Chapter forty one.
Voice:Congratulations Pigeon immortal number four is go.
Pigeon:Woot,can I go now.
Voice:Where exactly do you need to be in such a hurry.
Pigeon:Well erm there is the erm well I err...
Voice:You don't have anywhere to go or anything to do now do you.
Pigeon:Not exactly.I just didn't want to go timetravelling or mining for you.
Voice:You don't have to go mining.I need you to go scope out some local ladies for Macaw.
Pigeon:That sounds like fun.
Voice:I know,now off you trot.
Mac:I don't think I like this.
Voice:Well get used to it because this Maccy dearest is your supermax skill.
Mac:I am supermaxing squishing.
Voice:It is not just about squishing there is an art to nectar making.You have to select the perfect fruit and mix it just right to get the perfect blend.
Mac:You are just going to stick a load of different fruit into the nectar maker and hope for the best aren't you.
Voice:Pretty much what I had planned.
Mac:I am going to have a very repatitive teen hood aren't I.
Voice:Oh yes a very repatitive teen hood.
Mac:Err dad do you want a booster seat or something.
Alby:Not at all son.
Mac:Well you seem very low down in the seat.
Alby:I am perfectly fine son now just turn left here.
Mac:We are on a straight road dad.
Alby:Are we?
Mac:I knew it wasn't such a great idea to have driving lessons off someone who cannot see over the dashboard.
Alexis:Oh dear.
Voice:No that isn't fair you only just turned ninety.
Cedric:It is okay Voice we will take care of her.
Alexis:Tell Alby that I will always love him.
Voice:I will Alexis.
Alexis:And choose a nice girl for my Maccy Pants.
Voice:Of course I always pick nice spouses.
Pigeon:Here is spouse candidate number one. Her name is Marranda and she is an adult.
Voice:Too old and too evil,next.
Pigeon:Candidate number two.She is Ida and she is a teen.
Voice:Not too bad might be a little too young though.
Pigeon:Next we have Lakeshia who is an adult. She has the mean spirited trait.
Voice:Too old and I don't like her traits.
Pigeon:This is Juliet she is a young adult and she has Agnes hair.
Voice:Well other then the Agnes hair she looks very pretty. Ding ding we have a winner,Invite her to move in Pigeon.
Voice:Welcome to the family Juliet.You are pretty,stunning in fact.
Juliet:So what do I do now.
Voice:Well in a couple of days your Romeo will age up and you can get to know one another.
Juliet:Then can we have a little nooboo.
Voice:Lets wait until you are an adult sweetie we do not want to ruin the plan now.
Juliet:Fine by me.
Ratchie note:It almost came as a shock to me when I realised that Juliet was the lost spouse that I would have moving in.