Chapter forty nine.
Patrice:I can't believe you are breaking up with me!
Quetzal:I am sorry hun,but I have to.
Patrice:Why,was it something I did,I can change.
Quetzal:You can't change you are you.
Patrice:I thought you loved me.
Quetzal:I do love you..
Patrice:Oh Quetzal my first and only true love.
Voice:Okay enought of the dramatics. First of all you became romantic interests at prom without having a single romantic social between the pair of you.Having no teen boys at school has not helped matters if I am honest.Second of all you are a vampire so as father to generation eight you fall way short.
Patrice:I guess I should just leave then..
Quetzal:Call me...
Voice:Sorry sweetie,if this were not a dynasty I would have no problem with you and Patrice getting together.
Quetzal:It is okay Voice,I understand.
Voice:Don't you just love it when you co-ordinate with your horse.
Quetzal:I am so sorry Cheerio,we have to say goodbye.
Cheerio:Neigh neigh neighy neigh.
Quetzal:I promise that your new family will take good care of you.
Cheerio:Nuzzle neigh whinny.
Quetzal:Don't make this any harder then it has to be old friend.
Voice:Old friend you only adopted him ten minutes ago.
Quetzal:You just don't understand.
Voice:Okay a couple more affectionate socials and we go to the equestrian centre,okay.
Quetzal:Okay I suppose.
Voice:Happy birthday Quetzal.
Quetzal:So do you want to be adopted by me then be sold to the equestrian centre.
Quetzal:Alright you get forty percent of the takings.
Laters:Neigh,neigh neigh!
Quetzal:Okay sixty but that is my final offer.
Quetzal:So do you want to...
Goodbye:Whinny,hurumph neigh.
Quetzal:Oh right so laters told you about the equestrian centre.
Goodbye:Neigh neigh neigh!
Quetzal:Seventy percent that is daylight robbery. I might just keep you and send you out to stud for a little bit to make some extra cash.
Goodbye:Nicker whinny neigh.
Quetzal:Oh right you are a girl horse. Okay seventy percent it is but you horses are robbing me blind.