Author Topic: The Fireheart Legacy: Please Move to Graveyard  (Read 25638 times)

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 8
« Reply #75 on: July 18, 2012, 03:46:52 PM »
Happy birthday to the triplets! I know what you mean about the IF, more then one becomes annoying. I once tried to have three IF around the house, now they are all in inventory because they drove me crazy!
Yeah I did a baby boomer challenge on my own recently and all of them had IFs and I made the mistake of them all running around the tiny house. Ever since that I haven't been a big fan of IFs.
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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 8
« Reply #76 on: July 22, 2012, 11:12:01 PM »
Sorry for no update today, I have the screenshots ready and everything but I'm just not in the mood for writing it right now. I'll probably have it up tomorrow though.
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Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 8
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2012, 01:40:04 PM »
Sorry for no update today, I have the screenshots ready and everything but I'm just not in the mood for writing it right now. I'll probably have it up tomorrow though.

That's okay, take your time. Good things come to those of us who wait impatiently :)

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 8
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2012, 11:48:56 PM »

Chapter 9: Booker’s Side

Okay, I don’t want to sound like a bad husband or something, but I think I got a little screwed over in the toddler training department. I really do love my kids and my wife but lately it seems all that Courtney is doing is teaching them to walk and talk.

And then I’m left to do what every parent dreads, potty training.

I know I shouldn’t be complaining, but sometimes I can’t help it. Maybe it’s just the mid-life crisis talking. Or all of the wrinkles.

Anyway Leo and Annabeth had their teen birthdays recently and I was all for throwing them a party. However Courtney seems to have something against parties all together because she didn’t even allow me to invite over Rodney. It might just be because it was her birthday too and she didn’t want anyone to see her aging.

So Leo and Annabeth each took their turns with the sparkles.

But in the middle of Annabeth’s turn the sparkles took over Courtney randomly. She had said she didn’t want a cake or a fuss and just wanted to age up privately like I did but instead I ended up cheering for her too.

Luckily for her she isn’t going through a dreaded mid-life crisis like I am but she was still feeling insecure. Of course I stepped in and assured her she was as beautiful as ever.

As for presents the twins obviously had the usual makeovers in their favorite colors and we all went shopping to help out with their choice in haircuts and clothing. Leo seems to be going for something edgier than his childhood baseball caps and shark designs. I don’t know if it has anything to do with his new handy trait but I do know that I didn’t dress like this when I was a teenager.

Annabeth didn’t seem to care as much about her clothes and just picked out whatever she could find in green. Although I don’t care much for that bikini but teens will be teens. It was also revealed that her birthday has also brought on the realization that she’s a bit nearsighted and needs glasses but she didn’t seem to mind and just said that it added to her image anyway. Well I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean but at least she’s okay with it.

Also they each decided to redo their rooms. Leo simply got a new bed and added a sort of cannon decorative to his room. I offered to paint him something to hang up on the walls but he said that he didn’t want me to go to the trouble.

However Annabeth fully revealed her new adventurous trait by using her room to show off exotic items from all around the world. It even included some special wallpaper with hieroglyphics that she wants to learn to read someday. She didn’t even mind that most of it was in red and black instead of green and she claimed that the green from the plant was enough for her.

As a special birthday treat I decided to buy us all this new tablet thing that was on sale. It’s amazing! You can listen to a tabcast for any skill you want by an expert. You can also buy books online and read books you already have through it! Needless to say the twins and I are all practically addicted to it.

Courtney, on the other hand, didn’t seem so enthusiastic.  She said she was fine with reading the old fashioned way which was fine with me, less money to spend in the long run.

But after reading this adventure book I realized that in order to get out of my cooped up state I need to stop confining myself to this small town. So I made a call for plane tickets for me and a certain adventurous teenager for the next plane to Egypt.

Thanks for reading! Toddler training seems to be bugged for me because no matter how many times I selected the action it never said that they had learned it. I guess they will just age up with whatever trait and I’ll just change it to my liking. Also I originally threw a party for the birthdays but all the sims on the lot completely froze my game so I ended up just having to reset all of them, that’s why the lighting is so bad when they’re aging up, sorry about that. What do you think of the makeovers? (for both the twins and their rooms)

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Offline JudesSims

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The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #79 on: July 24, 2012, 12:55:26 AM »
Good job, Alex! I'm enjoying this story.


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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #80 on: July 24, 2012, 10:11:10 AM »
The twins look both great! Glasses suit Annabeth ;)
The room look lovely. Excellent writing! ;D

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2012, 03:40:16 PM »
Good job, Alex! I'm enjoying this story.
Thank you so much!  :)

The twins look both great! Glasses suit Annabeth ;)
The room look lovely. Excellent writing! ;D
Thanks! I almost forgot to give her glasses and at the last second I remembered, I'm so glad that I did.  :D
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2012, 06:21:19 AM »
I love the twins new looks! The tabcast is really cool. Great update.
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Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2012, 09:11:49 AM »
I can't wait to see what adventures they go on. Great update and I like how you incorporated your glitches into the story. Had you said nothing, we would not have known  :D

Offline ashleighjane

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2012, 11:45:47 AM »
I just read all your chapters today :)

I think my favourite ones were the ones in Leo or Annabeths POV.

I also love how you gave them the tablets in their favourite colours :D

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2012, 04:08:16 PM »
I love the twins new looks! The tabcast is really cool. Great update.
Thank you! I'm pretty much in love with the tablet.  ;)

I can't wait to see what adventures they go on. Great update and I like how you incorporated your glitches into the story. Had you said nothing, we would not have known  :D
Thanks! The toddler thing was really frustrating, but I'm glad I was able to put it in the story.  :D

I just read all your chapters today :)

I think my favourite ones were the ones in Leo or Annabeths POV.

I also love how you gave them the tablets in their favourite colours :D
Thank you! I always try to do as much as I can with my sims' favorite colors. I also like the ones in the kids POVs, I think I just connect with them more then other characters.  :)
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Offline alex51299

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 9
« Reply #86 on: July 29, 2012, 11:04:37 PM »

Chapter 10: The Father-Daughter Trip

I was so excited when Dad announced that he was taking me to Egypt as an extra birthday present. Egypt is so much more exciting then Appaloosa Plains, I’ve heard that there are actual mummies here! That is so much better than a bunch of horses.

As soon as we got off the plane we went to the base camp which wasn’t anything special. I immediately checked out the adventure board and there was a notice for some guy who wanted an eager adventurer to report to him about something so I took the address and was on my way.

I bought this little scooter thing to drive myself around for whatever I’ll be needing to do in Egypt. Technically I shouldn’t be since I don’t have my driver’s license yet, but no one stopped me or even seemed to care so I guess it was okay. Right?

Once I met the guy he told me that I needed to go into this tomb to find some type of files for him. Finally, a real adventure! I went to where he directed and started to explore. At first it was a little boring; I was just stepping on things and looking in chests for the right keystone. You’ll notice that in one of the pictures there is a skeleton in the background which might’ve scared some people. But really for me it just added to the excitement, maybe I would be the first one to fully discover it if no one has made it out before! That’s not weird, is it?

Then I had to test my strength by dragging these huge statues on to pressure plates to open doors. By doing that I actually gained my first level in athletics! Once I get home it might be time to try out the workout room. Soon after I discovered the last room of the tomb and somehow I knew that I had explored the whole tomb, yay! I found the files that the man was talking around and headed my way back to the surface.

Meanwhile Dad decided to check out the local marketplace. He bought a bunch of things, including some recipes and a chest for back home where I could keep all of the relics and things that I was finding.

He also decided to do a bit of snooping around underneath the market and found a couple of chests and a keystone that unlocked a door holding a chest with some money. Plus he found out their storage of nectar and had no problem with taking some for himself.

However our first day came to an end and we went off back to base camp to go to sleep in tents that were right next to each other.

The next day I reported back to the guy who gave me the quest and this time he wanted me to talk to three people about his company which I think is called Morcrup or something. So I made three new friends and asked them their opinion on the company.

After I reported in with the information I had gathered I was sent to this huge pyramid, known as the Tomb of the Burning Sands. It was much more exciting than the other one! I had to disable fire traps and get my athletic skill up even more by clearing away huge piles of rock and stone.

Eventually after finding hidden doors and more artifacts for my now rapidly growing collection I got to the garden with the flame fruit that I was looking for.

I harvested a bit more then I needed just so that I could have some for myself to eat since the dried food I had been eating lately wasn’t very satisfying even though it was keeping me alive.

I would’ve loved to stay and explore the whole tomb, but our vacation was already half over and I really want to at least get to my first Visa level. So I headed out, although not before I used a shower-in-a-can, peeked inside a mummy sarcophagus, and enabled another hidden door via a hole in a wall.

Once I reported back to the man I decided to stop with this adventure since I still wanted a chance to fully explore Egypt on my own without all the pressure of doing things for someone else. Dad was nice enough to get this collection helper thing and let me use it. I spent the rest of day searching for gems and old sites that had the possibility to hold some special relics, gems, or metals.

Dad also decided to take on a small adventure which called for about 9 pieces of copper (I think) so I gave him what I had already collected from earlier.

On our last day we both just relaxed around base camp. Dad decided to try out snake charming.

He wasn’t very good though and actually ended up getting bitten (it wasn’t a poisonous snake so don’t worry) so he gave up on it for the time being and instead learned the recipe for falafel.

This sounds a bit childish, but I caught a bunch of butterflies. It was fun, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to take them with me on the plane.

A couple of hours before our flight was scheduled to leave I visited the sphinx for the first time, and it was magnificent. I promised myself that I’d come back one day to see it again and go on even better adventures.

When we were finally on the plane and waiting for takeoff I got a last minute call from Mom. She said that she was very happy that we were coming home and that she had a big surprise for us once we got there. I wonder what it could be?

Thanks for reading! I haven’t sent any sims on a vacation in a while so this was a lot of fun for me. I actually think that my game ran better in Egypt than it does in AP. ::) Annabeth actually managed to gain a Visa level and a half in three days so she’ll definitely be going back some day.  Hopefully you guys will all like the surprise!

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Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 10
« Reply #87 on: July 30, 2012, 02:11:27 PM »
I love stealing the nectar in tombs!

I know what you mean about going on adventures after a long hiatus. I recently did this with my story and it was sooo much fun. I hadn't done it in a long while. Great update Alex and I'm trying to figure out exactly what the surprise it :)

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 10
« Reply #88 on: July 30, 2012, 04:53:33 PM »
I've never been into the whole adventuring thing but after seeing Annabeth do it, I think it's time for my simmies to have a go!
Great update! I think the surprise will be a new house.
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Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Fireheart Legacy: Chapter 10
« Reply #89 on: July 31, 2012, 10:20:36 AM »
I've never been into the whole adventuring thing but after seeing Annabeth do it, I think it's time for my simmies to have a go!
Great update! I think the surprise will be a new house.

I thought about the new house angle. I'm certainly hoping its something as pleasing as that. And you should try the adventures. It's alot of fun. Just make sure you load up on the granola stuff, some shower in a can, and a tent. You can stay down in the tombs for days!