Chapter ten.
Kris:I kristofer promise to spend my life painting..
Chaffinch:We got the painting covered snuckums.
Kris:Oh alright,sculpting then..
Chaffinch:Got that one covered too.
Chaffinch:We have enough ambrosia to last for several generations,so that's out too and mum's got gardening under control.
Kris:So what am I supposed to do.
Chaffinch:Well I could do with a little help bringing in the next generation.
Kris:(Big smile)
Chaffinch:That's if you have a minute or two to spare.
Chaffinch:Oh shut and kiss me.
Voice:Oh congratulations you two.
Chaffinch:Go away Voice.
Kris:Wow I can hear a Voice.
Voice:Hey Kris.
Kris:Urm Hello.
Chaffinch:Can we get back to the kissing now.
Voice:Don't let me stop you.
Kris:Do you think you could,you know,click the try for baby button for me.
Voice:Of course,but first there is cake.
Voice:Don't you like cake?
Kris:Well yes but I bet cake is not half as much fun as I imagine trying for baby is going to be.
Voice:I think I will leave you two alone for a while.
Voice:The try for baby button is not looking so much fun now is it.
Chaffinch:I am never ever doing this again.
Voice:Too right your not just one nooboo for you my girl.
Chaffinch:This pain is so not worth it.
Voice:It will be..
Chaffinch:Nooboo! What are you going to call her.
Voice:Me,she is your nooboo what do you want to call her.
Chaffinch:Squiggle pops.
Voice:Urm,not happening.
Chaffinch:Why did you even pretend I had a choice.
Voice:I thought you might have come up with something half normal,we have a bird theme remember.
Chaffinch:How about Polly.
Voice:Where on earth did you get Polly from.
Chaffinch:People call Parrots Polly and a parrot is a bird is it not.
Voice:It is not what people name their birds it is names of birds.
Chaffinch:Alright calm down you name the baby.
Nooboo:Hello Voice.What did you call me then.
Voice:Your name is Kestrel Simself. But I will probably call you Kes or Kessie.
Kes:What traits did I get.
Voice:Excitable and Insane.Although if I am honest you don't look that excitable right now.
Kes:I am trapped in a swing inside a locked room how excited do you want me to get.
Voice:Fair point,see you in a couple of days Kessie.
Kes:See you soon Voice.
next chapter.Rachel