Author Topic: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 13: Inventing a Tournament  (Read 21981 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 8: The First Immortal
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2012, 11:51:58 AM »
Congratulations to Justin and to you!   You're really knocking this one out !
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Offline alex51299

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 8: The First Immortal
« Reply #46 on: April 01, 2012, 01:15:32 PM »
Congrats on the first of your last immortals, (did I say that right?) lol.
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

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Offline Orange Iguana

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The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 9: Finally Free
« Reply #47 on: April 02, 2012, 04:08:37 PM »
Episode Nine: Finally Free

The first immortal is complete, Agnes is actually happy for once, and Terry is well on his way to becoming the next Martial Arts superstar. The Hackers are off to a good start. Of course, they are a bit lacking when it comes to finance but we're sure that they'll come up with something that doesn't involve the genie.

We begin this episode with Terry consulting his genie about his final wish.

Felix: It is nice of you to let me out once in a while so we can have fun, Master.
Terry: That wasn't all I called you for.
Felix: You must be referring to your final wish. Do bear in mind that once I grant it, you will have no more wishes.
Terry: I wanted to ask, do I have a time limit on that final wish?
Felix: Technically, no.
Terry: Sweet! I wanted to save my final wish for when I get married and I was hoping I could do that.
Felix: Married? I hope you aren't thinking of wishing for what I think you're going wish for.
Terry: You bet I am.
Felix: I wish you good luck in the future, Master.

After the little conversation with the genie, some mysterious music played and then the Grim Reaper music started playing. It wasn't until later that night that the Hackers realized that a stray dog had died on their lot. He seems to be quite comfortable sleeping on the chair, though Agnes didn't appreciate it. The grave was later sold and some animal-discouraging gnomes were purchased to prevent this incident from occuring again.

A few days of pure meditation later, Terry not only managed to finish the Master of Meditation challenge, but it was also his birthday. Terry, being the second generation, means that once he blows out those candles and becomes a young adult, the family will finally be allowed to travel.

Terry: (I'd make a wish but I'm afraid my genie will grant it.)

Terry: Wh-WHAT!? Where'd all my hair go? And why am I suddenly so eager to get to work?

Balding, eager to work, this can only mean one thing, Terry became a workaholic.

Terry: Oh it's true! I can't live without workahol.

After that little outburst, Terry put on a wig and changed to some proper traveling clothes.

At long last, Terry can travel! After getting a job in professional sports, Terry made a phone call to Simcity International Airport and took the first plane heading to China. He has only six days to get a level three VISA, can he do it? The first order of business is to check the adventure board.

Terry: What's this... "I need an adventurer who can get an ancient relic for me. Please speak to Maya Wang if you're interested. Cowards need not apply." OKAY! Let's do this!

Terry: I'm here to retreive your relic, ma'am. Point me where it is.
Maya Wang: You go get relic from Halls of the Lost Army and bring it here. I give you good reward if you do.
Terry: Halls of the Lost Army, got it.

A quick dungeon clear and a not-so-quick tranquil transference later, Terry reports back to the woman who gave him the job.

Terry: Here's your relic.
Maya Wang: You do good job, I call VI--
Terry: Can we not do that joke this time? It stopped being funny when that pink guy went to France.
Maya Wang: Here. You take money. I hope you come when I need help again. Yeah?

Being adventurous and opportunistic, Terry already hit level 1 VISA just by doing that woman a favor.

One particular adventure wanted Terry to find out why someone stopped going to a martial arts club.

Terry: Why did you stop going to a martial arts club?
Shing Hong: I don't like you very much.
Terry: Okay, I'll go tell him that. Thank you.

Terry: The guy stopped going because he doesn't like me.
Keung Tsang: But you come here for first time ever.
Terry: That's what I told him! Anyway, adventure complete. Pay me.

One other adventure required that Terry spars with a sim a couple of times. Sparring has it's downsides however.

Terry: MY WIG!
Shen Su: Watch the ceiling light!

With Terry now at VISA level 3 for China, he's a third of the way to becoming a seasoned traveler. There's nothing left for him to do but break some oak boards to become the next timber terminator and wish he could keep his wig on during martial arts time.

Italicized = Complete
Terry's Immortality Progress
Traits: Disciplined, Athletic, Adventurous, Charismatic, Workaholic
Lifetime Wish: Seasoned Traveler
Career: Professional Sports
Supermax: Martial Arts
Real Estate: Divisadero Budget Books, Stoney Falls [Level 3]
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Prepared Traveler, Moodlet Manager
Unique Opportunities:
Best Friends: Jerry Wolff, Tyra Rosario, Johanna Grimes, Lourdes Gaines, Isaiah Post, Felix Farrell


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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 9: Finally Free
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2012, 07:39:57 AM »
It is too funny that he lost his wig lol! Great update. ;D

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 9: Finally Free
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2012, 07:52:44 AM »
I loved the reference to a certain dynasty  that happens to be one of my many favourites ;)

Offline Orange Iguana

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The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2012, 06:34:15 PM »

I'm not dead, I've just been really busy lately. The dynasty's still on.

Episode Ten: Around the World

In the last episode, Terry went on various adventures in China but some people found out that he has to wear a wig because aging up caused him to go bald.

Before we continue, let's take a look at Stoney Falls, which Terry purchased. The goal of each renovation is to meet all the requirements for level three but also throw in a personal touch. For Justin, it was the Cow Plant Altar, for Terry, it's...

...The Sim Fu Arena. Terry hopes that the next King of Sim Fu tournament will come to Sunset Valley so people may unleash their non-lethal fury at each other and demonstrate the art of sim fu. Sadly, it wasn't possible to provide raised seating for the guests.

Back to our story, a couple of days after his China adventure, Terry went to France. He had a wish to visit the place and a Chinese adventure he was working on wanted him to go to France. Unfortunately, Terry forgot to bring his motive mobile so he'll have to make do with only a moodlet manager and a scooter.

Terry: (How did I forget to bring my own CAR? Did I just wander to the airport on foot or something?)

While in France, Terry decided he may as well stop at the bookstore and purchase some French recipes like cheese plates and frogs legs. What he really wants to buy however, is the nectar making skill books. Although none of the immortals are going to do nectar making because it requires growing French grapes, there is a little trick you can do with the self-employed career.

It didn't take long for Terry to hit level 3 VISA. In fact, his continuation of an adventure from China gave him French VISA.

Terry: ...And that's what happened. Some guy was trapped in the basement for years and wouldn't shut up until someone moved his skeleton to the graveyard.
Gustave Delvin: Thank you for making the museum not haunted, congratulations on your level 3 VISA.
Terry: (Two down, one to go)

After spending his entire downtime working at home, Terry went to Egypt to work on finishing his Lifetime Wish.

Rather than do the long series of adventures that Egypt normally requires, Terry opted to do smaller jobs to earn his VISA points. Although there's less tomb exploring, it's his only option because there aren't enough turquoise to continue past the tutorial tomb.

Terry: I found your copper. Good thing I happened to have seven of these on hand already.
Mena Lufti: Thank you for helping me scam tourists into thinking they're relics, here's your reward.
Terry: (I'd rather be fighting mummies...)

Rather be fighting mummies? Wish granted! Since there was no adventures that Terry could currently do, mostly because there isn't enough of the requested collectable to complete it, Terry paid a visit to the Pyramid of the Burning Sands and challenged the mummy that was there.

Terry: OKAY! Let's do this!

It's hard to tell what's going on but I think the mummy's winning despite Terry being a level 10 martial artist and level 6 in athletics.

Yeah, the mummy won. Man, for a black belt, you sure do stink at fighting Terry. To make matters worse, the paparazzis told all of Egypt that Terry was passed out. Filthy stalking paparazzis!

Disappointed that Terry lost a fight against a mummy, he continued doing what he knew he did best, collecting stuff for random people.

Hassan Badawi: Thank you for bringing me some alabastar. Next, I need you to read a cooking book and teach someone how to cook using what you learned.
Terry: No
Hassan Badawi: No?
Terry: That's right, no.
Hassan Badawi: Why not?
Terry: Because I just completed my lifetime wish. Level 3 VISA in Egypt means I don't have to do what you say.
Hassan Badawi: But I really need you to--
Terry: Bye.

Although Terry completed his lifetime wish that took him all over the world, there's still much for him to do. He still has to attend China's King of Sim Fu Tournament. If Terry can't beat a mummy though, then the odds of him winning the tournament doesn't look good for him. All he can do is train, and train hard.

Italicized = Complete
Terry's Immortality Progress
Traits: Disciplined, Athletic, Adventurous, Charismatic, Workaholic
Lifetime Wish: Seasoned Traveler
Career: Professional Sports
Supermax: Martial Arts
Real Estate: Divisadero Budget Books, Stoney Falls (Level 3)
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Prepared Traveler, Moodlet Manager, Fireproof Homestead
Unique Opportunities:
Best Friends: Jerry Wolff, Tyra Rosario, Johanna Grimes, Lourdes Gaines, Isaiah Post, Felix Farrell


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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2012, 07:38:53 PM »
Glad to see you're still alive! ;) Poor Terry, he is lucky the mummy didn't curse him! Great update.

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Offline RoseLena10

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #52 on: April 16, 2012, 07:00:48 PM »
Great update! Congrats on completing the lifetime wish! :D

Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2012, 12:54:58 AM »
I've gone back and read your Doe Dynasty and this one. Gosh, you're good! Please keep writing it. Not only am I enjoying the story, but I'm learning tricks and tips as well. Thanks

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2012, 05:22:18 PM »
That's really good luck that Terry didn't get cursed, but how he lost in the first place is a bit confusing...

Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2012, 06:57:14 PM »
That's really good luck that Terry didn't get cursed, but how he lost in the first place is a bit confusing...

Mummies have level 10 Martial Arts and level 10 Athletics. Terry has level 10 MA, but I believe it was said that he only has level 6 Athletic.

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 10: Around the World
« Reply #56 on: April 22, 2012, 06:20:58 AM »
Mummies have level 10 Martial Arts and level 10 Athletics. Terry has level 10 MA, but I believe it was said that he only has level 6 Athletic.

I didn't know that mummies had level 10 MA and level 10 athletics, but Terry did indeed only have level 6 athletics in that fight. In case it matters, the mummy attacked Terry from behind too.

Offline Orange Iguana

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The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 11: Intentional Triplets
« Reply #57 on: April 22, 2012, 06:29:02 AM »
Episode Eleven: Intentional Triplets

Previously, on The Hacker Dynasty, Terry went around the world doing various requests for strangers so that each country's government would grant him permission to stay for longer than six days. He also lost a fight to a mummy, which is bad because Terry is supposed to be supermaxing Martial Arts.

We begin this episode with Terry working from home as the newest Toddler Sports Coach. Although a professional athlete is normally paid by their performance, Terry likes to go one step further by working at the library all night. How is it that Terry can work in his field without playing the actual sport or, as of this screenshot, coaching nooboos? By cutting people from his team.

Terry: Marty Keaton, he's cut. Monika Morris, she's cut. Ethan Bunch, oooh definitely cutting. Darrell Luna, don't know who he is but he's cut. Now on to cutting the toddlers...

Through the ingenious method of cutting every single toddler from the team, then dressing up as a toddler and winning the match by himself, Terry got promoted to a Minor Leaguer. However, seeing all those toddlers running around made Terry realize something, he wanted to be a father and have a toddler of his own to coach. Terry doesn't really know anyone that is suitable to bring in the third generation though so he went door to door looking for a wife.

Terry: Hi, I'm Terry Hacker, what's your name?
Bella Bachelor: It's 11:30 PM, isn't it a little late to be meeting new people?
Terry: It's 5 o' clock somewhere.

Although Terry couldn't quite woo Bella Bachelor that night, it didn't stop him from forming a group the next night. They mostly stood in place and talked since driving your date around in a motive mobile instantly makes people happy. Eventually, Terry started to make his moves.

Terry: Want to be my girlfriend?
Bella: Wow, do you actually live in this house?
Terry: No, I just thought it'd be a good place to ask you.

Terry: And a good place to show you this.
Bella: But we only met last night!
Terry: What's wrong? Can't keep up?
Bella: No no, I'll marry you, just slow down!

Terry: Nope, we're having the wedding now. Here's your ring.
Bella: (Please do not try for a baby immediately, please do not try for a baby immediately...)
Terry: Now I need to take care of one small thing...
Bella: (Yes! A moment to catch my breath!)
Terry: ...And then we'll try for a baby.
Bella: (AWWWW!)

After getting married, Terry went home to summon the genie for his final wish. Little did he know, Terry waited so long to make that final wish that something unexpected happened.

Terry: Felix, I'm--W-whoa! Who are you?
Chiquita Godfrey: Felix no longer exists. My name is Chiquita, I will be replacing your former genie.
Terry: Can I call you Banana?
Chiquita: Only if you use your last wish on it.

Terry: Anyway, regardless of who replaces Felix, I'm ready to make my final wish.
Chiquita: Very well, what shall it be?
Terry: I wish for... A LARGE FAMILY!
Chiquita: You do not have to shout the wish, Master.

[Author's Note: Apparently, if you get a different genie when cleaning the lamp, your wish count is reset. This was supposed to be my third wish but the game treated it as my first wish. I'm not complaining, I'll take it.]

Terry: Baby time, Bella.
Bella: Wait, are you sure you want to have kids? They're a lot of responsibility and--
Terry: Not if you have swinging chairs, scented candles, a fireplace, and this kind of house. We'll be fine.

Because we're all sick of seeing two pixelated blocks climb into a shower and women becoming nauseated, let's skip directly to Bella becoming pregnant with the third gen.

A few days later, Bella went into labor while walking outside to play with the sprinklers. It's time for her to do the ritual all women do and that's driving to the hospital by yourself while in labor. If Bella is tough enough to do that, then she's tough enough to raise kids.

Thanks to large family wish from Terry, Bella gave birth to triplets. From left to right are Ivan, Richard, and the third generation, Keith. Ivan and Richard are both couch potatoes and insane whereas Keith isn't quite a couch potato but he is insane and a bit eccentric. Nothing the swings and a locked door can't handle.

Italicized = Complete
Terry's Immortality Progress
Traits: Disciplined, Athletic, Adventurous, Charismatic, Workaholic
Lifetime Wish: Seasoned Traveler
Career: Professional Sports
Supermax: Martial Arts
Real Estate: Divisadero Budget Books, Stoney Falls (Level 3)
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Prepared Traveler, Moodlet Manager, Fireproof Homestead
Unique Opportunities: Ticket Counting
Best Friends: Jerry Wolff, Tyra Rosario, Johanna Grimes, Lourdes Gaines, Isaiah Post

Keith's Immortality Progress
Traits: Eccentric, Insane
Lifetime Wish: To create an army of simbots of course!
Career: By the time he maxes this out, the consignment store is going to be sick of him.
Supermax: Gee, I wonder what he is going to supermax with ecc--It's inventing, okay?
Real Estate: If he were to buy the science lab, he could make his own rules. Who says they have to study plant life?
Portraits: And the mighty cow plant from the Metropolis sayeth: "Thou Shalt Not Paint Portraits of Infants"
Unique Lifetime Rewards: You already know what two of them are going to be with an inventor sim.
Unique Opportunities: Man I hope the simbot creation one counts.
Best Friends: I honestly would not be surprised if all of his friends were simbots.

The Other Two Non-Immortal Siblings
Traits: Who cares?
Lifetime Wish: I'm going to pick the one on the far left when they age to YA, even if it's gold digger.
Career: May as well have them do SOMETHING, right? Could have them both do culinary and get a couple of those fridges.
Supermax: Being non-immortal, they could supermax all of the skills with no reprocussions whatsoever if they wanted.
Real Estate: If they were to buy real estate, they'd be hurting the future generations.
Portraits: They don't need portraits.
Unique Lifetime Rewards: Ok you two, your task is to buy as many moodlet managers and motive mobiles as you can. GO!
Unique Opportunities: Step 1. Accept opportunity. Step 2. Never do it so that they don't get phone calls.
Best Friends: Friendship is magic for immortals. They're not immortals however...

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 11: Intentional Triplets
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2012, 07:02:00 AM »
Hahaha! Bella was very scared of having nooboos! But she must be a good bit older than Terry?  ;D

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Hacker Dynasty. Episode 11: Intentional Triplets
« Reply #59 on: April 22, 2012, 07:35:18 AM »
She looked young but it turns out she's only about 10 days away from becoming an elder.