Disabling Seasions But Keeping its Stuff - Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod Improving Sims 4: The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
This guide covers Gardening from the perspective of a new player and moves on to more advanced topics such as perfect plants, grafting, and fertilizer. We do talk about gardening overhaul grafting and changes to the way you acquire plants via buy mode.
How to: Gardening Cheats Press Control + Shift + C then type testingcheats on and press enter. You can now set your skill level with stats.set_skill_level major_gardening x (fill in 1-10) - we also have a full listing of Skill Cheats and a master list of Cheats in The Sims 4
About the Gardening Overhaul With the Sims 4 Seasons release, all players received a free patch that overhauls the Gardening Skill. Plants no longer need to be watered as often, and at the same time there is an area of effect to watering and weeding. Plants up to 1 full square away (visible in build mode) will receive water when the Sim completes the animation. This results in your Sim doing about 10% the usual amount of watering. Additionally, evolve is no longer an animation, and Sims will not need to do it as often as plant quality levels have been cut from 10 to 5. You can also now sell plants without using the inventory. Grafting has also changed. Rares spawn.. rarely, about 1% spawn rate - so they are not broken, just poorly tuned.
Gardening Overview The Sims 4's Gardening Skill offers you a means of growing plants to make money or make your own ingredients for meals, boosting their quality while pursuing completion of the Plants Collection. You can also use produce as bait. This Guide to Gardening will teach you about fertilizer, evolving plants, quality levels, cuttings and grafts, and how you can grow a big garden at home while still giving your Sims an active life.
The Loves Outdoors Trait will give your Sim a happiness boost when they're outside, which will help keep mood positive and synergize with the next:
Genius Trait - helps Sims get Focused - this Emotion is very helpful when Gardening and can help you gain skill faster, as demonstrated by the Research Gardening Interaction on the Computer.
???? - all kinds of other traits could work for Gardening, but maybe save your third slot for a little personality!
Freelance Botanist Aspiration - This is a natural choice for an Aspiration, since you can gain loads of Satisfaction for the purchase of Rewards by completing the objectives of this Aspiration. The Collector Trait that comes with it doesn't do much to help with collecting plants, but can help you to polish off other collections. You could start with something more useful, then switch to this in-game.
Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!
You can Graft to produce a Death Flower Plant
Starting Gardening & Skill Level Unlocks The Four basic skills of Gardening are Plant, Water, Weed, and Harvest. All these are self-explanatory, but necessary to help your plants to grow. These are the skills you get at the beginning, and starting is a simple matter of buying seeds or harvesting plants from the wild. You may also read Gardening skill books to raise your level. As you gain levels in Gardening, you'll unlock new abilities:
Level 2 - Research Gardening at Computer (Web > Research Gardening). Do this to get Focused, which will help you gain more Gardening Experience.
Level 3 - Your Gardener may now Fertilize Plants. This will help them to Evolve faster.
Level 4 - Seasonal Fall and Spring plants seed packets unlock. Also Sims may now talk to plants. This will allow you to talk to Plants to fill your Sim's Social Need, while also granting Gardening Skill experience!
Level 5 - Seasonal Winter and Summer plants seed packets unlock. Take Cutting and Graft abilities unlock, which allow you to get otherwise unattainable plants.
Level 6 - The area of effect of weeding is increased to include nearby plants. Other Sims may Compliment your Garden.
Level 7 - Farmer and Uncommon seed packets available for purchase. Sims unlock the Tend Garden ability, allowing them to Water and Weed the Garden by clicking a single plant. This is a big bonus, as tending many plants and finding what ones need watered can be a chore. You still need to choose when to harvest and fertilize, however.
Level 8 - Super Sell ability unlocks, allowing you to sell from many plants at once to make money quickly. Sims get the ability to spend $50 to re-grow a Bonsai Tree in order to re-shape it.
Level 9 - More efficient gardening interactions - Sims water plants and weed faster.
Level 10 - Can purchase rare seed packets for $1,000 each. It's very random, but you may get plants for your collection that you don't yet have. Buying a number of them is wise.
Buy Seeds from the computer or a Garden Pot to get started
Buying Seeds Seeds can be purchased a few ways. With the most recent patch they are found in outdoor activities via buy mode. You can also find them on the Computer (under the Order Menu) or by clicking on Gardening Pots. These are found in Build Mode, Objects by Function > Hobbies & Skills > Miscellaneous. Garden Pots cost $50 while holding only one plant, while Garden Planter Boxes cost $200 and hold either 4 plants or one tree. These aren't necessary for your budding Gardener, as you are able to drag plants to the ground to plant them on your lot. However, both forms of these planters will let you grow plants indoors.
When you Order Seeds, you get to choose from many types of packets (especially with Seasons installed). Each will give you a variety of plants of that type. By default, you're able to choose from Starter Flowers, Fruits, Herbs, or Vegetables. These will give you random common items from each category, so buying more can increase the diversity of your yield.
Later, you unlock the ability to purchase uncommon and rares. This can save you time gathering them, though the old ways of collecting these are still cost-efficient. However, once you have a big garden you should be bringing in large amounts so collecting all the gardening plants is now much more trivial.
Create a line of Seeds and your Sim will Plant them all
Planting Drag fruits, vegetables, herbs, or flowers from your inventory to the ground or a gardening pot/planter box. Lay it out the way you want, as many plants as you want, then select one and choose Plant. Your Sim will go about planting all of the seeds, which you can then water and gain loads of experience doing so. Later, they'll grow weeds so look out for that by clicking plants here and there. Find one with weeds and the Sim will take care of all Weeds, same with Watering. Keep taking care of your garden and plants will eventually be able to evolve to a higher quality level.
Eating Produce Raw produce may be eaten directly from your Sim's inventory as of the Patch that came with the free patch accompanying the Outdoor Retreat Game Pack. That's great news for all players, regardless of whether they own the game pack. Eating Perfect plants may give your Sim a +3 Happy moodlet for 4h, so it's very much worth keeping some plants on you for a quick bite to eat and a pick me up in terms of mood. This can help your Sim to become Very Focused for their Gardening, further boosting Skill gains, even when you eat a 'Very Nice' or other medium-quality Plant.
Plant "Mood" Plants with weeds around them or who go without water a while will begin to degrade and cease growth. If it drops too low too long, the plant will die. Keeping your plants in a good 'mood' will allow you to evolve them. There is a certain time a plant must be happy, reduced by fertilizer, before it can evolve.
Evolving a Plant raises its Quality Level
Evolving Plants After taking good care of your plants for a few days, you'll start to see them sparkle. This is when the Evolve option comes up. Evolving a plant will result in higher-quality produce from that plant in the future. It will go up one level when you select Evolve, resulting in higher value harvestables that can be replanted or sold.
There is no point waiting to harvest until after you've evolved a plant. The harvestables' quality will be based on where the plant was when they grew. It's better to harvest them to get ready for the next evolution, so you can start getting profitable Superb-quality Plants.
Harvested Plants can be sold through the Sim's Inventory Click and Drag the Plant to the Simoleon icon.
Taking Care of your Garden: Tending Garden and Harvest Yields Plants operate on a schedule such that they all need water at the same time of day with the most recent Sims 4 patches. At 6am, the game checks if the plant has been watered recently and if it's time for another drink, or if it should spawn weeds. With The Sims 4 Seasons, rain may water your garden for you. A plant will only grow unhappy if it is neglected for a time. Plants will gradually grow up to their maximum of 6 harvestables (dependent upon plant type). This is the entire harvest for the day, so you should take them before the next morning to ensure more can spawn. Keep an eye on fertilizing, however, and try to keep that effect active on your favorite plants, so they can evolve quickly.
Spraying for Bugs In the base game, bugs may infest your garden and they can wreak havoc on plants, killing them much faster than neglect. With the Seasons Expansion bug infestations are more common in springtime. You can spray for bugs but must keep an eye out for insects in your garden. A visual inspection should be done every day or two. You can see them quite easily from a medium distance as there will be a black swarm flying around the afflicted plant.
Fish make excellent Fertilizers.
Fertilizing Plants (Gardening Skill Level 3) Other plants can be used as Fertilizer, but the best Fertilizers are Fish. The heavier the catch, the better a fertilizer it is - although there is also a hidden modifier on each fish that gives it a bonus. See the Fertilizer Guide for more info. The Sims 4's Fishing Skill works very well with Gardening. Plants that are Fertilized will not grow faster necessarily, but jump in quality faster. Getting to Perfect Quality Plants quickly means using Fertilize as often as it is available. Fertilize has around a 3-4 day cooldown.
Beekeeping in Seasons greatly increases the rate your plants are fertilized. Having a bee box within 5 squares of a plant will grant it a passive boost that stacks with regular fertilizer. I highly recommend looking into this if you'd like to make a perfect plant collection. What is more, you get honey for your efforts which can help make your Sims happy, save them from heat death, and sells for good money.
Plant Quality Plants come in the following quality levels: Normal, Nice, Excellent, Magnificent, and Perfect.
Sims can prune Bonsai Trees to gain Gardening experience
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Trees are decor that regrow but allow for a continual source of Gardening experience. However, talking to plants or reading about Gardening is a better means of gaining skill experience. You can trim them into multiple designs once you've gained some levels. These may serve as unique indoor decorations. You can change the color of the stand by clicking on it.
One of many Pictures you can get from taking Microscope Samples from Plants
Collect Microscope Sample You can make money with Gardening another way if you're willing to invest in a Microscope (which is massive and costs $1630). Clicking a Plant and selecting to take a Microscope Sample will give you the ability to analyze it with the Microscope. This often yields a painting that can be worth hundreds of Simoleons or work as decor for a geek's paradise. This will, in turn, raise your Sim's Logic Skill.
Take Cutting lets you Graft Plants at Home
Take Cutting Ability (Gardening Level 5) Plants must have grown a bit to use this ability. Using it two times in a row can kill a plant, resulting in a fee to revive it, else you dispose of the dead plant. Cuttings are used with the Graft ability, which is unlocked once you have some Plant Cuttings in your inventory. These all go into one stack. If you try to Take Cutting from a plant that has many others grafted on it, the original is the cutting you will get (the first on the list is the original plant type).
A Spliced Plant produces multiple Fruits, Flowers, Etc.
Graft Ability - Combine Plants (Level 5) See the table below for special grafting combos to unlock plants you haven't yet found. This will start a plant over at its same level of quality, but adding the ability to also grow the plant whose cutting you grafted onto it. You can use this option a number of times on a single plant to make it give you a mixture of produce. The plant must grow a bit again before the Graft option will reappear. It is important to note that rares and uncommons now have a small chance of spawning when you've done the correct grafting combo. This is currently an intended design and not a bug. For any given harvestable you have a 500 weight for common, 100 for uncommon, and 1 for rare. This means 1 out of every 600 harvestables will be a rare.
Grafting is a good ability that allows you to minimize the work your Sim needs to maintain your garden, allowing you to eliminate some plants if you like. If you're going for maximum profit, you'd likely be better off having high-price plants that are NOT grafted in your garden, while grafting plants to condense the size of your garden and simultaneously cut back on the amount of fertilizing and garden tending you need to do. Grafting may also be used to get plants out of season. Use an all-weather plant like Sage and graft another common/uncommon to it to get that year-round. The primary means of getting masses of rares is going to be seasonal due to the weightings above.
Cow Plants can be acquired from Grafting Snapdragon with Dragonfruit
The Grafting option is very good for busy Sims that like to cook meals with good ingredients. However, remember that you get only 8-10 harvestables out of a plant and grafting too many to one plant will result in a mixture - 1 of a few of them, 2 of another, and maybe 0 of another kind on a particular harvest. It's totally random and doesn't really increase your yields. Best use of grafting is to do 2-3 type of plants, maximum, so you're sure to pick up a few of each when you harvest. Also note that harvesting right away will yield you few fruit, while waiting to harvest a grafted plant several hours after it first shows fruit (like normal plants) will give it time to make a larger variety of produce, and thus a better yield.
Mushrooms are the main type that can't be cut/grafted. They tend to grow faster than other plants, so this may be part of the reason. Trees grow more slowly so they are not great picks for grafting other plants to. Graft your slow-growing plants onto faster growing types using the Plant List below.
Wild Plants & Growth In order to find Uncommon and Rare plants that do not come from seed packets and neighborhood gardens, you must look for plants in the Wild. Below, I've listed where I found plants but we have a much more thorough plant locations guide that can help you to find plants. Plants are not always harvestable, as they are not ready. Know that plants only grow in the neighborhood your active Sim is visiting. So if you want one to grow in another area, you need to hang out there a while. Plants grow fairly fast, so find a way to spend some time in that area while you wait for them to grow - make some friends, collect, and fish for fertilizer.
The Green Thumb Achievement
Sometimes they aren't even ready for you to Take Cutting. The trick is to stay in the area long enough for them to grow a tad (Plants grow fast in TS4) so you can take a cutting, then graft it onto one of your own plants. Your Plant will then produce that type of fruit/vegetable and allow you to plant one once that type has been harvested. I have never seen seeds on the ground in this game - it's all about finding plants in the wild and combining with existing plants to get the fruit you need to put in the ground to make your own. You will sometimes find wild plants harvestable, it's just not as efficient to collect them that way given they will usually start at normal quality and you'd be better off skipping all that evolving.
Tomato is found near Slipshod Mesquite in Oasis Springs
Making Perfect Plants Faster Keep the plants you start with, and gradually evolve them by taking care of them and clicking Evolve each time it comes available. It's easier to see sparkles on game speed 2/3. When you later find a rare plant in the wild and take a sample, then graft it to your high-quality plant, you'll get a high-quality result and be able to plant it. This will let you skip leveling a plant at normal quality (assuming you harvest it in the wild) and is the fastest way to get a Perfect Blackberry bush or Dragonfruit.
Freelance Botanist is a Gardening Aspiration
Making a Death Flower You need to do the following Grafts in order to make a Death Flower:
Graft Cherry to Apple to make Pomegranate
Graft Lily to Snapdragon to make Orchid
Graft Pomegranate to Orchid to make Death Flowers
Harvest the Death Flowers, Plant one, and enjoy unlimited Death Flowers, which can be exchanged to the reaper to avoid death!
You can get locations for the listed plants below.
Grafting for Efficiency Charlottecupcake wrote in to me to tell me she'd made a guide to make a garden with one of each plant type that is also efficient. She optimizes this by grafting slow-growing plants onto fast ones, so that one of each is present for consumption by Sims or completing the Gardening collection. I've zipped up the PDF guide to combining plants that she wrote, and you may download it here. Inside you will see the plants to combine with, and how many cuttings you'll need to follow her plan. Big thanks to her for sharing this with the community. It is updated for Get to Work's alien plants.
Note: you cannot take cutting of Bonsai Buds, so this means that you can't graft that onto the #3 plant with Dragonfruit and Cow Berry. Contrary to the plan, you should keep the plant with Strawberry, Daisy, and Bonsai Buds to maintain the efficient nature. Because of this issue, it's one more plant but is also a minor problem. Just don't graft strawberry on to anything else except when making the dragonfruit by combining strawberry with snapdragon, and Daisy doesn't need to go on plant #2.
Seasons Specific
Growth Time and In-Season Plants will not grow when out of season unless the next season is close. Trees seem to get more time to grow before in-season, with Apple trees growing in spring but not in season until Fall. While out of season, plants do not evolve and you cannot fertilize them. They'll lie dormant and wait for their optimal growth time. They do survive and retain all levels you've gained.
These changes make it a bit more challenging in terms of planning a garden that will create produce in the current season. If you select only starter packets and plant them all in Spring, you might only end up with one or two plants. Therefore some things are a waste of time depending on the time of year, and it may be good to break down the planting process and only grow plants that are in season or will be soon. While the plant list below has what plants are in season when, I will make a list of plants broken down by season and list them here later.
Fertilizer Strengths
Freelance Botanist is a Gardening Aspiration
Although fertilizer is talked about above, I've made a video/text guide to fertilizer in The Sims 4. On the Fertilizer Strength Guide, you'll learn how much strength each fish has to offer when used as a fertilizer, and some other information about how it works (freshness, weight, and fish fertilizer modifier all contribute). Plants can also be used as fertilizer as stated before. There are three ranks of fertilizer strength - high, med, and low. All plants other than growfruit (high) are either medium or low. Flowers and herbs are all low, fruits and vegetables are all medium. Evolving your produce makes it a better fertilizer. As produce approaches perfect quality, it begins to give more fertilizer 'experience' when applied to a plant. Growfruit can be attained at level 10 Gardening from rare seed packets, but trying to get them can be costly. I bought 50 packs and got 9 growfruit.
Plant List
The following are all 32 plants in the base game.
Seed Packet means you can get it from the starting seed packet, purchased on the computer or by clicking a planter pot. What they give you is random. Farmer Packets unlock later, and provide a larger quantity of the same produce. Buy them at Gardening level 7 to get 'Good' quality seeds from them. It seems a bug prevents these from retaining their quality after that level, but we hope it will be fixed in a future patch.
Note on Growth Times These are rough estimates, and indicate how long after being planted you can expect a plant to begin producing fruit. They will then produce fruit at a rate relative to their original growth time, until they reach the maximum of 4-6 harvestables. Again, if you harvest too early, you're harming your efficiency and resetting the clock. Expect plants with long growth times to take around 3/4 that time to begin producing fruit again. Plants with long growth times grow produce faster when grafted to a Plant with a short growth time.
The Unidentified Fruit Object, aka Intergalactic Growth Pod, Grows Slowly
Note on Values & Making Money with Data Base Game values are for a normal quality harvest. To maximize profit, I suggest you take cuttings from high-value plants and Graft them onto fast-growing plants. A regular Blackberry bush takes a long time to grow harvestables. If you graft it to a Tomato plant, you'll get much better results. This is especially true of the U.F.O. Plant, which seems to grow slowest of all the Plants in Sims 4.
Grafting for Special Plants In the table, you'll see grafting combinations that can create special plants when you take either type and splice it to the other. The plant will show the original two, plus the new type when the combos are used. It is OK if other plants are already spliced, so long as the one you take cutting from or graft it to has the proper type listed first.
Finding Plants Many of the plants listed below can be found in various neighborhoods in The Sims 4. See the Plant Locations Guide for a much more thorough list of places to find plants.
Sims 4 Plant List
Plant Name
Base Value
Where to Find/Special Graft Combo
Seed Packet
Summer, Fall
Seed Packet
Blue Bells
Spring, Summer
Seed Packet
Spring, Fall
Seed Packet
Summer, Fall
Seed Packet
Seed Packet
Seed Packet. You may also produce these by grafting Bluebells with Strawberry.
All Year?
Oasis Springs - Across the street from Rattlesnake Juice in the dirt area. Also at end of road by Museum.
Spring, Fall
Seed Packet
Spring, Summer
Seed Packet. Graft Sage and Basil.
Found in Seed Packets, but you may also Graft Pear with Lemon.
All Year?
Oasis Springs, end of road by Museum. Also across from Sandtrap Flat in the garden area.
Spring, Fall
Willow Creek, Garden Essence Home (BFF Household)
Seed Packet
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +1-3 4 hour Happy Moodlet (Quality-determined)
Toxic Chamomile
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +2 Tense Moodlet for 2h
Summer, Fall
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +1-3 4 hour Happy Moodlet (Quality-determined)
Noxious Elderberry
Summer, Fall
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +2 Sad Moodlet for 2h
Bell Pepper
Seasons Expansion Pack Found in Summer Plants Seed Packets you can purchase on the computer (and in buy mode).
Green Peas
Seasons Expansion Pack. Found in Spring Plants Seed Packets you can purchase on the computer (and in buy mode).
Fall, Winter
Seasons Expansion Pack. Found in Starter Flowers Seed Packets you can purchase on the computer (and in buy mode).
Oasis Springs - Behind the Park by Springscape.
Willow Creek Park, also in front of Oakenstead
Fall, Winter
Willow Creek, Rendle Rose (House), also across the stream from Agave Adobe in Oasis Springs
Fall, Winter
Willow Creek Park, also behind Umbridge Manor (Mansion)
Willow Creek, Garden Essence Home (BFF Household)
Spring, Fall
Willow Creek, Behind Umbridge Manor (Mansion)
Willow Creek, Garden Essence Home (BFF Household)
Oasis Springs, up the road from Slipshod Mesquite (the home that looks like a trailer) are planter boxes. There you will find Tomato and some other plants.
Oasis Springs, near the abandoned mine down the hill behind the Landgraab Mansion.
Summer, Fall
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +1-3 4 hour Happy Moodlet (Quality-determined)
Summer, Fall
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +2 Dazed Moodlet for 2h. Dazed Sims are better targets for Romance.
Spring, Summer
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +1-3 4 hour Happy Moodlet (Quality-determined)
Poison Fireleaf
Spring, Summer
Found in Granite Falls National Park. Used in Herbalism. Eating gives +2 Angry Moodlet for 2h
Island Living Game Pack. Found around the islands in various locations.
Spring and Summer
Island Living Game Pack. Found around the islands in various locations.
Spring and Summer
Island Living Game Pack. Found around the islands in various locations.
Bird of Paradise
Spring, Summer
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening). Graft Tulip with Chrysanthemum
Oasis Springs - near the dirt path beside the big Park.
Bonsai Buds
All Year
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening). Graft Daisy and Strawberry or Grapes and Roses. May be made into a Decorative Bonsai Bush for $25.
Cow Berry
All Year
Graft Dragonfruit with Snapdragon. Cow Plant berries have been found while Fishing at the glimmering stream with a cave in Oasis Springs' Big Park, as well as Sylvan Glade's larger body of water. These may also be found while on missions in the Rocket Ship via the Rocket Science Skill. More on Cow Plants Below.
Death Flower
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening). Graft Orchid with Pomegranate. It does not stop a Sim's death immediately as it did in TS3. In The Sims 4, you need another Sim to give Grim a Death Flower after he's done arriving to take the soul. He'll accept it and bring the dead Sim back to life. Death Flower is also used in the Gourmet CookingAmbrosia Recipe (to resurrect Ghosts Sims).
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening). Also Graft Strawberry with Snapdragon.
Spring, Winter
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening). Also Graft Lily with Snapdragon. This is also found after completing the Space Rock collection from the Rocket Science Skill.
Graft Apple with Cherry. These have been found while Fishing in Magnolia Blossom Park, Willow Creek. I caught one in the central pond where you can also look for frogs while fishing without bait.
Trash Fruit
All Year
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening) Have your Sim take out the trash, but cancel the interaction. Let this trash sit in your yard (it can be moved in buy mode), and it'll become one very unhappy trash plant. Water it fast, and one day you'll have your very own Perfect Trash Plant.
Found in Rare Seed packets (buy on computer/buy mode with high level gardening) These evidently don't need watered, but do need weeded. Unidentified Fruit Object is what you harvest, but the plant is actually named Intergalactic Growth Pod. U.F.O. Fruit has been found while on adventure in the Rocket Ship. I got one while an Astronaut in an encounter with the Green Man (like Yoda). I took the weapon and defeated the Nega-Sim and got a Cowplant Berry along with an U.F.O. as a reward!
All Year
Originally part of the spring challenge and not a part of the Gardening Plant collection. Sometimes found when you purchase rare seed packets from the computer or buy mode (level 10 Gardening). Perfect Growfruit are almost as good as heavy Treefish when used as a fertilizer.
Jungle Adventure Game Pack. These can be harvested outside the Jungle Temple. Comes in seven varieties: merry berry (happiness), vimberry (energy), gutsberry (confidence), flutterberry (flirty), cereberry (focused), museberry (inspired), and razzleberry (playful)
Money Tree
All Year
Seasons Expansion Pack. Purchase at reward store for 5,000 Satisfaction. Moving money tree to your family inventory while it has 'produce' can result in you getting a seed to complete the Gardening Collection. This is also a way to get more without spending 5k satisfaction each time. -- Credit Playalot
Cats and Dogs Expansion. Catnip (energized), Madnip (angry), Napnip (sleep), and Nuzzlenip (flirty) are ordered from purchase seeds on the computer. Causes emotional reaction on your pet for a few hours. Does not appear in the Gardening Collection list.
Bizarre Fruit
StrangerVille Game Pack. Buy from roadside conspiracy shop.
Mandrake Root
Spring and Fall
Realm of Magic Game Pack. Found in collecting area through portal (look for broken down greenhouse building on a lone island).
Spring and Fall
Realm of Magic Game Pack. Found in collecting area through portal (look for broken down greenhouse building on a lone island).
Not listed: Forbidden fruit is an annual, used for the PlantSim challenge but only available when EA does that event. Growfruits appear as part of the spring challenge and are annual.
Cow Plants - Caring for them and Essence of Life
Do not 'take the cake' - this Cow Plant is hungry and Sims are delicious.
Cow Plants are a special type of plant, grown from a Cowplant Berry. Cowplant Berries can be found a few ways, mentioned in the table above. They are the only type that can't be harvested normally and do not display their status when you hover over them. Feeding, Petting, and Playing with the Cow Plant will give your Sims Gardening Skill experience. Taking frequent care of your Cow Plant is essential both to its life and your Sims'.
Here you can see a Dead Cow Plant so you don't need to neglect it just to find out.
If a Cow Plant is growing hungry, which happens after about 12 hours of not being fed, it will offer up cake. Sims cannot play with the Cow Plant at that point, but only choose between Feeding the Plant (wise) or eating the cake (foolish). Guests to your home or your own Sims with autonomy might just go for the cake if they're hungry themselves, and this can cause death. If the cow plant isn't fed after about 8-10 hours of this happening, it will die, leaving behind a rather cool-looking skeleton.
A Cow Plant spits out one lucky Sim. It can now be milked to get a drinkable Essence of emotion.
When a Sim is swallowed by a Cow Plant by going for the Cake, one of two things will happen. The first time they take the cake, they'll get spit out, upon which case they will leave the cow plant feeling disgusting and unnerved; an emotionless husk. There will be a Drained Moodlet that lasts two days. Milking the Cow plant will give you an essence that will give your Sim whatever Emotion that Sim was feeling at the time. According to Forum Member Reubenhood, death only comes if a Sim already has the Drained moodlet that comes from being spit out, so a second encounter with the Cow Plant will kill the Sim.
The Grim Reaper cuts a Sim's Soul free of the Cow Plant
When the Sim dies, the Cow Plant can be milked to get an Essence of Sim's Life. Drinking this will extend the Sim's lifespan by putting them back to the beginning of the current life stage. It's better to save for when your Sim is close to aging up, as you'll get more days out of it.
Drinking the Essence of another Sim's Life increases your Sim's Lifespan
Gardening was the first guide I made for The Sims 4. I love making farms in games, and also have a guide to farming in the indie farming RPG Stardew Valley.
We now have a Youtube Channel with over 50 guides in video format to go along with the huge site I've already created. Check it out and consider subscribing if you like my style.
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Really! I had no idea there was a second combination. I do see that mentioned on the official Sims Forum, so maybe it works. Thanks for sharing :)Makes me wonder what other combinations might work. I think when we did this, we focused on getting *something* and assumed each special plant had only one combo to get it. There was a patch back then that fixed all this, because for a while you couldn't get the special plants from a graft. It was all theory.
I am having trouble grafting a strawberry to a snapdragon if some on could tell me how to this I would appreciate it I'm playing on an xbox one I just need to know how to so the whole grafting thing
I really want the cow plant! I'm getting a little bored of just always taking my Sim to work, so I might fake a few sick days to stay home and get my gardening skill up! I have the strawberries and snap dragon, which will allow me to graft the dragon-fruit, and then I just have to graft the dragon-fruit with the snap-dragon and I'll get the cow-berry. Any suggestions on how to level up on my gardening skill quick?
Admin: Research Gardening and go out focused, tend to it. I'd read a skill book while focused as your garden only needs so much tending. Buy one from the computer. Talking about Skills with other Sims also gives lots of skill xp, according to one of the players on our Forum.
As for the Cow Plant, look to the Fishing Guide for a great place to catch them. The fish will also make great fertilizer for your garden, and you'll get skill experience for fertilizing them and the subsequent faster evolutions from using the fertilizer :)
The easiest way to get the right emotion, is to use the lights they offer in desk lamps. I use them all of the time in my garden and in my home. They look like the green plumbob, but are different colors. Enable the mood in live mode and away you go, on a grand adventure! I hope this helps. I love how easy it is now to level my sims.
i can't pick the wild tulip, it just says "watch tulip" but it is blooming.. is my gardening skill to low? // sorry for bad english x) Love your guide!!
Ok, so I also went to go pick the Tulip behind Landgrabb Mansion when my Sim was happy, and the tulip was blooming. It just said view tulip, and I maxed out my gardening skill.
I'd like to ask a silly question: How do wild plants grow? Most of the plants you can't get in seed packets are never harvestable in my game. I've taken cuttings off of many of them but the young ones won't grow. Will they grow if I visit every day, for example? Or do they randomly spawn when you visit so you never know what you'll find? Any idea?
The reason why it may seem that you can't harvest some plants, you have to wait until they have grown. If they are not grown then all you get is the cutting of it.
Hi, Maria - Given that it's been two weeks since you posted your question, you've probably already figured it out but yes, if you visit every day, they will grow.
There are also Cherry trees in the secret lot at Willow Creek (forgotten glade or whatever it's called, the one inside the tree.) Cherry trees are slow growing, so often you will have to hang out on the lot for a while before they spawn. Visit the lot early in the game so that they spawn, then come back when your skill is at least 5 to get a cutting. It take a very long time for cherries to become harvest-able so the grafting method is generally quicker.
You are referring to the one in Oasis Springs park correct? The little fishing spot at the very back by the cave, if you see the park benches right before that there should be a tree to the left near the park bench area. If you hit the fishing hole you've gone too far, and if you go right towards the bathrooms you've gone too right. It is to the right of the trail that leads up past the fishing hole, but to the left of the picnic benches.
Does anyone have any experience with the 'Trash Fruit'? I've had a trash pile in my yard for a couple days now (I put a fence around it so no one can clean it up) but watering it isn't an option and I've been keeping an eye on the trash, but it hasn't turned into a plant at all.
Krissy, it just takes a while (3-5 days I think). the trash pile will start to get smelly, then the plant will appear. Make sure you keep it far from living areas since it smells and draws flies. As far as I can tell there's no use for it other than the collection, so after you harvest, you can sell the fruit and destroy the plant.
Actually, if you “Collect Microscope Samples” (unlocked by Logic 2) from the Trash Plant then "Analyze” these samples with a "Microscope" and unlock microscope its print, the resulting photo frame has a FOCUS décor of 9, which is the highest I think so far.
I hate the trash fruit. I accidently (Can't spell today sorry) grew like five of them in my legacy. My sim was neat so she was constantly uncomfortible (Still can't spell). I couldn't afford a trash can though.
Actually trash plants isn't all that useless. You may use its trash fruit as a bait at sylvan glades river (not the pond) to catch tree fish which sells for over $100
In my expirience, Trash fruits are not that rare. Just kick a trash can, and another day... I get a little wierd, because my Sim can make pancakes with Trash Fruit!
I've found out if u leave the quill fruit and glow orbs on plants they will increase in value......ex...perfect glow orb-$100...and its ready to harvest if u leave it on the plant the value increases.....sold one for 2000....it might also work if u have picked it and left in inventory...still checking it out..
Admin: This is a bug that affects all types of plants. When the quantities change, the price goes up for all others of the same value. It is particularly affecting plants whenever you have perfects of the same prices and use one in any way, from sticking it in the fridge to cooking a meal or simply selling one. It will go up and up until it resets. You can have $100 apples that way.
Hi, Carl. Thank you so much for writing this wonderful guide! I've been a big fan since your Sims 3 days and am glad you started covering TS4 as well.
I had a question about the levels at which some of the abilities unlocked for me. Both cutting and fertilising were unlocked after I'd reached two levels higher than the ones stated on your guide. Is there a trait I could get to unlock them faster?
Admin: Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad that you like my site :)
The gardening skill was updated in a patch to lower the skill requirements by 2 levels. Are you either A. somehow playing offline and not patching or B. unable to patch due to having a non-legit copy? (I don't judge). If either of these is the case you're missing out on some great patches that have improved things and added new content.
It is also possible this could be a caching issue if neither of the above scenarios fits your case. It is possible to clear the game cache, and I've recently added a guide for this.
Hi this may be a silly questions, but i created a tree which is supposed to produce the death flower about a week ago (game time) and it is fully grown but still not producing anything. did i do something wrong?
Hey! I was also able to fish out a snapdragon fruit from the river in Willow Creek Park! But I'm having trouble with the roses and pears! I noticed they were in a planter box so I'm not sure if that make the difference, but my sim stayed there for over 2 days and they grew enough to grab a sample, and the wild lillies and snapgdragons were harvested 3 times, but I couldn't harvest the pears or roses.
Wait, I need clarification. Do I HAVE to be an astronaut to speak with "Green Guy" and snag myself a U.F.O plant? I saw that you can get it from using the rocket, but can any sim use the rocket and get the opportunity to talk to Green Man and Nega-sim to collect those plants?Thanks, Snazzystarfish
Great guide, Carl (I tend to use your guides a lot as references).I would like to point a little something out though. It seems that everyone is neglecting the literally awesome power of the Trash Fruit.. Yes, admittedly the max $16 or so value of the fruit itself is pretty bad. Even worse since the fruit itself isn't even actually used for anything (yet). And to top it all off, in order to use them effectively you'll need a way to combat the Uncomfortable moodlet (up to +3 uncomfortable - or worse, if your Sim has the "Neat" trait). However...Trash fruit grow VERY quickly, allowing for multiple full harvests in a single day. This knowledge combined with the ability to cut and graft other plants can create some truly crazy harvests. Example: Try grafting a Glow Orb onto a Trash Fruit. Out of the plants roughly max 10 plants harvested per cycle, you'll average 3-7 per yield, and with an average of 2-3 harvests per day on a single plant, you'll be looking at several thousand bucks per day, off of just one plant due to the Glow Orbs (average) sell value. This can quickly become a staggering amount of cash per day once you start tacking on additional trash plants (for cash, I've made over 20k per day off a small garden of trash plants with grafted Glow Orbs or U.F.O.'s)Once you figure out how to counter the plants "Uncomfortable" moodlet ("Beautifully Decorated", anyone?) you probably wont use anything else besides trash plants - other than growing stuff to graft onto them. Each one can hold up to 9 additional plant types, in addition to it's standard "trash" (10 total plants).
The page above says "Bonsai Trees --Bonsai Trees are decor that regrow but allow for a continual source of Gardening experience. However, talking to plants or reading about Gardening is a better means of gaining experience. You can trim them into multiple designs once you've gained some levels. These may serve as unique indoor decorations. You can change the color of the stand by clicking on it." But you can only change the color of the POT. I would LOVE to be able to change the color of the stand. If anyone knows of a mod, cheat, or other work-around to do this, please let me know!
I pretty much only use the actual Bonsai Tree for decor, not really paying much attention to the stand itself. But, have you tried going back into Build Mode? At the top there will be an icon that looks kind of like a fan in the middle (it's actually a paint pallet). Click that, your cursor will change, then click on the Bonsai Tree (decoration), and a pop-up will appear above it allowing for different color options.I'm not sure if this will change the stand, but it's the best I can think of outside of a mod. Again, I keep them in my house, but don't really give them much attention. Hope that helps.
I have had fun experimenting with my Outdoor& Music Collector sim. I have unlocked several plants and just unlocked Bird of Paradise. A plant that is not to be found or purchased (or so I believe). I created it by grafting Chrysanthemum and Tulip. I found my tulips near the Caliente's house.I came here looking for Dragon Fruit combo. I have found it previous run-throughs of the game, but not yet in this latest, and most successful iteration. I think it was at the Park in Willow Creek, or Hidden Grotto.Snapdragon and Strawberry: I did not realize one plant could have two or more combos to create a new fruit/flower. I am wondering if there are new plants to be found from Granite Falls grafting combos. Tried several and so far, no joy. My plants, when they become Superb and above can be sold for thousands of dollars. My Sim's storage is loaded and when I am strapped for cash, he sells his harvested plants (especially flowers).
I'm trying to find the trick to bonsai bushes, what level do they need to be in order to make them Bonsai Trees that you prune? I think it's like Excellent, but I don't remember.P.S. I absolutely LOVE your guide. Thank you so very much for the hard work you did not only doing the research for it, but to then design and build the website. I tip my hat tobthee, sir!
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The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod
Disable Seasons individually
Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
Disable Fall Leaves
Disable Ground Snow
Keep the Stuff You Paid For!
A Deeper Game
The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!
Calling all Blender Users
Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.
Sims 4 Snowy Escape
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape launches November 13, 2020 and my coverage has started. Until I get my review ready, you can learn about the following:
There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4. There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.
Best Mods in Sims 4
I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.
Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.
I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.
Let's Play Playlist
New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.
This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.
The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15 for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Click to learn more about the pack, see my summary of the livestream or read our FAQs below.
Comments (188)
As for the Cow Plant, look to the Fishing Guide for a great place to catch them. The fish will also make great fertilizer for your garden, and you'll get skill experience for fertilizing them and the subsequent faster evolutions from using the fertilizer :)
Could you put it back on?
Thank you!!
You are referring to the one in Oasis Springs park correct? The little fishing spot at the very back by the cave, if you see the park benches right before that there should be a tree to the left near the park bench area. If you hit the fishing hole you've gone too far, and if you go right towards the bathrooms you've gone too right. It is to the right of the trail that leads up past the fishing hole, but to the left of the picnic benches.
The gardening skill was updated in a patch to lower the skill requirements by 2 levels. Are you either A. somehow playing offline and not patching or B. unable to patch due to having a non-legit copy? (I don't judge). If either of these is the case you're missing out on some great patches that have improved things and added new content.
It is also possible this could be a caching issue if neither of the above scenarios fits your case. It is possible to clear the game cache, and I've recently added a guide for this.
But I'm having trouble with the roses and pears! I noticed they were in a planter box so I'm not sure if that make the difference, but my sim stayed there for over 2 days and they grew enough to grab a sample, and the wild lillies and snapgdragons were harvested 3 times, but I couldn't harvest the pears or roses.
Trash fruit can be used for bait while fishing.
I found my tulips near the Caliente's house.I came here looking for Dragon Fruit combo. I have found it previous run-throughs of the game, but not yet in this latest, and most successful iteration. I think it was at the Park in Willow Creek, or Hidden Grotto.Snapdragon and Strawberry: I did not realize one plant could have two or more combos to create a new fruit/flower. I am wondering if there are new plants to be found from Granite Falls grafting combos. Tried several and so far, no joy. My plants, when they become Superb and above can be sold for thousands of dollars. My Sim's storage is loaded and when I am strapped for cash, he sells his harvested plants (especially flowers).