Author Topic: My sims never seen in town  (Read 2750 times)

Offline beardeux

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My sims never seen in town
« on: March 23, 2012, 05:41:15 PM »
Hi everyone.  I hope this is in the right place.  I have been using Twinbrook for some time and I have 3 characters I've made myself.  Two have been there from the start.  All three live in their own houses.  Suddenly, two of them are never seen about town.  They don't appear to be stuck at home.  When they are the active household, I can take them anywhere and they behave perfectly normal.  Also, any of them can invite the others out and they come, however, the two immediately leave upon the group disband.  Of the three, one is out and about all the time (he has locked gates and a fenced yard).  I see him a lot.  The 2nd I used to see a lot, now he's never around.  The third is a new character (3 days our time) and I've never seen her anywhere.  I know for sure they've never left their homes because of the memories.  My one who is all over, has several - dance clubs, eating out, park, etc memories, while the others only have 2 or 3 grew this or that plant.  Nothing else.

I keep locked gates and fences around all my sims yards in every town, but this has never affected any of my other sims.  So, I tried unlocking their gate, but it has made no difference.  I reset them both at their respective homes, then copied them to the library with the house, bulldozed the house on the lot and moved them back in.  No go.  I don't want to have to build the houses again, but that may have to be my next step.

Can anyone explain or help me fix this.  I don't understand it. 
Bear Deux

Hey, I figured it out.  It must have been something in the lot.  In all my attempts to fix things, I was trying to keep the house and sim together.  (not a fan of building).  But I moved him into another house and now he is out and about as should be.  He'll just have to rebuild his house.  Moving...yuck.  I did get rid of the new character.  I will start over with her.  She hadn't gone far yet. 
Bear Deux
Take Care & Clear Skies
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Re: my sims never seen in town
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 05:51:18 AM »
I'm glad you solved it Baer! I couldn't think why your sims acting so weird lol.

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Re: my sims never seen in town
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 06:31:54 AM »
Welcome to the forum.
I was just going to suggest to save your family and house separately to the bin as it sometimes that weird things happen either the connection of sims and their houses. Next time you find problems, try this first. It could save you a lot of time.

Offline beardeux

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Re: my sims never seen in town
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 06:51:45 PM »
Hi there and thanks for responding, both of you.  I did try saving both the sim and the sim with house.  I missed saving just the house to the bin though.  I'll remember that next time.  Thanks. I tried everything I could think of, even bulldozed the empty lot.  This problem affected two lots.  Still don't know why.  I got rid of the girl (she was new and I started her over fresh) and I think maybe the problem was with both houses.  Weird that two should go like that.  Anyway, he's rebuilding and she is fresh and doing fine.  I love Twinbrook.  It's my favourite.  Nice quiet town with no vampires or celebrity stuff.  Just living. 
Bear Deux
Take Care & Clear Skies
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Offline Hosfac

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Re: my sims never seen in town
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 07:00:25 PM »
If you've got Late Night, there will be vampires and celebrities eventually unless you use a mod to keep them from popping up.
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Re: my sims never seen in town
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 03:36:14 PM »
If you've got Late Night, there will be vampires and celebrities eventually unless you use a mod to keep them from popping up.

Oh you still can not choose too? Darn pitty. I got the feeling every single (or taken) sim here has two little holes in their grey neck now. Bit to much for me.
But Im getting offtopic. Im glad your problem has been solved beardoux. Pretty fast to; within the five posts. :)