The Sims 4 Help & Troubleshooting

Fixing Broken Games when It Won't Start & Backup/Restore Saves

The Sims 4 Cache Files that are safe to delete
Clearing your cache can prevent gameplay issues and help when the Sims 4 game won't start.

Sometimes things go wrong with a cache file, particularly after a new patch is released for The Sims 4. Cleaning up the cache files can improve performance and allow the game to start when it will not otherwise work. It's a good idea to do this once in a while in order to ensure stability, because while the Sims 4 is a rather stable game, things sometimes go wrong and many issues we can't identify. Deleting cache files is one way to fix a lot of problems.

Clearing The Sims 4 Cache

The Sims 4's game cache is located at Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/ on both PC and Mac.

1. Delete the localthumbscache.package file in this directory. This helps to "fix" some gameplay bugs.

2. Go inside the cache folder and delete all files that end in .cache, but do not delete the actual directory.

The .jpg files as well as the .dat that you find in the cache folder are safe to delete. These come from viewing households/lots from the gallery. If you play with the Online Access Feature turned off, or play offline, you may not have anything in this folder.

3. Go back, then to the cachestr folder. Delete all files here, but again do not delete the actual directory.

* It's okay to delete the spotlight.package file.

4. The onlinethumbnailcache folder is safe to delete IF it is present.

If you play in offline mode, you may not see this folder. However, if you forget to turn off Wifi before starting the game, you will see the folder. Same if you have the Online Access Feature turned off or play offline.

If you have an older Sims 4 folder that still has the cachewebkit file and lotcachedata folder you can delete them. They're no longer needed.

If It Still Won't Work Check Crinrict's Blog for info on Clearing Origin Cache and follow her instructions carefully.

Other Fixes: Restoring Saves and Factory Resets

How To's

When deleting game cache files don't quite help the game start correctly or you need help managing your save games (backup/restore), try these troubleshooting steps located on our Forum.

  • How to Backup Save Games: here
  • How to Save Installation Files here
  • How to Restore a Saved Game here
  • How to Find Missing Saved Games here
  • How to Move Saved Games for Backkup here
  • How to Restore Missing Load Game from the Main Menu here
  • How to do a Factory Reset (start from clean install) here
  • How to Start a New Game without a factory reset: here

Stopping and Repairing The Sims 4 via Origin

Using Task Manager to Exit the Game and Origin When They won't Close
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys all together to start the Task Manager. Look under the Processes tab and look for a process called TS4.exe, right-click on it and select End Task. Do the same for Origin. Look for a Process called Origin, right-click it and select End Task. Then close out of Task Manager. -- This will ensure that both the game and Origin aren't running. Now see if you can patch and/or run the game?

Repairing the Sims 4 Install via Origin

Sometimes gameplay bugs can be fixed by repairing the game. Open up Origin, Click on the Game Library tab then Right-click Sims 4 > Repair Game.

I hope this helps you get the game started. If you had a problem and found the solution, share it with others in our comments below. We cannot offer technical help in the comments here but you can Visit our Technical Help Board on the Forum in order to view more helpful documents or submit your own question. We have kind, helpful folks who can probably assist you or point you toward answers. Registration on our Forum is instant and does not require email validation.

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Comments (71)


Very useful. I forgot what cache to delete.



My sims 4 game is having an issue where every time I purchase the fertile reward, it becomes inactive and claims my sims are robots. I’ve tried everything and currently even am reinstalling the game after resetting origin. Is there anything I can do so that I can have twins?



Using the Lot Trait 'On Ley Line' if you have City Living is the best way to ensure getting multiples. Lot Trait Guide


You can also delete scratch folders from saved game files, last exception, and last crash since they are safe to remove.


I am having this same issue. I do not have a cache folder, I only have the cachestr folder as well. I added some CC but I have checked everything CC folder for broken ones, I have nothing broken. I have nothing that needs to be repaired. Well I use the CC Manager from TSR and I did have an error message which I was able to correct, yet still the game isn't opening. Not sure what else to do. The last time this happened, I uninstalled and reinstalled. The other thing is, if I remove my mods folder it works. When I put it back in, it doesn't.


If your game works when your mod folder is removed then you have some broken mods that need updating. Go back to the creators site and download and install the latest version of each mod you are using. Also the localthumbcache.package is a file not a folder so look for it below where your folders are in your Sims4 main Folder. If you are using mods it is important to delete this file after each gaming session.


Hello, I was wondering if someone could shed some light on an issue I’ve been having. I’ve checked all my graphics settings and I don’t believe that to be the issue. It seems my town views are blurry. I can see beautiful views such as del sol valley through windows but not in any other case. Is it a bug?


Perhaps you have the Post-processing Effects setting enabled? That setting makes the distance seem blurry.

Mishelle Ballingersays...

I need to know how to repair my game on my PS4. My Sim can no longer cook.


You'd be better asking on this thread here: Tech Issues Consoles


What do you do when you accidently delete the cache folder? Need help!!!


Make a new one.


Hi I accidentally deleted the cache folder . Can it cause my game crashing?


No, that won't be causing issues. The game devs are aware of crashing issues with TS4 right now and have a post with suggestions to try here.


Easy and simple, worded well enough that I could follow exactly.

abbey Spilsburysays...

My pc died a few weeks ago. Before I had chance to uninstall sims. How do I uninstall off the old drive so I can reinstall on my new pc. I already have an adaptor, so I can access files & stuff. I'm just at a loss of how to go about it. If anyone knows how to do it.



All you should need to do is download the Origin app onto your new hard drive and then log in. From there you will be able to access all your packs as normal.

For any saves still on your old drive, then yes, you'd need to bring those over if you don't have a back up copy on a USB-Drive or something similar. Your 'Tray Folder' also would need to be retrieved if you have not made back ups of your lots and Sims to the online Gallery.

Mon Rosesays...

So I have no CC or Mods install, I've repaired the game and deleted files loaded the game for new files but the featured clothes & accessories from the island, snow escape, and get famous won't work! They all appear broken, I ran my antivirus and there's no bugs or virus.


I downloaded cottage living that I took all my mods out first and then I did the patch and then I downloaded the new game and then I put all the mods back in naturally having updated all of them opened up an old save and started testing out the cards living stuff in it because I didn't want to do the cards living stuff in my newest save in case as I've been hearing things were broken and I didn't want to break that game I played for a bit I told to save I exited and then I tried to go back to my other save file my newer game and it's all gone there's files from March and today that's it and I don't know what to do

Margaret Pagesays...

i have a ton of weird files in my sims 4 folder that i dont understand. what do they mean why are they there? its like 30 blank docs that say lastcleanexception_ and then a ton of numbers


Thank you oh so much !! i've had issues deleting items from my sims because i wasn't aware of which were needed. Thank you! so helpful

taylor KITCHENMANsays...

when i repair and let me play after update and mods not in the games and origin always pop up when i repair or update


I followed all of the steps and now my CC is gone somehow?


Sounds like you deleted your 'Mods' folder. Next time remember to only delete the localthumbcache.package file and leave everything else in place.


What do you mean by “don’t delete the actual directory? I understand everything else :)



ive done everything as far as i am aware in order to make mods and cc work but they still dont.

ive cleared my cache, enabled them in game uninstalled and reinstalled the game. is there something in missing?

please help id like to be able to use mods in game.


Sims4 free play games




First off, your guides are awesome. More to the point, my Origin has been inaccessible on my computer for awhile now so the only thing I can do is uninstall and reinstall from Steam itself. Any tips on how to do that?

Make Seasons Better!

Sims 4 Seasons CheatsThe Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod

  • Disable Seasons individually
  • Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
  • Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
  • Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
  • Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
  • Disable Fall Leaves
  • Disable Ground Snow
  • Keep the Stuff You Paid For!

A Deeper Game

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Cottage living

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You can also find handy Cottage Living Cheats

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Sims 4 Snowy Escape

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Snowy Escape Cheats
Lifestyles in Snowy Escape
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Sentiments in Snowy Escape
Rock Climbing
Skiing Skill
Snowboarding Skill

Sentiments & Platforms (Free Patch!)

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Search my Sims 4 Site

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Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.

Super Sim Checklist + Other News

Super Sim Text + Checklist and Video Guide! Here is my Super Sim Challenge Guide and Checklist to accompany my video guide to making Super Sims in The Sims 4 that you can view on Youtube.

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Let's Play Playlist

Super Sim Gameplay in The Sims 4

New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.

This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.