I'm a guy — the Metropolis MAN kind of gives that away — and like Honeymooners accurately pointed out, I tend to go for just couples or singles when I play. I pretty much do only my own challenges and I'm looking forward to participating in other player's challenges, so I have no time to do stuff like a Legacy Challenge just for fun. I have 3 daughters in real life, so I know all about raising kids. But, it's not surprising to me that the poll would show much different results between men and women's play preferences — it's to be expected.
Carl and Pam threw up the new Baby Boomer Challenge yesterday so that is enticing. I feel obligated to support other player's effots to come up with interesting challenges, and for no other reason, I just want to see if I can beat Pam in an area of the game where she's a pro and I'm an amateur. We'll see. I have a couple more challenges to finish first.
EDIT: Oh, and Carl, I missed your post above mine. Let me assure you — Sims 3....all Sims games...without a doubt ARE a virtual dollhouse. Moreso for women obviously. That description is perfect for how my 2 older daughters play the game. Things like career advancement take a back seat when they play. They are much more interested in creating sims with certain appearances and houses arranged in a particular way. Obviously for female adult players like Pam, Sims 3 can become much more then a dollhouse and offer a lot of depth. It's a huge reason why the franchise is so wildly popular because it appeals to so many ages and can be played on so many levels. I've mentioned that I'm also a Diablo II fanatic. Well, in that game your options are a) go out and kill monsters and improve your gear, or b) go out and kill monsters and improve your gear. Probably a big reason why women just have 0 interest in Diablo.