Chapter twelve.
It is birthday time in the Simself house. Several things happened.
Rachel blew out her birthday candles and nobody cared. Well except for Jax who was probably waiting to do her ice sculpture just for something to do and Kris who was totally wigging out because I forced him into the great outdoors yet again.
Chaffinch performed for tips and managed to get to level five in her career. This my friends is what we call taking advantage of the situation.
Cedric wore some very very tiny speedos.
Rachel went for classic chic in her everyday and formal wear.
Voice:Nice pyjamas.
Rachel:I know they are totally snuggly.
Voice:I bet they are.
Rachel:So when do I get to eat ambrosia.
Voice:When you are 83.
Rachel:Why 83 I have completed all my requirements,well except for the museum peices but that won't take long.
Voice:If you think I am wasting ambrosia on someone who just aged up to elder then you are sadly mistaken. So you have to wait till you are 83.
Rachel:Yes but why 83.
Voice:Because Christopher Steel died at age 85 in my first ever legacy so I am not pushing my luck with you lot.
Rachel:Fair enough. Can I go eat cake now.
next chapter.