Noob here. I've decided to do the smart thing and start managing my custom content properly. I've read/printed all the wikis/instruction/advice I can find on the subject, so I'm good there.
My question has to do with the Game Launcher. Specifically, the downloads tab. This is what I've been doing up until now. After I've downloaded CC, I'll extract the package into the MyDocuments/EA/Sims 3/Downloads folder (wrong, I now know). I'll then start the Game Launcher and find that new content populated in the Downloads tab. After I install the new content, I'll see an exclamation mark by both the Installed Content tab header and also the Downloads tab header. I switch to the Installed Content tab to clear out that alert, and then I go back to the Downloads tab to clear out that alert as well. Once I've switched back to the Downloads tab, I'll press Select All to highlight all the content and then Delete it all. So if I delete it all, what happens to the files in the folders? When I go back to the folder I extracted them to, the files are missing. But they obviously still have to be on my computer somewhere because they're available in gameplay.
The reason I'm asking is that, if I'm installing CC, I'm going to want to clean out the Downloads tab just to get rid of the clutter. However, I still need to find those files in case I have CC issues and need/choose to delete them.