Ares: "And you're sure about this thing?"
Rica: "Sure."
Artie: "Just get in there and activate it!"
Rosemary: "Don't yell at him."
Artie: "Shut it woman. He's my son and he shouldn't be afraid of anything."
Ares: "Everyone shut up!"
Baxtor: "I can't wait for you people to leave just so we can get some quiet around here for once."
Artie: "Speak a little louder.. the crater didn't hear you. Yes China. Everyone grab your inventory."
Ares: "Rica.. do I really have to bring the rest of the house?"
Rica: "If you don't take your father, I'm fairly certain you're going to either be murdered or become a eunuch. I would just take him to get the extra days."
Ares: -grunts- "Fine. Ok. "
Rica: "Hrm. Two old people and three young adults, all prepared travelers..Here you guys go.. 18 days in beautiful Shang Simla!"
Artie: "Whoa! I don't remember this flying thing before."
Rosemary: "Shhh!"
Rica: "Oh hey.. That's what your PJs look like."
Artie: "Yeah I don't know why I never wear these. "
Ares: "Hmm. Let's see. What about this one?"
Rica: -reads the adventure- "That's as good a spot to start as any other. "
Artie: -tapping foot- "Will you hurry it up already! I've been waiting a really long time to get here you know."
Rica: "Oh shut it. You're not allowed to get any adventures."
Artie: "What?!"
Rica: "You can join your son in the tombs but you're not doing any on your own. Ares will be the one getting the visas."
Artie: -grumblegurgle-
Artie: -evil laughters- "I made it.. I finally made it.. Mwahahahahahahaha ha hahaha--" -cough-
Rica: -snickers- "Alright everyone it's time to split up but no one do anything stupid ok? I would really hate to have to take this away."
Rica: "You sure that's how you do it?"
Buzz:" That's what they told me to do when I asked."
Rica: "I think you're the victim of local entertainment. Maybe you should go to the market and pick up the book to see what it says."
Buzz: "That doesn't sound like much fun. I think I'll just keep trying this for a little while."
Rica: "Suit yourself."
Rica: "That's a face I want to share with millions."
Artie: "Go away woman."
Rica: "What's wrong, old man?"
Ares: "Dad.. have you finished moving that statue yet? I'm ready to go into the next room and I've already disarmed all four traps."
Artie: "This is what's wrong! What is with all this manual labor?!"
Ares: "Dad!"
Artie: "You want it done faster.. you do it!"
Ares: "If it's too much for you old man. You can go back to base camp."
Artie: "I don't think so. I think I'll just look at this wall over here and you can deal with the rubble piles like a good little adventurer."
Ares: -grumbles under his voice- "Oh yea.. how about I lock you in that room after you enter it.?"
Rica: "Calm down, you two. Just think of all the coins and treasure that can be found faster if you work together. Plus Artie.. you've maxed your athletic. That means you should be able to show up your kid on how well you can push the statues around."
Artie: "Woman. I'm the emperor and the emperor doesn't push around anything. "
Rica: "Whatever."
Ares: "Whee!"
Artie: "That's right.. Have fun. I'm going to stay here where it's dry."
Sima Zhi: -screams to be heard over the MP3 player- "THANK YOU! I'LL TELL MY SISTER LU THAT YOU DID THIS AND TO GIVE YOU A LEVEL 1 VISA."
Ares: "Why are you yelling?"
Sima: "Oh Sorry."
Ares: "Oh and let me introduce myself so that you are sure to get it right when you talk to your sister. I'm Ares the god of Love.. "
Sima: "Right.. how impressive!"
Rica: "How revolting.. Ok Romeo off to get another adventure."
Rica: "So let me get this right. You're supposed to be beating on people for visa points?"
Ares: "Shush woman. I'm trying to win here."
Rica: "Where's your father?"
Ares: "I don't care. Go away before I lose!"
Artie: "I bet you wouldn't guess that being a criminal actually requires a very logical mind."
Dakota: "Uh huh.. It's still your turn though.. like it has been for 10 minutes."
Artie: "You can't rush perfection!"
Rica: "Good to know you're keeping busy."
Dakota: "Don't distract him or this game won't finish before it's time to go home."
Rica: "Whoa whoa whoa. Hey Romeo. Is this the great kissing tour of Shang Simla?"
Relic Vendor Whose Name I've Forgotten: -thinks - Wow this is the third person I've seen him kiss today.
Rica: "Me too!"
Relic Vendor: "Who said that?!"
Lu Zhi (Special Vendor): -swoons-
Ricanote: Seriously - third woman he's met and the third one he wanted to kiss for the first time.
Buzz: "Hey.. check this out. I got another new belt."
Rica: "Wow.. already? I think you need to find something else to do in china."
Buzz: "Why? "
Rica: "Why not?"
Buzz: "True. It would be nice to photograph the temple and maybe get some photos of other things while I'm up there."
Rica: "Have a nice run!"
Rica: "What about you? Want to do something other than martial arts for a while?"
Rosemary: "I actually enjoy breaking boards. I hear Ares has been kissing women all over China so I imagine his face when I finally go for the break."
Rica: "How therapeutic of you. Ok. You can continue but I just figured you'd want to go pick the ripe cherry trees down the road."
Rosemary: "Actually that sounds like a great idea. I'll do that when I get tired of this."
Rica: "Awesome possum."
Rica: "Taking a break from adventuring?"
Ares: "More like two birds one stone.. now go away. It's nice to not have any distractions for once."
Rica: "Well excuse me Romeo."
Next Chapter