Author Topic: NRaas Industries  (Read 210136 times)

Offline Figwit

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2012, 06:31:43 PM »
Yes, Birdy, perfectly safe.  :)  ErrorTrap does its best to stop games from crashing.

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Re: Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2012, 07:32:16 PM »
Yes, Birdy, perfectly safe.  :)  ErrorTrap does its best to stop games from crashing.

Thank you, Figwit! (Again. As I just thanked you in another thread. ^-^)

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2012, 12:10:00 PM »
May I ask a question about Nraas "Story Progression" here?

I just installed Story Progression (basic one + the two extensions) and Overwatch, and for now am very, very pleased. BUT!

My sim is living in a regular starter house worth around $17k. She owns a bwan though. Her household funds are about $1000.
Now she got her very first bill, which is $1900! There's no way she can pay that with her level 2 career salary. Is the bill so high because she has that expensive car?

I like the idea of higher bills but at the start of the game, this is a bit too much... can someone explain to me where I can edit the amount billed?

Offline twallan

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2012, 12:57:57 PM »
I like the idea of higher bills but at the start of the game, this is a bit too much... can someone explain to me where I can edit the amount billed?

Click on your sim, and navigate the menu to : "NRaas \ Story Progression \ Household Options \ Tax Rate: Poor"

Change the value to a smaller number. :)

In the future though, you are best served asking such questions at my hosting site.
NRaas Industries.  Saving Sims games from becoming doorstops since 2009.

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Offline jeanamariex3

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2012, 03:35:42 PM »
I wanted to add that I haven't ever used Mods before, and since last week really didn't understand what they were. But this change in the forum made me curious and I checked out Twallens wiki and ModtheSims. After a lot of reading due to increasing frustrating problems with my game I decided to install Overwatch, ErrorTrap and Saver. (I backed up my game, creating 2 different "The Sims 3" folders, one with "_old" at the end) and installed them one at a time, playing the game after each one to ensure I installed it correctly. Following the instructions on his website was simple and I am so happy with my game! Especially the Saver, which prompts you to save at the length of time you choose. It was one of my worst problems, to play for a long time and then have the game crash only to realize that I hadn't saved and just lost a month of my sims life. It was so irritating to have to play that month over again! So I really appreciate all the hard work Twallen put into his Mods  ;D

I absloutly agree! I honestly wish we could have the ability to say "Master Controller/ErrorTrap/Overwatch/Story Progression/etc." a lot sooner, when I used MC and SP years (okay months) ago when MC didn't have its own separate cheat module and mods were treated like Voldemort in Harry Potter. Lesson learned of course, but I'm glad we can finally say, "This mod has improved my game..." because it really does. Even in my modding days, when of course, mentioning mods, was like saying Voldemort's name in Harry Potter, I was still a little nervous about core mods. I'm glad I finally used them! ErrorTrap is a huge lifesaver. I am hoping Ana could use it for the next UC update in future EP's.  :)

Offline alex51299

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2012, 03:38:48 PM »
I just wanted to say that Overwatch and ErrorTrap saved my game! My game was constantly freezing and crashing before them and someone on here said it was because of lack of memory so of course I went crazy trying to find things I could delete. Then it turned out that I just needed these!  ;D
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Offline samoht04

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2012, 04:45:06 PM »
I am hoping Ana could use it for the next UC update in future EP's.  :)

I don't see how that would help. Most of the lag in Union Cove comes from the sheer size of the World and it's population not from errors and glitches. Those I would expect to appear later in the game. I think Ana did use Mods to make sure that Routing and things like that were as clean and precise as possible - she did all she could to reduce lag without removing from the World.
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Offline jeanamariex3

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2012, 06:27:10 PM »
Currently, My TS3 collection is missing three add ons (Outdoor Living, Fast Lane and Showtime), and I naturally need the Save File, which seems to be corrupt. I was hoping ErrorTrap or Overwatch could help stop the save file from being corrupt. :(

Yes, Ana did a marvelous job, and the latest UC I have is smaller than HS, so the improvements are remarkable. The only problem is either I need all the EP's/SP's (I have two SP's and one EP missing), to make it work, or I need to get a better save file.

Offline DeNile

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2012, 08:51:45 AM »
I have to say, I love Twallan, more than any other mod maker out there. At first, I was thinking "Oh I'll just get Over Watch and Master Controller." So I did, then I got Errortrap, then I got Master Controller cheats, and it's just grown and grown from there until I can literally do whatever I want in this game.

I currently have,

Anti-Scroll Magic: I love this mod, it make buying recipes and compositions and bait books so much easier and more economic. It means my Sims aren't wasting their money learning these recipes if they never use them, and it means I can save so much money. Huzzah!

Debug Enabler: I have this mod for Traveller, though I have noticed a couple little things I am enjoying about it on its own, though I haven't had much of a chance to play with it yet. I do enjoy being able to set Visa Levels though. That made me cheer.

Error Trap: This mod has helped with my Script Errors, and it finally showed me what was wrong with a save file. It wasn't the save file, the game, or an EA bug, it was the Sim I kept trying to play. Brandie Wing, an immigrant into the game who married the adopted daughter of my CAS sim. She was bugged. I did everything, I reset her, both with the cheat console and with Master Controller, I saved and reloaded the game, but no matter what I did, I couldn't fix her. So I killed her, and now I'm sad. But the save file works again, and this makes me happy.

Master Controller + Cheats: I love this mod. Seriously, I love it. I've been bouncing around households with it, connecting lost family trees, pollinating sims, and having them move in together - this was before I got Story Progression. It's been fantastic, and it has allowed me to give my third generation some cousins! The Cheats Module is great, honestly, I don't know what I'd do without it. I've been using it to keep track of sims, hone in on them, and check out traits and the like. The gender preference thing that comes with one of these makes me giggle, and it's actually a lot of fun. One of the things I love about this mod is the setting that allows you to show three outfits per row in CAS, the recolors are still there, you simply need to go into Create-A-Style to see them. When you have as much store content as I do, it takes CAS forever to load, so this has really cut down on my loading times. I'm about to add the Expanded Tattoo and Progression modules as well, so wish me luck!

Once Read: This makes free will so much nicer for me, as it means my bookworms aren't always reading the same books! They are actually reading new ones! It's so fantastic.

Overwatch: I love Overwatch. It was the first mod I installed from Twallan, and it has remained my favourite to date. With it, sims are no longer stuck, homeless sims don't overrun the city, and cars are deleted every night. It has made my game load faster, load better, and got rid of a lot of my lag. If I ever get rid of some of these mods, Overwatch will definitely stay. It makes me happy and it keeps my game quite smooth, even if it does pause once a week when the little notifications pop up at night. I say once a week because there is usually a day where multiple sims and animals get stuck.

Story Progression: I installed Story Progression last night, and played for about a Sim week with it. Now, before I say anything else, I was told my game would possibly lag with Story Progression, and, after messing around with a couple of the settings, it actually lags less than it used to. Which is just fantastic. The town has come to life, I get to keep an eye on everyone in the city that I care about, and people actually do things! It's great! Now if only my charismatic sim didn't know half the town.  ::) Ah well, once she's gone the "Friends" setting will be less cumbersome I'm sure. And yes, I know I can turn it off and just focus on a couple of Sims, but I don't want to.

Traveller: I haven't had much of a chance to use Traveller yet, I have to wait for a Sim to age up, but I love the concept. Being able to move towns, much like the stories I read on Wordpress, without losing your family tree or anything else, is fantastic. Plus, it apparently makes travelling a lot smoother. Which is just fantastic!

Woohooer: This mod makes me giggle, because of some of the cool and silly stuff it does. One of the big things I like about it is that it's a clean and simple way to allow same-sex pregnancy, something I've always wanted but was too scared to download other mods for, mostly because they usually went wrong or conflicted with something else. I play sims by their wants, and if they want to marry someone of the same gender and have kids with them, have at! I'm just glad this mod makes that possible. I do need to turn off autonomous Try for Baby though, because my Sim got pregnant when I wasn't looking.  ::) I also love all the moodlets you get from different Woohoo's, they really entertain me.

Well, that's all the mods I have for now, but I plan on adding a few more pretty soon. Like I said, I want to add Expanded Tattoo and Progression, and maybe Integration when I figure out what it does, as well as Consigner - it sounds cool, Saver - because I really need a schedule for that, and perhaps Story Progression Expanded and Extra, as they seem to do quite a few cool things. Beyond that, hmm... I can't think of any others I want.

Thanks Twallan, for making my game awesome again! And actually speeding it up in the process!
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Offline grimsoul

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2012, 09:58:30 AM »
Consigner is cool. You just have to be careful not to sell something you wanted to keep.
I wasn't paying attention once and sold my car. I had a few cars the family had received from being celebrities and didn't think I was suppose to keep one for myself.

With WooHooer I like to have the autonomous risky woohoo on so I never know when I might have a nooboo on the way. Adds a little mystery to it.
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Offline Matthew

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2012, 02:06:51 AM »
I read about MasterController on the Net, but when I downloaded the modification programme to Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3, it did not work in the game.  There were no new menu options.  I revised the installation notes many times and tried various ways but it still didn't work.  Can anyone help me?

Offline MoMoll

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2012, 02:26:39 AM »
Matthew, you don't download it to your EA file. Read the install instructions on the NRaas site.

Offline wednesday21

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2012, 06:23:34 AM »
Hi Matthew,

Are you sure you have followed the instructions listed in this sticky thread thoroughly? Please make sure that your game is up-to-date and that the latest patch version (1.33) is installed. Also, I assume you have downloaded MasterController from this site, right? In case you stumbled upon it elsewhere, the link can be outdated; you should always download the mods straight from the creators.

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2012, 06:45:27 AM »
Thanks wednesday21, but I have finally solved the problem.  Cheers to you too!

By the way, thanks Twallan for providing such great mods.  They are very useful, although bugs randomly appear.  Anyway, they don't cause a big problm.  I hope you can make more good mods!

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Re: NRaas Industries
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2012, 03:14:26 AM »
Is there a NRAAS mod that controls or deletes memories?