I have been having the sims do thinks I wish I could do but are not possible. Except for the doctor one; I have never wanted to be one of them.
I love to write, but know I am not good enough to be an author, draw for amusement sometimgs, but again, no where good enough to become an artist. Love the outdoors, but do to mobility and other health problems, can never go hiking again. I think that scavenger hunts are fun, so the gem collector works for that; I wish I could do that aspect. I love growing my own fruits; two apple treees, peach, cherry, two pears, two papaw trees, raspberries, blackberries and getting strawberries and grapes this summer. Yummmmy
Unfortunately, I find I don't like the gardening one, as my sim can't seem to stay out of the sprinklers, she can be so low it is ready to go red in energy or hunger and still she wants to play in the sprinklers.
My husband and I don't have a lot in common so it does make it harder in some aspects of marriage, but 32 years and still going strong, so I guess we have done pretty good.
Number of kids, two is what we have and I think that is fine. One has given us three grandkids. Told her if she has any more I will disown her,
I can't afford it.
I want to continue my sims, keep on with them, kids, grandkids, great grandkids and on to see what happens.