Disabling Seasions But Keeping its Stuff - Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod Improving Sims 4: The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
Weddings in The Sims 4
Getting Engaged, Eloping, and Gold in Weddings
A Wedding in The Sims 4
Weddings in The Sims 4 are an opportunity for the player to enjoy a big moment in their Sim's life. It is also a chance to get a few different Rewards based on how the Wedding goes. All in all, Weddings are a type of Party in The Sims 4, and you can be given Bronze, Silver, or Gold ranking dependent upon how many objectives you complete.This Guide will walk you through the process of getting Sims Engaged, then give you some pointers on a successful Wedding. I wanted good pictures of the ceremony for this guide, so I've featured the Blossom Wedding Venue by lindseyklusek and replaced Magnolia Blossom Park with it. I chose enchanted81's Three Bedroom Bungalow for their home, using the freerealestate on cheat. Both of these can be found by searching the Sims 4 Gallery for the hashtag carlsguide.
Proposing Marriage is more successful the better two Sims know one another
How to Get Engaged Both traditional and same-sex weddings are possible in The Sims 4. In order to get Married, Sims must first be Engaged. To do this, you must build up 40% Friendship and Romance between the two Sims. They must first become Boyfriend/Girlfriend, then the Propose option will appear under the Romance menu. It's best to do this when both Sims are in a good mood and with a little extra Romance built up between them - about 60% - so that the Sim isn't rejected. The proposal is usually accepted, but you don't want something to go wrong. If that happens, your Sim can become Mortified - a very high level of Embarrassment that can cause Death. Should your Sim become Mortified, run for a bed and select 'Hide from the World' until it's over, then build up relations between the two Sims a bit more. Once Sims are engaged, you can choose to Elope or have a traditional Wedding.
Eloping makes Sims Married instantly
Eloping Weddings can be time consuming and your Sim might not have many friends. In this case, you might want to Elope to just get it over with. To wed your Sims instantly and skip the wedding, you can select Elope from the Romance menu once two Sims are engaged or get Married by using a Wedding Arch found under the buy mode menu. They will immediately become husband and wife, without needing to do anything special.
Before the Marriage
Prior to the Wedding, bake a cake and click it to add a wedding topper
Planning and Starting the Wedding Before you begin the Wedding, know that cake is always on the list of things to have present. You can bake one beforehand and put it in the refrigerator to have one available at the time, without anyone needing to bake one. Click the cake and you'll be able to add a wedding topper. You may want to also cook some extra food, for caterers are not very good at what they're supposed to do. Thankfully, Sims are just fine with food pulled straight from a refrigerator and will still get good moodlets from it.
Planning a Wedding requires you to select guests, a mixologist, caterer, and musician
When you're ready to start, planning a Wedding can be done through the phone (Plan a Social Event) or by clicking the Sim's fiancee. When you go through this process, the Wedding will begin immediately, so don't do it until you have got your Sims into a good mood - you'll likely also want it to be morning so that Sims who arrive have some energy. Before doing any of this, give your Sims a good night's sleep - that is the one metric you can't fill effectively while at a Wedding. Weddings cost $1,000 Simoleans, and maybe more if want Sims in optional roles but don't know any to fill them...
There is a minimum of two guests, maximum 15. Optional additions are one Mixologist, Caterer, and Musician. This means knowing Sims who have at least a level in Mixology, Cooking, and a Musical Instrument. You may or may not want to use Sims you know because they could have low levels. A Sim cannot fill more than one role at a time. Hiring someone to fill these roles costs $250 each, so you can expect the Wedding to cost from $1,000-$1,750 if you choose to hire Sims to do all three.
The Wedding
Earning Gold at a Wedding means completing objectives to make the party better
Weddings last up to 9 hours. You can click the timer in the party interface to end it early, though it's best to try to pursue the listed goals and get the rewards. You should attempt to do as many as possible, since it'll give some of the money back in the form of rewards. Use both Bride and Groom to do those that take longer, like having food four times. It also makes the experience more like a real Wedding. Pause the game, and one can be working on one objective while the other takes care of a different one. This is key to getting Gold - knocking them out one by one to fill the meter. Each of the three segments represents a medal - fill the first to get a bronze, the second to get a silver, and fill all meters to get a gold for the Wedding. If the first bar isn't filled, you won't get a medal at all.
Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!
The Bride and Groom after exchanging vows
Main Goal: Marry your Bride/Groom Do this first or at least very early in the party. That way, you have plenty of time to enjoy the experience. This will make other objectives pop up, as 'Have guests watch the ceremony' is always an early objective. You can do this by clicking the other Sim or a Wedding Arch and picking 'Get Married to X'. First, do Exchange Voews once they are together, then a second 'Get Married' to put the rings on. Once this is over, you can pick away at other objectives while enjoying the gathering of Sims.
Guests will spawn at your chosen wedding lot, ready to party. Please them to earn a Gold Medal and the rewards below
Other Wedding Objectives The following are the objectives that may pop up during a Wedding. You're sure to have most of them, but not all:
Have guests watch the ceremony
Have 3 drinks
Thank a guest for coming
Talk to guests for 4 hours
Take the first slice
Eat food 4 times
Have betrothed use Romance interactions 3 times
Top: the appliances and tea set you get for Gold. Below are the Pillar and Centerpiece
Rewards for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Weddings: Three Rewards are offered for completing a Wedding with one of the three medals. You will find the reward in your Sim's Household Inventory (F2, bottom left) once they get home. The Bronze reward seems to be a gag gift:
Bronze - Charisma Vol. 1: Diplomacy for Dummies. A Skill book for Charisma
Silver or Higher - Wedding Pillar with Floral Basket and an In Full Bloom Centerpiece
Gold - Royal Crabtree Tea Set, The Food Annihilator, and Tea Magic Personal Brewer along with Silver Rewards
We now have a Youtube Channel with over 50 guides in video format to go along with the huge site I've already created. Check it out and consider subscribing if you like my style.
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It is possible, you'll have to become friends with them first and use friendly interactions. Eventually "Ask to move in" will pop up. Alternatively, you can also go into Manage Worlds and merge them together
Yes. There is an "ask to move in" option in either friendly or romance if you have high relationships. Weddings are just for roleplaying, rewards, and it will keep most old love interests off their back.
You could just go to Manage Worlds and Find the button with 2 arrows and that find both of the households and move the girl into the boys house or the girl into the boys house
If you do the main goal first your wedding may never reach gold! It is safer to do some of the smaller things first, like Thank Guests for Coming. If you want really good screenies without guests popping up and photo bombing, get your two fiancees placed, pause the game, fence them in so guests can't approach too closely, and proceed with the wedding. With weddings the pause button is your life saver and can make the difference between a gold wedding or not. If you achieve gold you get the gold rewards AND the two floral items.
If you go onto manage worlds then click on your desired sims household it should let you play. You can then just play as him as you propose to your sim
Why isn't that my female sim take the last name of her spouse once married? Also, I made a chapel but when planning the event it doesn't show up as one of the locations to pick; it's a neutral lot where visitors can go .....
It needs to either be a park, par, museum or lounge. I would make it a lounge, as lounges require most of the stuff you need for a wedding anyway, so you wont need to add much extra stuff to make the game accept it as one.
IIRC at a bare minimum you will need seating for 15 sims, a wedding arch, a kitchen, a bar, a musical instrument (usually a piano) and a table to place the wedding cake on.
Obviously you will need toilets, at least 4 IMO and extra tables for food and sims to sit and eat at. And keep it compact so you don't get half your sims wandering off to the far corner a 60x60 lot when you want to take the vows.
The lot that you use for your marriage must either be a park (but not a national park, just a regular park) or the house of either of the sims that you wish to marry. I learned this the hard way trying to make my own venue.
How can i get my teen female sim to propose to her boyfriend.Or do i have to wait for the boyfriend sim to do it.If so then how do i make him propose faster?
Admin: Teens can't get married, you will have to wait until they both age up to Young Adults. They can, however become 'Promised' to each other as teens.
You can bake a cake and age up any sim in the game just by inviting them over and choosing them to blow out the candles on the cake. Save your game first so that if anything goes wrong you can quit without saving.
It is possible for unplayed sim to have a romance relationship to some degree. No unplayed sim can automatically get married though. The game will assign some sims a romantic partner but if you want to you can play the household in question, make them get married and then mark the household as 'unplayed' and then go back to your main sims household.
My sims are spouses but one of them keeps saying that they want to marry the other, the friendship level and romantic level is maxed and I still don't see no option for marriage... :(
If they are already married then this is just the whim glitch where married sims keep getting whims to marry and get engaged. Just cancel the whims when they pop up.
I cant find carlsguide in the sims gallery.. And how do you change lots .. I just got the sims 4 im sims 3 person and have no idea how to put different lots or change them ..please help?
We don't really have a gallery hashtag although many of our forum members do share creations. Have a read through the building section of our forum. We also have a comprehensive guide to building here And a guide to using the Gallery . In this guide there is a section on how to place homes from the gallery and a link on how to place community lots.
It is possible to install a mod to make teenage Sims be able to become pregnant. Carl, please make a guide on the new transgender/lighting update!Thanks, ~Kalani
My two sims are getting married and I wanted to give them a fancy lot, so I downloaded one of the community library but it won't let me choose the lot for the wedding to take place. Does anyone know how I can choose the lot for the wedding?.
It depends on the lot type. The best lot type is 'park' for a wedding. Other lots may not support the game play needed for weddings. You cna always hide the jungle gym etc in a basement so that the lot meets the requirements and yet doesn't look any different.
Those percentages are high enough that those interactions should have appeared in game by now. There is a chart on this page about percentages that might interest you. If they are teens and are promised to each other then the other interactions may not show up. It seems as if the promised interaction glitches out the others somehow. You could try some mean interactions to lower the relationships and then build it back up to see if g/f triggers. Or delete the localthumbcache.package file from your TheSims4 folder and see if that helps.
So I have a lot that's a park and I want my sims to get married there. However, no matter how I plan the event (through the bride, groom, or even clicking on the arch at the evnue itself) the lot won't come up on the list of places to have my wedding. I'm thinking about doing it the hard way and baking a cake, inviting everyone there, hiring services and 'eloping' please tell me how to get my lot on the list.
Save your game, quit out of it and then restart it. Sometimes that is all that is needed to 'reset' the game as such. If that doesn't work I guess you could save a few of the other lots that come up on the list to your library and then delete them from your game which would in effect give the game less to chose from upping the odds that the park you want appears on the list. Seeing as the deleted lots would be in your library you can always replace them later.
Guide to Cheats A few things you could try: Delete the localthumbcache.package file in your The Sims 4 folder Make sure testingcheats on is enabled Shift-click the sim instead of the mailbox
The proposal option won't show up in romance My sims romance and friendship bars are both at 100% and they're moved in together so idk whats going on... help
Teens being promised causes this glitch. It is a known bug. Use the 'ask to be just friends' interaction to destroy their relationship and once all the negative moodlets have worn off build their relationship back up and the option to get engaged/marry will appear.
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The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod
Disable Seasons individually
Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
Disable Fall Leaves
Disable Ground Snow
Keep the Stuff You Paid For!
A Deeper Game
The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!
Calling all Blender Users
Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.
Sims 4 Snowy Escape
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape launches November 13, 2020 and my coverage has started. Until I get my review ready, you can learn about the following:
There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4. There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.
Best Mods in Sims 4
I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.
Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.
I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.
Let's Play Playlist
New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.
This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.
The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15 for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Click to learn more about the pack, see my summary of the livestream or read our FAQs below.
Comments (49)
Jackson Bienhag
Also, I made a chapel but when planning the event it doesn't show up as one of the locations to pick; it's a neutral lot where visitors can go .....
It needs to either be a park, par, museum or lounge. I would make it a lounge, as lounges require most of the stuff you need for a wedding anyway, so you wont need to add much extra stuff to make the game accept it as one.
IIRC at a bare minimum you will need seating for 15 sims, a wedding arch, a kitchen, a bar, a musical instrument (usually a piano) and a table to place the wedding cake on.
Obviously you will need toilets, at least 4 IMO and extra tables for food and sims to sit and eat at. And keep it compact so you don't get half your sims wandering off to the far corner a 60x60 lot when you want to take the vows.
We also have a comprehensive guide to building here
And a guide to using the Gallery . In this guide there is a section on how to place homes from the gallery and a link on how to place community lots.
Carl has added an update about the new CAS changes here
If they are teens and are promised to each other then the other interactions may not show up. It seems as if the promised interaction glitches out the others somehow.
You could try some mean interactions to lower the relationships and then build it back up to see if g/f triggers. Or delete the localthumbcache.package file from your TheSims4 folder and see if that helps.
A few things you could try:
Delete the localthumbcache.package file in your The Sims 4 folder
Make sure testingcheats on is enabled
Shift-click the sim instead of the mailbox
Open Bug Report where you can add a 'me too'.
Open Bug Reportwhere you can add a 'me too'.