Chapter forty three.
About a week before Juliets adult birthday the honeymooners decided the time was right to being a new life into the Sim world.
Mac:Did you hear the chimes.
Juliet:I think I did but I had my mind on other things.
Mac:Do you want to try again just to make sure.
Voice:I heard the chimes.
Mac:That might have been the ice cream van right..
Voice:Nope pretty sure it was the...oh right.No didn't hear any chimes you better try for a baby again.Lets hope it works this time.
Juliet:I have my fingers crossed.
Voice:I will leave you two alone for a while then shall I.
Voice:What is wrong?
Juliet:I feel strange.
Voice:Strange how,good strange or bad strange.
Juliet:Pregnant strange.
Voice:Woot baby number seven is on the way.You need to go back to the grocery store.
Voice:We need lots and lots of watermelons.
Voice:That maternity dress is hideous.
Juliet:(Munch munch)I know,How many of these things am I supposed to eat.
Voice:Well we bought 27.
Juliet:If I eat that many I will look like a watermelon.
Voice:Just eat the fruit we need a baby girl.
Mac:Hello baby girl.
Juliet:What shall we call her.
Voice:One of the forum members already named her.
Voice:You will find out.
Voice:Hello little nooboo.
Juliet:So what is her name going to be.
Alex 51299:Oh wow I am in a dynasty story this is soooo cool.
Juliet:Hey Alex.
Alex:Hi there.
Juliet:So what did you name our nooboo.
Alex:Her name is Quetzal.
Juliet:Hello little Zal.Thank you Alex.
Alex:My pleasure.