When you take a picture when you are playing the sims, it is saved in the launcher, when you go to start your game, there are options on the left, if you click on uploads, you will see the pictures you have taken of your sims. Wait for it to load, put a check on the first picture and then click on open file. You will have thumbnails at the bottom and when you click on a picture, it will give you the bigger size. I just drag the small thumbnail to my desktop. Just click on the picture you want and hold down left button on mouse and drag it to desktop, there will be a number below the pic. The rest is exactly what Leto said. After you click on "add image" you will click on browse and then click desktop, find the picture, resize it and then click upload, you should see an url code and that is the pic, when you hit the post buttom, should post the picture. I have never actually described this before, so I hope I didn't leave anything out. I finally learned not to long ago, right before I started my post on pics sims have painted, now I don't quit, lol.