Author Topic: Genie!  (Read 144687 times)

Offline Katluvr

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2012, 12:19:13 AM »
I finally got my male genie and set him free after he granted my sim $200k.  They married and this is their daughter, Ginny.

Offline Branr

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2012, 09:07:02 AM »
I used the resurrect sim wish to bring a housemate ghost back to life, just like ambrosia.  Their age was reset back to the beginning of the life stage.

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2012, 10:09:57 AM »
Nice picture Katluvr! Really cute.

I have found by the way, that asking for multiple wishes works at least 2 times in a row. But if you ask me, it isn't really handy as your sim has 3 remaining wishes after first time wishing for more, but after the second time wishing for more he has still 3 more wishes.
Don't know how this turns out by wishing for something else inbetween though. Would be worth testing.

Offline Katluvr

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2012, 01:11:59 PM »
So I have a question on genie genetics...

Is there any way to tell if my blueboo is going to have genie powers or if she is simply a blue-skinned normal sim?  At what age do genie powers start to show up?  I noticed Trentorio said that her teen genie-sim hybrid had some powers available as a teen, but do any genie options show up earlier?


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Re: Genie!
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2012, 01:31:15 PM »
So I have a question on genie genetics...

Is there any way to tell if my blueboo is going to have genie powers or if she is simply a blue-skinned normal sim?  At what age do genie powers start to show up?  I noticed Trentorio said that her teen genie-sim hybrid had some powers available as a teen, but do any genie options show up earlier?

Hm, good question. Not that I have the answer, but how old was your genie when he joined the household? Could be that age.

Offline Katluvr

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2012, 01:39:18 PM »
I got my genie from the lifetime reward and he was a YA when I set him free.  On normal lifespan settings it appears that the YA span of the genie is double that of a normal sim, although my nooboo has the standard 3 days before becoming a toddler.  I wonder if it is just the YA, A, and E stages that are longer for genies...   This is going to require more testing.  :)

Update:  I read on the EA forums that genie powers start to appear at the child stage.  Also, apparently you can breed genies of any color depending on the color of your sim.  I've also read that there is a 50% chance of having a genie baby but not sure if that is true or not.

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2012, 07:58:06 PM »
I married my released genie to a vampire to try for crossbreeding, and out of the 2 sets of triplets, I've got 4 babies showing as vampires currently. The other two have the same purple motive bars that the genie mother has, leading me to believe they're just genies. Neither of the blueboos seem to be genies currently, but I'll see once they're old enough to manifest any potential genie powers.

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Offline RunAmokSims

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2012, 10:44:18 PM »
So I have a question on genie genetics...

Is there any way to tell if my blueboo is going to have genie powers or if she is simply a blue-skinned normal sim?  At what age do genie powers start to show up?  I noticed Trentorio said that her teen genie-sim hybrid had some powers available as a teen, but do any genie options show up earlier?

When you free them they have the different color needs bar like vamps. My genie just had twins, a boy and a girl. The girl has the blue genie skin tone and the boy has a regular skin tone like his Mom but they both have the bluish colored needs bars. I think this will be interesting as they grow up. I'm going to guess they'll be able to do something different.

Offline Katluvr

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2012, 11:33:19 PM »
Well I think my blueboo is a genie.  Her needs bars are genie-colored.   ;D   Here she is as a toddler.

I know I'm biased but she's so cute!

Offline Hosfac

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2012, 12:05:22 AM »
I married my released genie to a vampire to try for crossbreeding, and out of the 2 sets of triplets, I've got 4 babies showing as vampires currently. The other two have the same purple motive bars that the genie mother has, leading me to believe they're just genies. Neither of the blueboos seem to be genies currently, but I'll see once they're old enough to manifest any potential genie powers.

Genies are occults, and a Sim can only have one occult status.  Thus, you'll never be able to have a vampire/genie.  They'll only ever be one or the other.
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Offline Seabody

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2012, 12:15:44 AM »
I've got a question! Can you wish the same wish more than once? I'm thinking mainly of the "More Wishes" wish...

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2012, 12:23:21 AM »
Genies are occults, and a Sim can only have one occult status.  Thus, you'll never be able to have a vampire/genie.  They'll only ever be one or the other.

When I first started playing Sims 3 (shortly after Generations came out) I did manage to crossbreed a vampire with her IF, resulting in vampire children who could transform into IFs. I was using a few mods at the time, though, so that may have had something to do with it.

Offline Hosfac

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2012, 12:33:54 AM »
When I first started playing Sims 3 (shortly after Generations came out) I did manage to crossbreed a vampire with her IF, resulting in vampire children who could transform into IFs. I was using a few mods at the time, though, so that may have had something to do with it.

That has to be it.  It would have to have been something with expanded traits.  Occult status is determined by a hidden trait that gives them all the abilities of the occult type, and there is only one slot for that.  Without such alteration, the game cannot assign one sim two occult statuses.  It's just not possible with how the game is originally coded.  That's why when a vampire sleeps in a Cursed Sarcophagus of the Kings it doesn't turn into a mummy.  Instead, one random trait is changed to "Evil." 
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Offline Lasnien

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2012, 01:10:00 AM »
That has to be it.  It would have to have been something with expanded traits.  Occult status is determined by a hidden trait that gives them all the abilities of the occult type, and there is only one slot for that.  Without such alteration, the game cannot assign one sim two occult statuses.  It's just not possible with how the game is originally coded.  That's why when a vampire sleeps in a Cursed Sarcophagus of the Kings it doesn't turn into a mummy.  Instead, one random trait is changed to "Evil."

One of my obviously vampire children just rolled a wish to make the house spotlessly sparkling (or whatever it is that Genies can do). He doesn't have any genie abilities, but most occult abilities don't show up until teen or YA.

I know it isn't possible to turn one type of occult into another (as in turning an IF into a vampire, or a vampire into a mummy), but I'm relatively certain that crossbreeding allows more than one occult status. I'm currently running a mod-free game, so it wouldn't be anything to do with that this time.

Edit: Okay, perhaps I spoke too soon. This sim seems to just be odd. He's still a vampire and can take plasma packs from the fridge, but his motive bars are all still green. He doesn't have any genie abilities, even though he rolled that wish to use one. Perhaps because I used testingcheats to age him up to YA? Exiting the game didn't change anything, nor did moving him to another house via edit town. He's got me stumped.

Offline Hosfac

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Re: Genie!
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2012, 03:57:59 AM »
I know it isn't possible to turn one type of occult into another (as in turning an IF into a vampire, or a vampire into a mummy), but I'm relatively certain that crossbreeding allows more than one occult status. I'm currently running a mod-free game, so it wouldn't be anything to do with that this time.

As I said, there is only a single slot to hold the hidden traits needed to have occult abilities.  Passing down two hidden traits to a single slot simply isn't possible without the use of a mod to expand the number of trait slots.  It's possible, I suppose, that they might have changed how occults work, but if this has happened I've never heard about it...and I'm absolutely certain that this is something I would have heard about.

Edit: Okay, perhaps I spoke too soon. This sim seems to just be odd. He's still a vampire and can take plasma packs from the fridge, but his motive bars are all still green. He doesn't have any genie abilities, even though he rolled that wish to use one. Perhaps because I used testingcheats to age him up to YA? Exiting the game didn't change anything, nor did moving him to another house via edit town. He's got me stumped.

The situation you describe is bizarre to be sure.

Now, I can see a Sim getting a wish that they can't actually complete...the game does weird things sometimes.  However, the fact that he can actually take plasma packs from the fridge suggests that he has the "Vampire" hidden trait.  That's one of the abilities that it gives.  Does he have any other Vampire only interactions?  I.E. Can he consume the plasma packs without becoming ill?  Can he hunt or drink plasma directly from other Sims?  Does he smolder in sunlight?
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