The Sims 4 Social Media Career

Be an Internet Personality or Public Relations Rep in City Living

The Sims 4 City Living Social Media Career
The Sims 4 City Living offers up three new careers. The strengths of both branches of the Social Media Career are highlighted below.

The Sims 4 City Living includes a Social Media Career, which lets you choose to become either a superstar Internet Personality or a Public Relations Representative. Both of these are solid careers with unique abilities, and certainly more interesting to take than the Politician due to the sheer number of interactions you can unlock. Because these careers require a social media presence, you can begin using the Social Networking feature on computers as soon as you join them, instead of needing Charisma Level 5.

How to: Social Media Career Cheats
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Work from Home

This applies to both branches of this career, along with the other two included in the City Living Expansion Pack. Each day before work, you will see a popup in the lower left corner. Selecting this, you can choose to have your Sim work from home. You'll get a couple of tasks that must be completed in order to secure your pay and career performance. Aside from the tasks you're given, you have total control and can use the time to skill up or else work on career promotion requirements.


Social Media Career Levels 1-3

The initial ideal mood is Playful. Since the skill requirements for these first 3 levels are not very difficult, consider which branch you will take so that you can begin to raise the skills you'll need. This will smooth out the promotion process and make it a little less likely you're stalled on one level for a long time.

RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
1Media Intern$16/hourMon-Fri 9AM-3PM$96Update Social Media Profile, Create Social Media ProfileNone
2Engagement Monkey$23/hourMon-Fri 9AM-3PM$132Update Social Media Profile, Have 25 Followers, Reach Level 2 CharismaNone
3Clickbait Writer$29/hourMon-Fri 9AM-3PM$174Update Social Media Profile, Have 100 Followers, Reach Level 3 Comedy or Mischief$183, Respond to Mail and Share Image Interactions (Computer)

Internet Personality Branch

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Sims 4 City Living gaining followers from let's play using social media
No Career excels at getting followers like the Internet Personality. Playing games for a few hours, they can pick up 100-200k followers, then advertise products on social media to make thousands of Simoleons.

The ideal mood for this branch is Playful. The most significant difficulty here is obtaining followers, but thankfully you are given many means to do so - knowing you need many more for each level should help. The Prank Streamers (under social networking) and Let's Play (under Play Games on Computer) contribute substantially more followers than other means of social networking - pranking in particular contributing hundreds of thousands when it goes well, though it does have a cooldown. You need to play games for a few hours in order to gain followers, it tells you how many you've gained when you stop playing. Note the jumps in skill level requirements from Video Gaming to Charisma, Comedy and Mischief. It is one of the harder careers to level for this reason, and provides less money per day in salary than certain other Careers. It makes up for this, big time, with the abilities you unlock as you level.

As in reality, you can sell out when you have a huge social media following, by advertising products. Doing so can net you well over 1k Simoleons (I got 1500) for the major product, and several hundred for a minor product. However, you lose followers when you do this. The Internet Personality gets a major edge over the PR Branch of this Career due to its ability to recover followers rapidly. The income generation helps this career to surpass others, and it is arguably one of the best-paying as you can earn money on demand, then recover followers.

RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
4Simstagram Searcher$35/hourMon, Wed, Fri-Sat 10AM-3PM$175Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, Have 1,000 Followers, Achieve Level 3 Video Gaming$263, Share Jokes With Followers, Advertise Minor Product, Status Update from Venue Abilities
5Cat Video Creator$56/hourMon, Wed, Fri-Sat 10AM-3PM$280Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, Have 10,000 Followers, Reach Level 4 Charisma$193, Blicblock - Signed, Hillock II - Signed, MySims Go! - Signed, Livestream Video Games, Record Rant, Shout Out from Venue Abilities
6Niche Broadcaster$97/hourMon, Wed, Fri-Sat 10AM-2PM$388Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, Have 100,000 Followers, Reach Level 5 Comedy or Mischief$198, Start Funny Meme, Broadcast Status
7Meme Maker$156/hourMon, Wed, Fri 10AM-2PM$624Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, Have 1 Million Followers, Reach Level 6 Charisma$311, The Home Studio, Advertise Major Product, Promote Image, Announce Appearance at Venue
8Online A-Lister$278/hourMon, Wed, Fri 10AM-2PM$1,112Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, Have 10 Million Followers, Reach Level 7 Video Gaming$498, R.E.F.U.G.E., Road Rival Alpha, Sims Forever, and Incredible Sports - Signed. Prank Steamers and Stream Let's Play Video Games Abilities.
9Reality Show Contestant$389/hourMon, Wed, Fri 10AM-2PM$1,556Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, Have 25 Million Followers, Reach Level 8 Charisma, Reach Level 7 Comedy or Mischief$797, Upload Viral Video, Charity Stream
10Internet Superstar$540/hourMon, Wed, Fri 10AM-2PM$2,160Share Jokes with Followers or Troll Forums, None$1,729, Gamer Sleek, Advertise Mass Sponsorship Ability

Public Relations Branch

The PR branch of social media in The Sims 4 City Living
The Public Relations branch gets the ability to persuade Sims to do a variety of actions. They are also able to advertise products at the expense of some followers.

The Ideal Mood for this branch of Social Media is Focused. Your new daily task, Network with Journalists, is found on the computer. Given the need to get up to 10,000 Followers on social media, you should be working on this even on levels where it is not required. Just a post here and there will do. The more followers you get, the more you'll gain as they help you to market your profile. When you are away from home, use the Shout Out/Status Update from Venue ability that is found on your phone under the home tab. It gives more followers than the usual computer interactions, but does feature a cooldown.

As a reward for your work, you gain the ability to persuade Sims to do things. It unfortunately has a cooldown, but can be fun to use for your own entertainment. Sims will decline if you just walk up to them and tell them what to do, though mood and the friendship bar seemingly have an impact on success rates. Another unique ability is 'Represent' found on its own tab on the computer. This will let you give other Sims a career performance boost!

Just as with the Internet Personality branch, you can make significant money by advertising products and earn money on demand. However, you will lose followers and do not have a means of getting tens of thousands of them at once with this branch. However if you build them up, you'll get a bit more from a single action and will be able to recover what was lost after a couple of days. Note the bouncing between Writing and Charisma, with the latter being the most difficult aspect of leveling this Career.

RankJobWagesSchedule$/DayDaily Task & Promotion RequirementsReward for Promotion
4Public Relations Coordinator$44/hourMon-Fri 8AM-4PM$352Network with Journalists (Computer), Have 500 Followers, Level 3 Writing Skill$263, Direct From The Fans, Network With Journalists, Blog for Followers Abilities
5Community Manager$83/hourMon-Fri 8AM-4PM$664Network with Journalists (Computer), Reach Level 4 Charisma$527, Represent Friend
6Press Agent$142/hourMon-Fri 8AM-4PM$1,136Network with Journalists (Computer), Have 2,000 Followers, Reach Level 6 Charisma$1,001, Just For The Aesthetics, Status Update from Venue Ability
7Account Executive$227/hourMon-Fri 8AM-4PM$1,816Network with Journalists (Computer), Reach Level 7 Charisma, Level 5 Writing$1,701, Persuade Sims to Smile, Rant, Goof Off, Flirt, or Wear a Racoon Outfit
8Director of Communications$318/hourMon-Fri 8AM-4PM$2,554Network with Journalists (Computer), Have 5,000 Followers, Reach Level 8 Charisma$2,722, Promote Image and Broadcast Status Abilities
9VP. of Public Relations$399/hourMon-Fri 8AM-3PM$2,793Network with Journalists (Computer), Have 10,000 Followers, Max Charisma Skill$5,082, FuzzRead Article (Rare Print Edition), Shout Out from Venue, Persuade Sims to Play Music, Do Comedy, Play Games, Sing, Cook, or Work Out
10Spin Doctor$453/hourMon-Wed, Fri 8AM-3PM$3,171Network with Journalists (Computer), None$6,987, Aimed For The Top, Represent Anyone

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Comments (36)

I put my sim into the Internet Personality branch, and she doesn't get any revenue from streaming Let's Plays. Is this correct? Her husband is in the Tech Guru career, and earns money from livestreaming.

Bit annoying if true.
Yes, sims in the Social Media career gain followers during the live streaming and then at the end of a live streaming session there is a notification with the numberof new followers gained and overall total followers. Sims just don't make any money from the interaction, instead they gain followers, unless they become tense and then generally they won't gain any or very few.
I cannot seem to find any interaction to advertise products with the PR career branch. I have reached rank 10 of it as well. Where is this action located?
The interaction you are looking for is under Social Networking on the PC.
For these careers do you need to have sims 4 get to work to do them
Not for these careers. To play these careers all you need is the Base Game and City Living
I used the "record rant" interaction and lost 500+ followers. Do you know if it does this every time? Maybe you need to be angry or tense for it to be more effective... otherwise I don't really see the point to an option that only lets you lose followers.
Even when I got my sim Very Angry he still lost 500 or so followers. I haven't been able to record a rant and not lose followers!
I did record angry rant and gained 8000+ followers @ rank 6. My sim was angry
Great to know! I still haven't managed to gain any followers using this interaction.
I chose the "work from home" option and it wants me to socialize with co-workers. I thought maybe it meant my family, however that option doesn't appear when I talk to them in any of the different categories. Any thoughts?
Some sims around the world will be your co-workers, you'll need to find them by asking the sims you talk to what their career is. Or if you notice the 'complain about work' or 'gossip about co-workers' or 'discuss work' options present under the friendly category then you'll know they are a co-worker.
I invited a co-worker to my home and starded chating whit her. Problem is that non of the alternetives ''complain about work'' ''cossip about co-workers'' etc are coming up in any of the colums... What should i do?
it shouldn't really matter as long as the term 'co-worker' is present in the sim information window that appears when you hover over their name at the top of the screen when your sim is chatting to them. Might be a good idea to delete the localthumbcache.package file from your The Sims 4 folder next time you save and quit, often deleting this file helps to clear up glitches. meantime, try traveling to another lot with the co-worker as going through a loading screen can help to refresh relationship status.
Selected "Work from home"
2 tasks, 1 is to update status twice, and 2nd is to brighten 2 coworkers days
Annoyingly my sim only has 1 co-worker on her friends panel, is there any way to stop working from home or do I have to complete this??
Just send your sim to work the next day or go around chatting to sims and asking what their career is. Usually the game sends co-workers your sims way, you just have to find out through socializing if they actually are co-workers. If you notice the 'complain about work' or 'gossip about co-workers' or 'discuss work' options present under the friendly category then you'll know they are a co-worker.
How does a sim live stream? The option does not show up on the computer
It is on the computer under Play Games.Smile
How do I "check in at a nightclub"
Sorry, no idea! Haven't come across that interaction in this career. Unsure
You need to be at the nightclub (or venue) and then click on the phone and under the social category there should be the option :)
Thanks! For some reason I just don't seem to be getting these kinds of game play work requests. It would make the career a little more interesting for sure.
I’ve gone to the venue and clicked on the phone under the social and still no option to check in
Make sure you are using a Maxis made Base Game venue.
Melissa Ssays...
My sim isn't in a branch yet but needs to take a photo at a nightclub how do I do that and where please help!
I haven't had this work request! I'd suggest taking your sim to a nightclub and just simply take a photo using either a camera (Get To Work) or the sims phone (Base Game) 'Take a photo'. When you go to the map view you will see their is a nightclub in the base game in Willow Creek "The Blue Velvet". Remember that the venue will need to be a base game venue.
Is there a cheat so your Sim´s can get more followers in the social media career? /Vera
Not that I am aware of. It can be quite a slog in the early stages of the career. tbh I didn't particularly enjoy the career at all, it just seemed such a grind.
If you post a viral video you get a ton of followers
Yes this is true, my sim gained over 1 million. Trouble is this option isn't a 100% guaranteed and your sim needs to be at Level 10 Charisma.
I'm on the social media career & I got to Meme Maker & one of the rewards when I accomplished it said The Home Studio, can someone tell me what this is? Interested to know
I maxed out the PR career, quit my job and I now want to peruse Internet Personality career but that is not an option anymore- just keeps coming up with PR? How can I get rid of this?
You can't. One sim can not do both branches of the one career. You'll need to make another sim if you want to explore the other branch of the same career.
I chose the option to work from home and my assignment was represent a friend, I don't know how to do that. Does anybody know that means ?
We have a thread about this on the forum, it is an interaction your sim does on the computer and is supposed to give the represented sim a boost to their career.It has it's own tab on the pc instead of being under 'Social Networking' like all the other Social Media Career interactions. click for forum thread
Simonjae Frasiersays...
My sim doesn't have the option anymore to work from home :(
Quit out of your game and delete the localthumbcache.package file from your The Sims 4 folder. Then try your game again. If you are using mods check that they are not causing this issue.
Janeen Brownsays...
For anyone having difficulty completing the task to take pictures at a bar, make sure the lot type is just "bar". I ended up traveling all over San Myshuno, taking pictures outside, inside, of the bartender, and selfies, with my cell phone, CC functional cameras and game cameras, and nothing worked until I traveled to the bars from the base game. Check that lot type!
How do you write a successful blog post for followers? My Sim has 1,565 followers and is at level 10 of the writing skill, but every time she writes a blog post it says that she should have done more research.
Roann Hounguesays...
Anybody know how to make money when advertising a major product? I've been assigned to do it but I keep losing followers without making any money
How do i promote down because i pick the wrong one???
This won't work. You can not change the branch once it has been selected, even if you cheat your sim down to level 1... you will still be locked into the branch you mistakenly picked. Sad
My sim is a Clickbait Writer (lvl 3) and the promotion task wants me to get level 3 mischief or comedy and I've got level 3 comedy and level 2 mischief but nothing is happening, it's stuck at 0/3. Anyone have any tips?
If you haven't already: quit out of your agme and delete the localthumbcace.package file from your TheSims 4 folder. If that doesn't reset the counter after the next time your sims goes to work you may just need to cheat to the next promotion.
careers.promote socialmedia
Guide to Cheats
I am having a heck of a time with this career. If I do anything but update status, it's always negative. Is it just luck or does my Sim need a certain skill? I am thinking of doing a different career because this is too hard.
It seems leveling up in the career is the only way to get better results. tbh I found this career very grindy and not much fun. Sad Being in the Focused Emotion definitely helps but isn't a gaurentee of success.
Guide to the Focused Emotion
Dannie Rosesays...
In the Internet Personality branch, does the amount of followers mean anything for the income if you advertise a product? It would make sense if you got more simoleons the more more followers you have.
Not directly, no. The pay schedule is related to the level of the career but of course your sims needs x-amount of followers for each level of the career in order to be promoted. I agree, it would make more sense if then pay was directly linked to the amount of followers your sim managed to gain.
What's the fastest way to gain followers?
The best way to get followers is by doing upload viral video, however it requires level 10 Charisma. I normally get 1,000,000 or more followers each time, but it can only be down once after so many in game hours.
I got to the top in both social media career branches a while ago and received all rewards. Now, I'm doing a little house editing and can't find a certain object I want to use again that I believe was a reward in one of these career branches. It was a pile of fan mail that has three design choices, I believe. Does anyone know the name of the object? I have the cheats on and suddenly can't find it! Huh
Carl lists the Rewards received for Promotion in the tables above, maybe you can spot the name of the 'missing' item from there?
Found it after searching through all decor again! "Letters by the pile." Now sure how I completely missed it before. Thanks! Smile
Great! Good to know the correct name too. Smile
So I have this sim that I just moved in to my house and they already had a job as a Internet personality it says I need to get her 10 million followers but when I moved her in she’s started off with 0 how in the world can I make her followers skyrocket because 10 million is a lot
Max out the charisma skill and then you can post a viral video that gains you around 1million subs each time. Maxing out charisma is easy with the Great Kisser Reward Trait as your sim can just kiss their way to Level 10. Each kiss (any sort) will gain your sim quite a heafty charisma increase. Just be sure to not repeat the same type of kiss twice in a row or the recipient sim will reject it!
I am in the PR career branch. Im confused because it tells me to represent a friend so I did that, it also says to write an endorsement.. how do I do that?
I've not seen the write an endorsement so I'm assuming it is another task available on the pc.

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