Author Topic: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter fifty two post August 22  (Read 73038 times)


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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter four.
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2012, 02:45:20 PM »
Wow, Chaffinch is a hassle! And potty training in the. Garden, I should do that in my dynasty when Galaxy is a toddler

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter four.
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2012, 06:28:19 PM »
I never thought of potty training in the garden. Splendid idea! I love how funny this is. If Rachel is using the power of her mind, technically Voice, then I bet she could get some stuff done. :)

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter four.
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2012, 07:03:12 PM »
Chaffinch, I think you may just be my favourite ever sim toddler.

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter four.
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2012, 08:32:21 PM »
Chaffinch Is a cheeky little angel. :D

Offline ratchie

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter four.
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2012, 07:55:11 AM »
Chapter five childhood make over.

This is another one of those boring makeover chapters.

Chaffinch aged up with a great big square head,seriously though her head was twice the size of her body I was scared that my graphics card would blow up or something.

Everyday wear.

formal wear.


Sports wear.

There will be a proper update soon.

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter five.
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2012, 05:49:34 PM »
Chapter six.

Carly:So who is the kid?
Voice:Meet your son.
Cedric:Hi mum.
Carly:I am too young to have a child I only aged up to young adult a few hours ago.
Voice:Well,you see it is always sad that spares and whatnot don't usually get to have children and I thought that you might like to have a little boy of your own...
Carly:You want him to do the paintings and sculptures don't you.
Voice:Well yes there is that.
Carly:Why a child,why not just let me meet someone and have a nooboo.
Voice:If you want the truth,it is all about timing. We are on a strict timetable here.
Cedric:Can I go play now.
Voice:Of course enjoy your childhood sweetie,plenty of time for skilling after you age up to teen.

Cedric. He came with the easily impressed,artistic and angler traits. We could have not done better if we had actually chosen his traits.

Ben:Chaffinch,come on in now it is time to go to bed.
Ben:Do not make me come up there.
Chaffinch:Do not make me pour a bucket of water over you.(Splash)
Ben:You get down here right now.
Ben:Chaffinch Gertrude Simself you are in big trouble young lady.
Cedric:Gertrude heh heh.
Chaffinch:Cedric told me to throw the water.
Ben:Is this true Cedric.
Chaffinch:Of course Daddy,would I ever lie to you.
Ben:Okay princess you come down here and see what else daddy got you for your birthday. Cedric clean up this mess.

Ben and Chaffinch:Islands in the stream that is what we are,no one inbetween...

Voice:Woot,we have everything we need to make ambrosia.
Ben:We rock.
Voice:We most certainly do,and Rachel isn't even an adult yet.
Ben:You know she can't eat the stuff yet.
Voice:Yeah I know,loads of stuff to do first.
Ben:So why am I making ambrosia now.
Voice:So we can store it for later.

Voice:Twenty plates of Ambrosia stored yay us.
Ben:So what happens next.
Voice:Rachel just needs to go up another three levels in her career,buy her property and building,complete another three opps and make some best friends.
Ben:What is next for me.
Voice:You can pretty much do what you want now honey. Here have a look in buy mode and I will get you something for your elder birthday.

Next chapter.
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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2012, 06:09:04 PM »
I can't wait to see what happens when there's a "conflict" between the Voice and Chaffinch.
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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2012, 12:35:14 PM »
I can't wait to see what happens when there's a "conflict" between the Voice and Chaffinch.
Surely there is..

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2012, 12:42:22 PM »
Great update, and yey Ambrosia! I'm so jealous of all you people that are able to get it so super-quick, I'm terrified I won't have it in time for my dynasty, haha! Looking forward to the next update. :)

Offline ratchie

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2012, 01:37:47 PM »
I can't wait to see what happens when there's a "conflict" between the Voice and Chaffinch.
Neither can I. The only thing is I am not sure who will win.
Surely there is..
At the moment there is just conflict between Chaffinch and the rest of the Sims. If she doesn't start behaving herself Voice may have to step in. But to be honest I like playing Chaffinch as a kid with an attitude makes a change for me.
Great update, and yey Ambrosia! I'm so jealous of all you people that are able to get it so super-quick, I'm terrified I won't have it in time for my dynasty, haha! Looking forward to the next update. :)
In the Smiths I didn't have a clue what I was doing and Hebe was an elder before I even grew my first lifefruit,boy was that stressful. Now I know that getting life fruit and death fish is one of the most important things to get done in a dynasty. Remembering the first lot of museum peices is,in my opinion,the MOST important thing. Career,friends and black opps can wait a while.

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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2012, 06:25:42 AM »
Wow Dynasty number three, you sure are an industrious simmer! I think Cedric is a cute little boy, and Chaffinch is pretty, but has one of those faces that will look better on an adult, than it did on the child, but that's just my prediction.

A whole Dynasty family with the insane trait, that will surely keep things lively :D  Good luck!
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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2012, 07:44:37 AM »
Great story Rachel, I'm very impressed you are on Dynasty number three when I can't even get my first generation to ambrosia.

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter six.
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2012, 04:19:05 AM »
Chapter seven.

The day before Chaffinch's birthday she decides to visit the park.

Voice:Enjoying yourself while you can.
Chaffinch:Of course I am enjoying myself...wait...what do you mean while I can.
Voice:Well once you age up to teen the skilling starts.
Chaffinch:I don't wanna skill.
Voice:You are lucky I didn't get you started on painting before now. Do you know how lucky you are to have a skill free childhood.
Chaffinch:You can't tell me what to do.
Voice:Foolish,foolish child.

Voice:Hey there sweetie how's it going.
Jax:Sorry was there something you needed me to do?
Voice:No honey,you have learnt to make ice scultures and maxed handiness so we can get fifty percent off building. Plus you upgraded all the replicators in the house so at the moment we have 180 stored plates of amrosia. I think you deserve some you time.

Voice:It is party time.
Forum:Woot(waves noise makers and blows horns)
Forum's mum:Keep that noise down.
Voice:As you can see we have a traditional pool party.
Forum:Why are you having a pool party with no pool?
Voice:Why I am glad you asked. I am able to discover if a Sim has the insane or inappropriate traits by seeing if they show up in swimsuits or not. 
Forum:Oh very clever,you really are the Sim Goddess.
Pam:Excuse me while I just edit out that last part.
Voice:Hey...(sigh) Okay Pam I admit it you are the Sim Goddess.

Here is our little Chaffinch all grown up. Is it just me or does she look far older then a teen.

Everyday wear. My girl has some curves and I think it looks great.

Formal wear.

next chapter.
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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter seven.
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2012, 07:37:57 AM »
Chaffinch is a beautiful teen. It is very funny that the forum attend the party lol! ;D

Offline ratchie

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Re: Ratchie's Simself Dynasty. Chapter seven.
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2012, 07:08:52 PM »
Chapter eight.

Voice:Okay Chaffinch let's get you a man.
Chaffinch:Let's get married.
Voice:No not like that,you will scare him away.
Chaffinch:Don't be silly as I if I would scare...him...hello,where did he go.
Voice:Okay that went well.
Chaffinch:I sense a sarcastic tone there Voice.
Voice:Me,sarcastic never. Anyway on to plan b.
Chaffinch:What is plan b.
Voice:Stand outside his house until he lets you in.
Chaffinch:Stalking,I like it.
Voice:I thought you might.

Chaffinch:Hello could Kristopher come out to play please.
Kristopher:Urm he isn't in can you call never.
Chaffinch:I can see you,you know.
Kristopher:This isn't me,it is like urm some kind of projection thingy.
Chaffinch:Projection thingy?
Kristopher:Yes like a hologram or whatever it is called.
Chaffinch:Are you sure it looks really realistic.
Kristopher:Of course I am sure,it is the future we have those kinds of things now.
Chaffinch:Okay I will just be leaving then.

Chaffinch:Mr Sekemoto sir,can I just have a quick word.
Vampire security guard:Can I just ask you to step away from the gentleman there missy.
Chaffinch:But I just wanted to..
Vampire security guard:We don't want any trouble,miss,so you need to move along there.
Chaffinch:What's to stop me from standing here until you turn into a pile of dust.
Vampire security guard:Well,nothing as it happens but..
Chaffinch:Wow is it just me or is hot out here in all this daylight.
Voice:Chaffinch be nice.
Chaffinch:Spoil sport,alright I am going.
Voice:Lets try Kris again.Remember nice and subtle this time.

Chaffinch:I like veggies do you like veggies.
Voice:well maybe not that subtle.

Kris:Yes I like veggies too.
Chaffinch:It is good that we both like veggies plus signs all round.
Voice:I stand corrected keep going Chaffinch.

Kris:Oh dear it appears that a beloved family pet has died.
Voice:(Head desk)Great!

Chaffinch:Would a kiss help in your time of grief?

Voice:Who is this bloke?
Chaffinch:Cedric invited Kris over so I decided to invite some lad from school over to make Kris jealous.
Voice:Great it working.
Chaffinch:Not really.
Voice:I can't understand why. Why don't you forget about the romance for a day or so and learn how to drive.

Ben:Keep your eyes on the road Chaffinch. Stop staring at yourself in the mirror.
Chaffinch:Yeah,but look how cool I look in my retro car.
Ben:I don't care how cool you look keep your eyes on the road.
Chaffinch:Do you think I should get some of those oversized shades?
Ben:Chaffinch Gertrude are you listening to me.
Chaffinch:Hold on let me just put some tunes on...what is an eight track?
Ben:How am I supposed to know. just watch the road.
Chaffinch:No need to get a stress on dad.
Ben:I am getting too old for this.

next chapter.
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