Disabling Seasions But Keeping its Stuff - Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod Improving Sims 4: The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
The Sims 4 Get Famous Cheats
Raising Celebrity Rank (Fame), Actor Skill/Career, and Public Image
Make your Sim a star with cheats in The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion
Like all other Sims 4 Expansions, Get Famous has its own cheats. There are a few pitfalls to avoid however, so let's go over how you raise fame, public image for your celebrity and give them promotions in the acting career.
Enable Testing Cheats
Hit Control + Shift + C on your keyboard, then type testingcheats on - this is necessary to do many of the cheats listed on this page.
Increase Fame (or Decrease Fame!)
Shift-click a Sim with testingcheats on and select Public Image - from there you can modify their fame. Freeze fame, increase fame, and decrease fame are all available.
Change Public Image
Public image is slow to rise early on, so many will want to increase it at one point or another
Similar to above, this same menu will allow you to modify a Sim's public image. There are 7 levels. 4 is neutral, 5-7 are positive and 1-3 are negative with 1 being the lowest it can go.
Fame Quirk Removal
Explore My Mods! Color Picker for Builders, Seasons Tuner, Dine Out Reloaded and a Gameplay Overhaul! Like other modders, I've been working to make The Sims 4 a better game. Check out my many mods here!
Celebrity Quirks can also be removed via cheats, though there is a legit way to do this.
As celebrities gain fame, they are going to gain quirks. It's an unavoidable thing. The best you can do is to try to get quirks that you can live with. I found my Vain Street quirk to be extremely annoying, because the Sim would get tense multiple times per day. The Public Image menu mentioned above can also control this, though it's worth mentioning that you can remove fame quirks without cheating by purchasing a reward in the store. Once the slot is empty, the same quirk can come up again, so make sure you direct your behavior elsewhere so you don't get the same one.
Acting Career and Skill
Cheating to raise the acting skill is a very simple matter of using testingcheats then stats.set_skill_level major_acting 5 for level 5, or stats.set_skill_level major_acting 10 to master it. On the other hand, cheating your Actor career levels, that can cause problems.
If you cheat your career level with an active audition or role ready, you can get completely locked out of getting new gigs. When you cheat the game won't show the gig any more, so cancel it using the phone to get a new one as I'm not sure if the gig will still play out normally. Once you are in the clear, careers.promote actor is the simple cheat to raise your acting skill. If you type it, then leave the text box open you can push the up arrow on your keyboard, then enter, to repeatedly raise this skill (some people don't know about that).
Media Production
This skill doesn't have the spotlight like acting, but it exists! Sims can raise media production using a mix master music station and drones that are found in objects by function > electronics > misc. Raise the skill with stats.set_skill_level minor_mediaproduction x, replacing x with the skill level you want. Note that this skill has only 5 levels.
Befriending Celebrities
To make a celebrity your friend, you'd use the standard relationship cheat. Getting to friendly with them is enough to open up romantic interactions. modifyrelationship YourFirstName YourLastName TheirFirstName TheirLastName 50 ltr_friendship_main will do it. Use ltr_romance_main instead to increase romance. 100 will fill the bar. You still need to interact with celebrities after you use this cheat, likely to exchange numbers.
Drama Club
Children in Get Famous can join Drama Club, in order to hone their acting skills and prepare them for adulthood. You can give them a bump with careers.promote dramaclub - simple isn't it.
We now have a Youtube Channel with over 50 guides in video format to go along with the huge site I've already created. Check it out and consider subscribing if you like my style.
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The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my new Seasons Tuner Mod
Disable Seasons individually
Always Sunny! Set to Base Game Weather
Grow Year Round - Make Plants Always in Season!
Healthy Year Round - No more Winter twigs
Disable Color Changes - on ALL Plants & Trees
Disable Fall Leaves
Disable Ground Snow
Keep the Stuff You Paid For!
A Deeper Game
The past month, I've spent every day tinkering The Sims 4, making quality of life improvements, gameplay changes, and new difficulty settings for the game. If you'd like to learn more about my project, visit the post on Patreon where you can download it now.
I have much more to come, since you can actually write a few guides about this pack!
Calling all Blender Users
Blender has been incredibly useful in video production, so I made my own Physics and Simulation Improvement Addon that lumps a ton of unique tools into one compact interface.
Sims 4 Snowy Escape
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape launches November 13, 2020 and my coverage has started. Until I get my review ready, you can learn about the following:
There is a new platform tool in The Sims 4. There's also a new Sentiments system, but it'll take some time to create a guide to that. Players can also use rental lots in any world now by changing lot types of builds in manage worlds.
Best Mods in Sims 4
I've created a massive List of The Best Mods in The Sims 4 that should be very helpful to new players and those who have not yet explored modding and how much it can do for your gameplay.
Readers who use adblock or those who'd like to thank me for my efforts can now pledge $1/$5 monthly via Patreon. This helps a lot with server costs and provides some stability for my business.
I now have a guide page to Tiny Living Stuff where you can learn about Murphy Beds, the new death, as well as the lot bonuses you'll receive if you manage to keep the size of your lot down with this new pack's Tiny Home Lot Type.
Let's Play Playlist
New I now have a guide to Making Super Sims in The Sims 4. Look for a text version within the next 72h. It won't have THAT much more info but it will help out as a checklist.
This was inspired by a series, "Let's Play a Super Sim" in which I start at toddler and gradually take on the major bonuses. Here's a link to each part for people who are interested. You can also see the Let's Play as a Playlist on Youtube.
The Sims 4 Discover University has been announced for November 15 for PC/Mac and December 17 for Xbox and Playstation 4 consoles. Click to learn more about the pack, see my summary of the livestream or read our FAQs below.
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