$125Rare
Eggplant Whirl Frog$100Rare
Bullseye Frog$100Rare
Heart Surfer Frog$25Rare
Whirlyflower Frog$160Rare
Surfer Eggplant Frog$30Rare

Frog Breeding

Mechanics of Combining Frogs
As mentioned before, the following information comes from Forum Member Kresh. I'm grateful for this, as it may have taken me some time to figure out myself. As Kresh explained, each Frog has two genes. One type, and one attribute. The table below shows what a frog's type will be when its type has a particular attribute.

Types are like the frog's basic type - they may be Leaf, Dirt, Eggplant, Heart, or Sunflower. An attribute of 'None' produces a frog of that generic type, ("Sunflower Frog", or "Dirt Frog") while spotted, striped, surf, and whirl are other attributes. Since each frog has two variables, you have a 25% chance of getting the desired Frog when combining them. So, take the following example:

A regular Dirt Frog has the 'Type' Dirt and the Attribute 'None'. Combining this with a Spotted Eggplant frog, Eggplant 'Type' and Spotted 'Attribute' may give you either A regular Eggplant Frog, a regular Dirt Frog, a Spotted Dirt Frog or a Spotted Eggplant frog. Gathering numerous frogs and combining intelligently can help you to finish your Frog Collection and get a decorative plaque in the mail. So, if you are missing a Spotted Eggplant Frog, get any kind of Spotted Frog and any type of Eggplant frog and combine them until you get lucky!

To understand this table, A Heart Frog with the Whirl Attribute will be a Bullseye Frog and A Dirt frog with the Surf Attribute will be a Dirtsurfer Frog. The table will not appear correctly on small mobile devices, so visit on your computer!

frog Types and Attributes

Common Frog, Uncommon Frog, Rare Frog
LeafLeaf FrogStriped LeafSpotted LeafSurfer LeafHypnofrog
DirtDirt FrogStriped DirtSpotted DirtDirtsurfer FrogDirtwhirl Frog
EggplantEggplant FrogStriped EggplantSpotted EggplantSurfer EggplantEggplant Whirl
HeartHeart FrogStriped HeartSpotted HeartHeartsurferBullseye Frog
SunflowerSunflower FrogTiger FrogLeopard FrogSunsurfer FrogWhirlyflower Frog

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Comments (23)

Frog breeding seems to have a 4hr cooldown
It does but it is related to the sim not to the frog. So if you have multiple sims in your household you can move the frogs between the sims personal inventories and keep breeding. Smile
How can I get the frog log as an object on my home lot? That way I can catch frogs everyday without going to the park. Also do the logs spawns frogs randomly?

The frog spawners should be in your neighborhood area, the area around your home that your sim can walk to without encountering a loading screen. Sometimes they look like little stone wells with a dripping tap.
Natalie Nicolesays...

Why not spend time at the pond to catch frogs? Your sim may not catch a frog every time but they can try endlessly as the pond ALWAYS have frogs! I got all but three rare frogs in less than two sim days!


For a long time ponds were bugged and you couldn't catch frogs in them, only fish


With the addition of ponds that can be placed on your lot, you can try to catch frogs there with no cool down. :)

Valuable info. Lucky me I found your website by accident, and I'm shocked why this twist of fate didn't happened earlier! I bookmarked it.
Excellent post. I'm facing some of these issues as well..
I don't think the breeding system is quite as straightforward as that. I just bred a Surfer Leaf and an Eggplant Frog in the hopes of either getting a Leaf Frog or a Surfer Eggplant, but I got a Sunflower Frog?? So either it's my game that's wacky, or there's a random aspect to the breeding as well.
The sunflower frog is the equivalent of the leaf frog or the heart frog etc. It is like the 'base' frog for the sunflower breed and does weirdly pop up as a result of pairings where it isn't expected. Not sure if it is a glitch or not but keep breeding the 'correct pairs' and you will get the target resulting frog eventually.

I have gotten some random frogs from combinations that should not have produced them (leopard frog with sunsurfer frog made a spotted eggplant frog, for example)


That is a correct breeding though as the leopard frog is one of the 'spootted' variety.

Beverly Hodgesays...
How do you breed frogs?
Have two frogs in a sims personal inventory. Click on one and the option to breed will show, then choose which other frog to breed it to. There is a cool down on the frog breeding but it is linked to sims so that once bred you can then drag the two frogs into another sims inventory and breed them again. This makes getting the full collection a little faster than if you have to wait for the full cool-down period each time after breeding. Also collection frogs from ponds in parks is a great way to get a lot of frogs quickly and from there breeding for just the ones you need makes it a bit easier.
Had all of them but two of the uncommon. Rare section was full! How does that work? ;)
RNG luck! Cool
Is there anywhere/anyone who can list what bred with what will make which type of frog? Are there any specific spots to find good frogs?
This info is right there in the last table on this guide page under the heading frog Types and Attributes. Just read across and down. Note that breeding 2 frogs together can result in the same as both types or the desired result so it is a bit of RNG luck which type you'll get. This means that it can take multiple breedings to get the missing frog you need.
So breeding a Striped Leaf and a Heart will result in a Striped Heart, but can also result in another Stripped leaf and another Heart.
Great guide but how do you actually breed them? Where are the menus or options or how is this done exactly?
Have two frogs in a sims inventory, click on one and then a menu will pop up for you to choose which frog to breed it to.
More info there in the last table on this guide page under the heading frog Types and Attributes. Just read across and down. Note that breeding 2 frogs together can result in the same as both types or the desired result so it is a bit of RNG luck which type you'll get. This means that it can take multiple breedings to get the missing frog you need.
So breeding a Striped Leaf and a Heart will result in a Striped Heart, but can also result in another Stripped leaf and another Heart.
Dannielle Lynn Albertsays...
How do I get a heart frog? I have been searching ponds for several generations now... and no one has found a heart frog or any of the heart frog's cousins.
The pond in Oasis park will have them. Get a sim focused and then just spam catch frog interaction on the pond.
If you use mods and or cc make sure they are not outdated and I'd also delete the localthumbcache.package file from your The Sims 4 folder even if you do not use mods/cc.
How do do you search for frogs in the ponds? It will only let me fish.
You should have the option to look for frogs when you click on the pond water.
It seems a patch removed this feature because it doesn't work anymore.
You can only fish in ponds not search frogs
Wow, you are correct! I wonder when this feature was removed as there is no mention in any of the patch notes. We'll get to updating the guide asap to reflect this change.

So, only way to get frog is by searching in the Frog logs and then breeding from there.
Random Obsessionssays...
I keep searching how to place frogs in the world, but keep getting how to breed frogs. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO PLACE FROGS IN THE WORLD?
Just drag them out of your sims inventory. They can also be dragged between sims without being placed in the world.
Is there any place to store all these frogs? Or just use up my floor space? I thought they stacked? Or was that Sims 3?
Sorry if I sound panicky! I'm at a loss! Scared Crying
I actually usually store them in a basement room that has no access. Sims will traverse many flights of stairs just to go 'view'. They don't stack so they do take up a lot of floor/attic/basement space.
Jennifer Korpsays...
You can put them on shelves, desks, counters, tables or in the household inventory. They, unfortunately, don’t stack at all.
Placing them on the various shelf slots doesn't really work if you are trying to have them laid out in an orderly way so you can clearly see what pair to breed next though. It's nice to have them as decor as they give off a +3 environment boost which is nice, but they do take up a lot of space while collecting/breeding to complete the collection.
How do I get a heart frog? I've been searching logs as this is the only way to get frogs now (ponds don't let you catch frogs), and I've never come up with a heart frog. I have all other frogs except heart and its variants. Maybe I'm searching logs with someone who has the collector trait so I am less likely to get a common? Idk
Collecting frogs from ponds should be working again, but basically you catch them from a pond or find them in a log or from the little water tap wells in Oasis Springs. The area behind and below the Langraabs house in this map has a frog collecting spot as well as behind the house across the road. That's often a good place to try.
Once you have one type of heart frog you can just keep breeding it with the other variants to get the specific heart type you're missing. i.e. heart frog + striped leaf =(eventually) striped heart frog. If you have City Living you will sometimes see frogs for sale from various NPC's manning the market table stalls.
Kez the Collectorsays...
I have all but 1 frog (the WhirlyFlower) I have been seraching ponds and all the logs and holes, I even tried breeding the DirtWhirl and Sunflower frog together as I firgured it made sense to get it that way but had no luck, does anyone know a specific pond or area to find this bloody frog please..
The spawns are random so every game file the locations will be different. The best way to complete the frog collection is by breeding. Remember the cool down is for sim not frog so the same breeding pair can be passed form sim to sim within the household for breeding to hopefully, speed up the process of collecting them all. Keep breeding any whirl with a sunflower, eventually the missing frog will be bred. For some reason the sunflower variety always seem the least likely to occur.

How do you catch frogs from ponds? Is there are trick to it? I rarely, if ever, get a frog when searching a pond so I have given up on it.


You really have to spend the entire day at a pond and constantly and continuously spam queue the action. It seems to go better if your sim is focused so 'Study Moves' on a chess table for a quick way to get focused. Different parks seem to give different frogs too, so move between Oasis Creek and Willow Creek parks as the day progresses. Don't be surprised if it takes you 2-3 days of constant frog catching spam-grind to complete collection. And remember you can also breed frogs together as you do this to try to get the types you are missing.


I just got a Sunflower Frog from a Dirt and Whirlyflower so something is missing


Whirly are a sunflower type so the result of a sunflower basic is normal.

Natalie Nicolesays...

From what I have discovered, that sounds about right. But your pairing might be different if your Dirt was the Breed frog with Whirlyflower versus your Whirlyflower being the Breed frog with Dirt. Not all the time, many times the breeding order does matter.


This does not help me to find out which frogs to use so I can breed other frogs. I would recommend adding this information if you know it. Thanks!


By reading the table across and along it shows you what the two x/y axis frog will make. All the information you need to target a missing frog breed is there in the table at the bottom of the guide.

The targeted frog is the 'most likely' outcome of breeding two frogs together but not the only outcome as you may also get one of the 'parent' frogs.


It helps to think of each combination as a "color" and "pattern," which you can visually confirm if you put the frog on the ground and zoom in for a closer look.

For colors, dirt is brown with yellow markings, leaf is green with black markings, sunflower is yellow with purple markings, heart is red with yellow markings, and eggplant is purple with blue markings. For patterns, "none" means the frog's back is the main color and it's legs are the marking color, striped is straight stripes along the body, spotted is spots, surf is wavy stripes meeting in the middle of the back to make a violin pattern, and whirl is one big spiral in the middle of the back.

Newly bred frogs inherit the color and pattern of one of their parents, so if you're looking for a specific color and pattern that you don't have, you need to breed a frog with the color you want with a frog with the pattern you want, and at best you have only a 25% chance of getting the combination you're seeking.


UPDATE: Sorry, for the "none" pattern, it turns out the legs aren't actually the marking color (leaf frogs have black markings, but their legs are always blue). No markings means just that, the frog's body is just the basic color, just this basic color is often a different color for the legs than for the rest of the body.

Anyhow, it's much easier to pay attention to frog color and pattern than to try to identify them by their pop culture reference names.

Jane E Stricklandsays...

Great info. Well done!


Your information never lets me down! Thank you so much!


The info in frog breeding is incomplete as you can get any any frog along the Species line and Attribute column. I was getting Sunflower frogs when breeding Striped Dirt and Heart Frogs and while trying for Striped Leaf and Spotted Dirt I got a Dirt Whirl.

Dana Noehammersays...

I know this article is old so I prob won’t get any responses… but I need the leaf frog and I need help figuring out how to get it.


I always found mass spamming of frog ponds in parks to be successful but you can breed them by following this guide Frog Collecting

christine robertsonsays...

i am rying to get a hypno what do you need to breed to get it it is the only one i am missing


Take a frog from the "Leaf" row and breed with one from the "Whirl" column. So [Leaf Frog, Striped Leaf, Spotted Leaf, or Surfer Leaf] with [Dirtwhirl Frog, Eggplant Frog, Bullseye Frog, or Whirlyflower Frog]

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