We’ve learned a couple things we failed to notice back on Realm of Magic’s announcement day that I’d like to share here. I need to update the RoM main page with this info, but it’s neat to be able to use this new News System to share information with the community. Thanks for your patience this past few days as I ironed out problems. I’m not 100% sure I’ve fixed everything but I’ll continue to look for errors.
Spellcasters in RoM can have up to three curses. At first, this sounds a bit like the Sims 4 Vampires’ weakness system or Fame Quirks from The Sims 4 Get Famous, but there’s a key difference. This system applies a curse whenever your Sim fails at “a feat of spellcasting”. Meaning in short that spells can backfire and leave your caster weaker or suffering penalties for a time. Thankfully, perhaps with the assistance of alchemy or other spells, it’s going to be possible to remove curses that are put on your Sim.
Another tidbit about casting – you’ll be able to decide whether your spellcaster will use a wand or not, and toggle this preference through interaction menus.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you can learn a lot more information about the pack on my Realm of Magic Guide
I’ll also take the time to share this other nice shot of LeafBat, which was posted by SimGuruHouts.
We also got a look at the structure around the “collecting area” in the Magic Realm.
It would appear the pack’s new location has a structure that includes a small town segment and a large house where you are likely to meet the three Sages who can help you to become a spellcaster. There are a couple floating islands nearby. We think players can get there with gates or brooms, but aren’t sure exactly how this will work just yet.
Here, let’s show what I mean:

Maybe I’ve got something wrong here, but it looks like this is how it’s all laid out. We actually have not seen much of Glimmerbrook just yet. There’s a lot more of the Magic Realm, yet the town of Glimmerbrook is where Sims will actually be able to move in. You only visit the Realm of Magic, and can’t live there. Let’s hope the modding community comes to the rescue on that one.