The Sims 4 Rewards Traits List

Store Satisfaction Costs and Reward Mechanics for Seasons

The Sims 4 Rewards Store
Press 'G' then click the Present to open the Rewards Store
Rewards in Sims 4 Come in Two Types: Single-Use Potions and Permanent Traits

Satisfaction Points
Satisfaction Points are the Sims 4's Lifetime Happiness, where Rewards are like the Sims 3's Lifetime Rewards. Getting Satisfaction is something you should pursue day-to-day by completing your Sim's Whims and pursuing their Aspiration. Read both linked articles to learn more.

The first article provides a lot of tips on saving and clearing Whims, along with how Whims are generated. In short, the first Whim you see above the Sim's head is tied to emotional state and may change, while the other two are randomly generated based on what the Sim has been doing lately. You can elect to delete them at any time, and should make heavy use of this, so that you can pursue Whims that are related to what you'll already be doing with that Sim.

Potions vs Reward Traits
Reward Potions are one-time use, but may be transferred between Sims by dragging from the Inventory to the other Sim. In most cases, unless you have a lot of Satisfaction saved up, the Emotion-specific Potions aren't worth it. Their buffs not lasting very long is the main problem, so their use is very situational. You may occasionally help them get a promotion or Skill up faster using a Potion, but that is about it. Longer durations on these would change my mind, so I hope that Maxis might consider that in the future. Instant Hygiene, Fun, and the Moodlet Solver are exceptions. You are better off saving Satisfaction for the Trait type of Reward. The Satisfaction costs are higher, but the fact that these are permanent is what makes them appealing. Many of the effects are powerful and will change how you play that Sim. It's worth noting that you should use an Elder's Satisfaction to either purchase Potions of Youth to save them from old age or buy up lots of Potions to give to your younger Sims if you don't mind that Sim Dying.

Reward Trait & Satisfaction Cheats

I have a full list of reward trait cheats for The Sims 4 here. It includes nearly every form of trait including personality and bonus traits. We also have a guide to Cheat your Satisfaction Points or finish Aspirations early.

Reward Trait List

PicRewardCostWhat Reward Does for Sims
Sims 4 Instant Fun Reward TraitInstant Fun100Fills the Fun Need to Maximum - this can be helpful after a day of working hard to get the Sim productive again, which is helpful both in working toward Promotions and general Sim life.
Sims 4 Instant Hygiene Reward TraitInstant Hygiene100Fills the Hygiene Need to Maximum - very helpful when at the gym and the Sim's mood tanks from being dirty, allowing them to remain Energized and continue the workout at times.
Sims 4 Confident Potion Reward TraitConfident Potion200Makes Sims Very Confident for 3 hours
Sims 4 Energized Potion Reward TraitEnergized Potion200Makes Sims Very Energized for 3 hours
Sims 4 Flirty Potion Reward TraitFlirty Potion200Makes Sims Very Flirty for 3 hours
Sims 4 Focused Potion Reward TraitFocused Potion200Makes Sims Very Focused for 3 hours
Sims 4 Happy Potion Reward TraitHappy Potion200Makes Sims Very Happy for 3 hours
Sims 4 Inspired Potion Reward TraitInspired Potion200Makes Sims Very Inspired for 3 hours
Sims 4 Sleep Replacement Reward TraitSleep Replacement400Fills the Energy Need to Maximum. I'd never use this - instead get the Moodlet Solver for 100 more to fill ALL needs!
Sims 4 Always Welcome Reward TraitAlways Welcome500Currently bugged as Sims do not react negatively to anything you do when visiting them. When fixed, Always Welcome will let your Sim sleep in others' beds when visiting another household, cook on their stoves, and stay late without the homeowner getting upset. This is usually something only available to Best Friends and Fiancees.
Sims 4 Cold Acclimation Reward Trait from SeasonsCold Acclimation500Requires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion PackCold Acclimation can protect your Sim from death, but won't quite allow you to wear neutral clothing in freezing weather. What the trait does is change the Sim's temperature from -80 to -60 in freezing weather, or -60 to -40 when it's just 'Cold'. As you can see, in freezing temps the Sim would be under the effects of cold weather instead of enduring freezing temperatures like other Sims. These traits vary in usefulness depending on the world you live in, as some have very different weather.
Sims 4 Great Storyteller Reward TraitGreat Storyteller500Requires The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game PackSims with the Great Storyteller Reward are more likely to get the 'Told a Great Story' +1-2 Happy Moodlet for 4h after telling a story of any kind. This is particularly helpful for Group Stories, as these will be successful at helping move relationship bars of multiple Sims at once, and by quite a lot. It's worth noting that the target Sim will also be more likely to get a positive Moodlet from the type of story that was told - Funny making them playful, Fairy Tales making them Happy, etc.
Sims 4 Gym Rat Reward TraitGym Rat500Gym Rats do not experience the Hygiene decay other Sims get when exercising, while also enabling their Fun meter to build. It's a very helpful Reward when you are pursing a Career or Aspiration that requires the Fitness Skill.
Sims 4 Heat Acclimation  Reward Trait from SeasonsHeat Acclimation500Requires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion PackLike Cold Acclimation, Heat Acclimation changes the Sim's temperature relative to the air around them. In extremely hot (burning) temperatures, they'll be experiencing 'hot'-level temperatures instead. This makes them uncomfortable, but much less likely to die. At the same time, hot won't effect them nearly as bad. These traits vary in usefulness depending on the world you live in, as some have very different weather.
Sims 4 Moodlet Solver Reward TraitMoodlet Solver500You can use this to remove all Negative Moodlets from your Sim, should you need to do this. There are times when Sims are so Angry or Embarrassed that they may die, and this is the best time to buy the reward and quickly drink the potion. Otherwise, there are ways to remove many negative Moodlets or else wait them out. Thus, Moodlet Solver is useful situationally. It's worth noting that this also fills all needs, so for only 100 Satisfaction more than Sleep Replacement, you can fix everything at once!
Sims 4 Observant Reward TraitObservant500Sims who are Observant merely need to meet another Sim to know all of their Traits. This can be very helpful in making friends, as Sims will react more positively to Socials tied to their interests and more negatively to those they dislike.
Sims 4 Reward TraitSpeed Cleaner500Speed Cleaners clean sinks, counters, toilets, and any other surfaces that get dirty five times faster than other Sims. This can be a great Trait for when your Sim has a large family, although Self-cleaning upgrades are helpful in that instance. You can't do anything about counters getting dirty from cooking, though!
Sims 4 Waterproof  Reward Trait from SeasonsWaterproof500Requires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion PackWearing drenched clothing makes a Sim uncomfortable. You can change clothes once you reach shelter to make the negative moodlet go away. I rate this trait very low in usefulness until I determine an activity that causes Sims to get wet despite holding an umbrella. The animation when fishing shows no umbrella, but they're still protected against rain. The only time I can see it helping is when you're caught out in a thunderstorm and the umbrella breaks. This trait was not well thought out - but maybe Sims should get wet doing some manual activities outside, to up the challenge a bit and make rain an actual inconvenience.
Sims 4 Insta-Large Reward TraitInsta-Large750This will instantly make your Sim increase to around max body fat, putting on about 200 pounds. Doesn't seem to affect muscles. You may want this for storytelling purposes, but it's not very helpful gameplay-wise.
Sims 4 Insta-Lean Reward TraitInsta-Lean750Does the opposite of above, reducing a Sim to a trim weight fat-wise. Doesn't seem to affect muscles. For players whose Sims gain weight, this will be useful to quickly get them back to "healthy", although you can certainly accomplish the same with a treadmill and a bit of time.
Sims 4 Mentor Reward TraitMentor1,000Sims who reach level 10 in certain Skills (Painting, Fitness, Logic, Writing, Handiness, Instruments, Children's Creativity) may Mentor other Sims while they are actively working those Skills (like when at an Easel or Woodworking Table). The Skill Gains are enormous, with a Sim gaining Skill at least 4x faster than normal. This is an amazing perk for Dynasties and Legacies when the older Sims are able to teach the younger the Skills necessary to get promoted or simply advance in their chosen trade.
Sims 4 Morning Sim Reward TraitMorning Sim1,000The Morning Sim Trait gives 25% faster Skill gains from the hours of 5AM to 12PM. Depending on your Sim's Career schedule, you may prefer Night Owl. Both give a buff for the same number of hours - 7.
Sims 4 Night Owl Reward TraitNight Owl1,000Night Owls gain Skill 25% faster from the hours of 8PM to 3AM. Like Morning Sim, Night Owl is a great Trait when you plan your Sim's Skill gains around those hours.
Sims 4 Speed Reader Reward TraitSpeed Reader1,000Speed Readers can finish reading books twice as fast as normal. This does not help with reading Skill books and the experience they give, at least as far as my testing has shown. Two Sims side by side gained skill at roughly the same rate, with one a Speed Reader/Bookworm and the other regular. This Reward Trait simply makes reading books go by faster, meaning more Fun. This is helpful to Bookworms for replenishing that Need and may help them with Whims as well.
Sims 4 Storm Chaser  Reward Trait from SeasonsStorm ChaserRequires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion PackStorm Chaser makes Sims happy when a storm is happening outside, with a +1 moodlet that lasts as long as the bad weather. They also love being in the thick of it, and get a +2 when there's a thunderstorm. Not super useful unless you do outdoor activities heavily, and may expose you to potential Death by Lightning.
Sims 4 Free Services Reward TraitFree Services1,500Take this Trait if your Sim will make heavy use of the game's services. This means free pizza and maid services, for as long as that Sim lives.
Sims 4 Marketable Reward TraitMarketable1,500Marketable Sims get a random boost to the value of things they craft that can be sold, such as Paintings and Woodworking Sculptures. It can go anywhere from 10% to triple the usual value, but averages out at double. This is one of the single best Traits for Painters, though it doesn't affect as many things as one would hope.
Sims 4 Potion of Youth Reward TraitPotion of Youth1,500The handy Potion of Youth is used in Ambrosia to bring Ghosts back to life. When used on a living Sim, it will reset their age to the beginning of the current life stage. If used at Young Adult, it will keep them young adult and give them more time until Adult, for example. Sims can be Immortal, barring any accidental deaths, with this Reward.
Sims 4 Stoves and Grills Master Reward TraitStoves and Grills Master1,500Requires The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game PackStoves and Grills Masters can cook food or brew Herbalism potions that give an additional +2 Moodlet for 6 hours, so long as it comes from a stove or grill! This is a great boost and will help Sims get Very Focused, Inspired, or just Very Happy! This is a great Reward Trait to pick for the household cook, assuming a Sim does that as a regular duty.
Sims 4 Creative Visionary Reward TraitCreative Visionary2,000Sims with Creative Visionary have a 20% higher chance to Write Bestsellers and Paint Masterpieces. This is a very good Reward Trait for either of those pursuits. Combine this with Inspired, and your Sim will have a much higher than usual chance, which will raise income substantially - for a Painter, perhaps not as much as Marketable, given its consistent boost.
Sims 4 Entrepreneurial Reward TraitEntrepreneurial2,000The Entrepreneurial Reward Trait greatly boosts the rate the Career Performance bar moves. This means faster Promotions, so long as your Sim has also fulfilled the requirements.
Sims 4 Frugal Reward TraitFrugal2,000The Frugal Trait reduces Bills by 25%, making living in a large house or storing many expensive items much, much cheaper. Sims pay higher bills the more stuff they own (even in their inventories), with all values combined.
Sims 4 Heatproof Reward Trait from SeasonsHeatproof2,000Requires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion packMakes your Sim completely impervious to the worst hot temperatures. Take this trait only under certain conditions, like if your world is particularly hot and you want to be outside lots during the late spring to early fall, or to make your Sim a God later in a game.
Sims 4 Iceproof Reward Trait from SeasonsIceproof2,000Requires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion PackMakes your Sim completely impervious to the worst cold temperatures. Take this trait only under certain conditions, like if your world is particularly cold and you want to be outside a lot during late fall to early spring, or to make your Sim a God later in a game.
Sims 4 Incredibly Friendly Reward TraitIncredibly Friendly2,000Requires The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game PackWith Incredibly Friendly, Sims will instantly gain about 30% of the Relationship Bar upon meeting a new Sim. This puts them just a few successful socials away from full-on Friends status, thus is quite powerful for making new Friends and any Aspirations related to popularity.
Sims 4 Independent Reward TraitIndependent2,000When a Sim is given the Independent Reward, their Social Need decays at half the usual rate. This is great for Loners!
Sims 4 Shameless Reward TraitShameless2,000Sims who are Shameless never suffer Embarrassment. This prevents one type of Emotional Death, and helps with certain things like avoiding romantic rejection.
Sims 4 Steel Bladder Reward TraitSteel Bladder2,000With Steel Bladder, a Sim's Bladder Need actually doesn't move at all under normal circumstances, despite the game's description. The only things that drain it are drinks, such as Coffee. Still, even Coffee drains it much slower. If you never use Coffee to gain Energy, Steel Bladder makes a Sim not even need a toilet!
Sims 4 Beguiling Reward TraitBeguiling2,500Beguiling is a super-powerful Trait for Romantic endeavors. This trait gives your Sim an interaction found under Romance, "Beguile", which gives a Sim a +60 Flirty Moodlet for 4 hours. That makes them Very Flirty, and also very easy to woo, and maybe even Woohoo!
Sims 4 Antiseptic Reward TraitAntiseptic3,000Sims who are Antiseptic have their Hygiene Need decay at half the normal rate. Showers are really helpful for Emotional buffs, but this means you can get the buffs even faster because the shower won't take as long.
Sims 4 Carefree Reward TraitCarefree3,000Makes Sims never get Tense. This means Writers won't get Writer's Block at any point (although that is rare at high level Writing). This should allow your Sim to Work Hard every day at work without fear of a Tense Moodlet, meaning they can get Promoted faster than normal - particularly because their Mood won't tank while working hard, which can cause that Work Tone to backfire.
Sims 4 Connections Reward TraitConnections3,000Sims with the Connections Reward start Careers at level 4, granting all Reward Objects from 1-3 as well. With this Reward Trait, you can jump around in different Careers and gather lots of those items and get Emotional Aura objects to help your Sim at home. It will, of course, help Sims get to level 10 faster as well, meaning they can get the higher level reward objects quickly, which is even better!
Sims 4 Fertile Reward TraitFertile3,000Fertile simply increases the chance of Twins and Triplets, if you're into the challenge that presents. It's helpful if you are after a family Aspiration, but is situational and depends entirely on your style of play how useful this trait can be.
Sims 4 Great Kisser Reward TraitGreat Kisser3,000For Sims with Great Kisser, Charisma is gained with Kisses. This isn't that useful in itself, but the success rate of Kisses is also much higher. Beguiling might be more useful as a Romantic Reward Trait, but both is even better.
Sims 4 Hardly Hungry Reward TraitHardly Hungry4,000This is one of the best Reward Traits, second to Never Weary. Cooking Food takes time out of a Sim's day, as well as eating it. The appropriately-priced Hardly Hungry makes Sims' Hunger need decay at half the normal rate.
Sims 4 Professional Slacker Reward TraitProfessional Slacker4,000As the game description says, Professional Slackers never get demoted or fired from their Job. This means you can miss work without consuming vacation days, any time you like. It may take more time to get Promoted, but your Slacker can enjoy their life and go in for the pay when they need it.
Sims 4 Savant Reward TraitSavant4,000Savant increases Skill gains by 25%, even more effective when your Sim is in the Ideal Mood. This stacks with Morning Sim and Night Owl, although I would not take Savant early on. I'd rather have Never Weary, as more time in the day is more time for Skilling, period, and raising Skills is not all that Sims do! This one is a bit overpriced, in my opinion.
Sims 4 Seldom Sleepy Reward Trait from the base gameSeldom Sleepy4,000This is a good trait that will make your Sim's energy deplete at exactly half the normal rate, giving you more time for activities. However bear in mind it is completely overridden by a later trait (Never Weary). Still, I'd rather grab this earlier to help me complete more aspirations and have more time in between shifts with a career Sim.
Sims 4 Super Green Thumb Reward TraitSuper Green Thumb4,000After a Super Green Thumb interacts with a Plant, it will stay watered longer, get less bugs, and an increased growth rate. This means you will harvest more from your Gardening efforts and not need to interact with Plants as often. This doesn't affect Evolution rate or growth of Weeds, however.
Sims 4 Money Tree Reward Trait from SeasonsMoney Tree5,000Requires The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack for Money TreeGives you a Money Tree seed ( Money Fruit, which may bug out and fail to count toward the Plant Collection List). Money Trees are like all other plants and can be evolved over time to a higher quality level. The tree takes at least 4-5 days to grow but is always in-season. Money trees can spit out thousands of dollars quickly. Enough that if you buy one of these, you'll never worry about money again. They can be duplicated by putting the money tree into the family inventory when there is 'fruit' on it. The extra seeds will be plantable. If you don't want to cheat, however, you can always buy another one for another 5,000 Satisfaction as this reward is repeatable.
Sims 4 Needs No One Reward Trait from the base gameNeeds No One5,000This reward, available with the base game, makes your Sim no longer require socialization. At all. The bar won't decay. Compared to others it is not as useful, but is good for later. My reasoning for saying this is that it just doesn't take much time out of a Sim's day to handle the social need when compared to eating, sleeping, and maybe showering.
Sims 4 Re-Traiting Potion Reward Trait from the base gameRe-Traiting Potion5,000A repeatable reward that gives you a potion that, when drunk, will reset your Sim's traits allowing you to pick three new ones. It's a great reward if you want to change your Sim's focus or shake up their personality to better suit the times.
Sims 4 Forever Fresh Reward Trait from base gameForever Fresh8,000The hygiene need no longer decays. You will miss out on decent shower moodlets, though you can still 'take a brisk shower' to get energized if you like. It won't take as long as if your Sim was completely filthy. My advice is to save up for one of the other high-tiers and take it first... one of the two below. The purpose of locking needs in place is to be efficient and cut time-consuming activities from the agenda. Showering is not nearly as much of a time sink as eating or sleeping.
Sims 4 Forever Full Reward Trait from vanillaForever Full10,000Take Forever Full and your Sim's hunger need will no longer decay. You will miss meal moodlets, but other things can replace them. I don't know if eating while having this trait might make a Sim gain weight. Let us know in the comments! Regardless, your Sim shouldn't be cooking unless there are others that need to eat. Cooking/eating is much less efficient than other means of getting positive moodlets.
The Never Weary Reward Trait from The Sims 4 base gameNever Weary10,000Sleeping is the king of time-wasters, and Never Weary means what it says. Your Sim's energy motive will no longer decay at all. No more sleeping for 6-8 straight hours, but you will not get a moodlet should you have nothing to do and choose to sleep a couple of hours. It doesn't matter though. This is one of the best possible traits to take due to how much time it will save every day. None of the others that lock a motive come close to this reward, and it's hands down one of the strongest picks. With the Never Weary reward, steel bladder and antiseptic you'll save loads of time.

That sums up The Sims 4's Reward Traits and their mechanics. This list is fully up-to-date as of the Seasons Expansion Pack. If you have anything to add, email carl at and I may add it to the Reward you describe, assuming it's a tip plenty of people would want to know about!

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Comments (41)

Hi, does anyone know whether the reward traits stack? Especially for skill gain. There’s Savant from the shop, the one you get from a max skill toddler, the child aspirations and completing the scout career, and from choosing a knowledge aspiration. Do they all stack together for super sonic skill gain?
Yes they do stack, so you can end up with a sim that skills up almost effortlessly.
How come "Never Weary" is listed twice? There's one listing where it costs 4,000 points and another where it costs 8,000.
I'm glad you noticed. It was an error. Never Weary is pretty powerful, so the devs bumped the price up to 8000 and the original was listed on accident.
So I use MCCC and not sure if it's the reason this happened, but all 5 of my toddlers inherited dad's Never Weary reward trait and Free Services trait. They also inherited mom's Spice Hound trait. Sure makes leveling up all their skills much easier!
Sounds like a Mod issue for sure.
Kamma Nielsensays...
Trying to get game achievements. How do I let an alien get married without the spose knowing he is an alien?
It involves not letting the Alien get into a "Very" emotion. Usually if the alien remains in one of the simple states i.e. happy or focused and does not become Very happy or Very focused then the other sim will not identify that they are an alien. Don't use Get to Know either. If you don't talk too much and get married as soon as is possible in game terms then the other sim shouldn't discover the alien state. I've had sims married and have had children with an alien and still not know lol Often though they discover when they woohoo.
I have a money tree and grafted it onto my avocado tree and got more money fruit that way. It's the least cheaty way to get more money fruit (plus avocados I guess). It probably works with other plants, but I haven't tried it.
Do flirty potions work on kids?
No, kids can't even drink them.
is there a way to instantly finish a aspiration?
Yes - aspirations.complete_current_milestone (may require testingcheats on, can't check atm)

It is the closest you can get, it skips over the current stage. Alternatively,
sims.give_satisfaction_points 5000 (or any other number) will help you if you need rewards.

i would love for you to keep adding the reward traits as they come with the new games your guide really helps me when i'm playing my game


Sims with the Storm Chaser trait can't die from Death by Lightning, they get positive moodlets instead (Energised, I think). Also, any Sim who is struck by lightning twice in a short period gets the ability to call down lightning anywhere they want. So if you have any kind of outdoor Sim, I think it's a good trait to have.


I can't seem to figure out why I don't have the money tree in the awards store. I have all the packs and I can get the money tree from build mood using the show hidden objects cheat. But it is not in my awards store!

Paige Leesays...

Quick question about the "Fertile". If both Sims have this reward are their chances even higher than if just one parent had the Fertile reward?


Hi, I was wondering when I earn points do they only go to one of my family's or do I get points from all the family's I've played through out my time playing the sims?


Points earned belong to the sim you were playing at the time of earning them. They are Sim specific.


I have observant on both of my sims and the trait just doesn’t want to work sometimes.


how do I get money i know its a dumb question but im new


This page is missing Inspired Explorer & Brave.


my rewards store is empty. nothing to buy

Make Seasons Better!

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  • Disable Seasons individually
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  • Disable Ground Snow
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Sentiments & Platforms (Free Patch!)

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Super Sim Checklist + Other News

Super Sim Text + Checklist and Video Guide! Here is my Super Sim Challenge Guide and Checklist to accompany my video guide to making Super Sims in The Sims 4 that you can view on Youtube.

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Let's Play Playlist

Super Sim Gameplay in The Sims 4

New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.

This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.