Can Twallen's story progression mod force townies to have nooboos? There hasn't been a new baby born in my game for three generations.
I have Twallan's story progression and yes, my town is full of nooboos! I have not forced anything, it all occured "naturally". So I really, really highly recommend it!
With default settings, this story progression does not move out original townies, or move in any new townies. (I LOVE this). Instead, the original townies actively look for spouses and eventually start a family. There's such a healthy amount of new babies in my Sunset Valley and they're all babies of the original townies!
Also, the townies seem to be doing more meaningful things on their on now. They plant vegetables on their yards and harvest them. They actually collect bugs etc, and when I was viewing around town, I saw Yumi Sekemoto take her grandson to the kids' park (from Generations) and play with the new kids play equipment with him. I never saw townies doing things like these on their own before.
And, it's possible to turn off celebrities, vampires and townies' pet adoption without uninstalling EPs. This really solved all my problems.
Sorry for blabbing too much on this but it's just amazing how good it made my game. Thank you, Twallan.