Hmmm. I don't think clones should count. It's the father that counts, so to have a father who was a clone, you'd have to level up in science, then clone someone, which would add a baby to your household. You'd have to raise the baby, then use him as a father. Which would go against the rules of adding people to your household. Unlike the imaginary friend and the genie, who exist as inactive non-household members until you make them active, the cloned child would be active the whole time. It also just doesn't seem special enough to warrant adding it to the supernatural cluster. What if you cloned Christopher Steel? No big deal.
No to a cloned child counting for one of the 26, too. No woohoo, no pregnancy. No relationship to build and maintain, nothing challenging about that but the time invested. It would have fit very well in the TS2 rules, but since the TS3 rules really focuses on collecting fathers, I think that one's out.