Author Topic: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 12  (Read 31975 times)

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2012, 11:44:48 PM »
I feel bad for Diana, even though some of what he said was unfortunately true.  :'( It was a wonderfully written chapter though.
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Offline Sugarnibble

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2012, 11:45:02 PM »
OMG. I really don't know what to say. This is such an amazing story and I love it so much!
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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2012, 11:58:41 PM »
Again..such huge inspiration, especially for my state Writing test this week. Man, I would marry this story and have triplets with it via cheats! Please go on ;)

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2012, 02:56:35 AM »
Now I feel so sorry for Gobias. To die alone like that. Wonderful update. :)

Offline ApplesApplesApples

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2012, 03:27:14 AM »
Oh, so sad. Poor Gobias! How will Diana ever live this down? Wonderful chapter. 

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2012, 05:09:30 AM »
Oh no, poor Gobias! And super-poor Diana! I so wasn't seeing that coming! I hope things get better, can't wait for the next update. :)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2012, 05:55:01 AM »
I love this,it feels so true to life and real.

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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2012, 10:02:35 AM »
Thank you everyone. Your comments were better than I ever anticipated! To be honest, I originally planned for a different ending for Gobias, but as I was writing, I felt this had a bigger impact. There was a bit of indecision for me and that's why this chapter took a while. But seeing your reactions make it all worth it!

Offline Spork-tastic

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 7
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2012, 11:28:30 AM »
That was a beautifully written chapter, it was sad and sweet and also very true to life. I must say as much as I hated Gobias I kind of felt bad for him. Diana, poor Diana. I must say though you should win an award for worlds cutest toddler Sim! The prom picture was cute of Charlie and Angel. The name Angel is getting quite popular on the forum (sorry off topic). Again great update!

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 8
« Reply #69 on: March 27, 2012, 11:49:03 AM »
Ch. 8: Distractions

Time moved painfully slowly for Diana after Gobias’s death. Despite how terribly she had treated him in life, in death, he left the family money. It stung Diana when she found out that he had left two trust funds for Charlie and Allison, and only they would be entitled to the money after they turned eighteen. Diana may have been selfish, but she knew how to manage money. She would never have spent their money on herself, and she was devastated that in his last days, Gobias really viewed Diana so lowly.

Allison was too young to know exactly what a father was, but Diana had to tell Charlie. He was unfazed. He was respectful, and didn’t inquire about Diana and Gobias’s complicated relationship. As a person whom he only saw on birthdays, Gobias was more of an acquaintance to Charlie than a father.

Now it wasn’t to be assumed that having a fatherless life was easy for Charlie, but it wasn’t hard either. It was more annoying than anything since his friends would tell stories about their fathers, and he couldn’t do the same. The only person who really seemed to understand this was Angel. Her father was around more than Gobias had been, but not living with their fathers gave them common ground.

Charlie spent most of his time with Angel. Just as when they were kids, they were frequently running back and forth to each other’s houses. But unlike when they were kids, Charlie was incredibly infatuated with Angel. He took her out on dates to the bistro and the movies frequently. He couldn’t imagine being any happier than he was with Angel.

However, Charlie was incredibly happy when he was around his baby sister, Allison. She made the funniest gurgling sounds, and even her shrieks made Charlie laugh. One of Allison’s favorite activities was when Charlie picked her up way over his head. She would scream and wail, and Diana would run into the room only to yell at Charlie for throwing Allison around. Diana quickly learned that Allison was just wailing cries of joy, and even though her screeches continuously jumped Diana out of her all too frequent reveries, Diana was grateful. Allison was the only thing that seemed to tear Diana from her own mind lately.

Charlie asked Diana to teach him how to drive one day. He wanted to be able to take Angel out more, and once he could drive, he was going to get a job at the movie theater. Diana was shocked at how well Charlie was able to drive. It was as if he hardly needed any direction. He was doing great until a policeman drove by. Charlie almost slammed on the breaks because he didn’t want to get a ticket. Diana assured him that driving ten miles under the speed limit was not ticket-worthy.

As soon as Diana gave Charlie the okay, he went down to the movie theater and got a job. He knew he was killing two birds with one stone. Not only would he be making money now, but he would get discounts at the theater when he took Angel out.

After one particularly fancy date, Diana sat Charlie down in the living room. He was telling Diana all about Angel and just how happy he was and how delicious the steak he had was. Typical teenage boy, Diana lovingly thought.

“Charlie,” said Diana, “would you like your own car?”

“Well duh, Mom,” replied Charlie. “I’ve actually been saving up money from the theater lately, but I don’t have all that much. I keep ordering the most expensive things on the menus.”

Diana laughed. “Tell you what, Charlie. You keep that money and buy yourself something nice. I’ll get you a car.”

“Really, Mom?!” asked Charlie. He was too impatient to wait for a reply. “Thanks! I’m gonna go tell Angel now!”

“Hold on a minute,” said Diana. “I want to talk to you.”

“About what?” Charlie asked.

“How are things with Angel?”

“Uh, she’s fine, Mom,” replied Charlie skeptically.

“Do you plan on marrying her?”

“Oh, come on! I don’t know!” Charlie laughed. “I’m just a teenager.”

“Are you having... you know?”

Whoa Mom!” shouted Charlie incredulously. “I am so not talking about that!” Diana just stared at him. “…but no,” Charlie finally added.

“Good,” concluded Diana. She trusted Charlie to tell the truth. He’d always been a wonderful son.

The next day, Diana was off of work so she found a used green truck and immediately picked it up for Charlie. Charlie was ecstatic. Green was his favorite color after all.

After inquiring what Charlie was planning to get with his saved money, Diana offered to pay half of what he was looking at. Diana had felt bad for being so spacey lately, and she only wanted Charlie to be happy. Charlie took the money graciously and bought himself a desktop computer. Charlie always knew he was a bit artistic, and with a bit of painting skill behind him, he decided to try writing some children’s books. He had wanted to write a book for Allison, but her child birthday was the next day.

Diana called her friends Agnes, her boyfriend (Connor Frio), Claire, Angel, Davy (the old babysitter), and Madison VanWatson, one of Diana’s fellow teachers.

Even after she aged up to child, Charlie still spent a lot of time with his little sister. They liked to watch tv together, especially the romance channel.

“See,” said Charlie, pointing to the kissing couple on tv, “you’ll be doing that one day.”

“Ew!” cried Allison. “That’s so gross!”

Allison also liked to play chess. She was a bit of a genius, and after winning twenty-seven too many matches against Charlie, she convinced Diana to play with her for more of a challenge. Diana let her win a few times, of course, but Allison managed to get a few wins with just her wits alone. Diana was delighted to have such a smart little girl.

Not only was she smart, but she seemed to have a knack for baking too. One day, Diana noticed that there were cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and a menagerie of other baked goods in the fridge. Thankfully, Allison had enough sense to throw away the burnt ones. Diana was relieved that she wouldn’t have to pretend to enjoy a burnt chocolate cracker.

The next addition to the family was another small dog named Rosie. Diana was secretly hoping she and Luke would have puppies, and the possibility was definitely out there in the open.

Charlie fell in love with little Rosie. Something about her curly tail, Diana recalled.

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 8
« Reply #70 on: March 27, 2012, 12:31:42 PM »
Aww, welcome Rosie and happy birthday Allison! I think Charlie and Angel (Heehee, the names! Like Charlie's Angels?! I just realised that. :P ) are working out so well, they are so cute together. :)

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 8
« Reply #71 on: March 27, 2012, 12:35:38 PM »
Aww, welcome Rosie and happy birthday Allison! I think Charlie and Angel (Heehee, the names! Like Charlie's Angels?! I just realised that. :P ) are working out so well, they are so cute together. :)

I realized that about a week ago, haha. It's especially entertaining because I named Charlie before I knew Angel's name.

Offline DeNile

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 8
« Reply #72 on: March 27, 2012, 12:54:17 PM »
Lovely story Moons! Meant to comment before but never got around to it. I noticed the Charlie's Angels thing as well, it's pretty hilarious. Is he actually working at the movie theatre? That'd be really cool. :D
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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 8
« Reply #73 on: March 27, 2012, 02:10:13 PM »
Lovely story Moons! Meant to comment before but never got around to it. I noticed the Charlie's Angels thing as well, it's pretty hilarious. Is he actually working at the movie theatre? That'd be really cool. :D

Thank you! And yes, he really is working in the movie theater. I'm thinking he may become a movie director too, just to make it a little funny. :)

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Waldron Woes: Ch. 8
« Reply #74 on: March 27, 2012, 02:54:52 PM »
Great chapter! Do you have Angel under your control in the household?
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