Author Topic: Game is choppy and lags.  (Read 2919 times)


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Game is choppy and lags.
« on: February 27, 2012, 03:40:38 AM »
Hi guys

I have checked online and else where to find out what is wrong with my sims 3 but no dice :(. Well basically i installed the game and attempted to play it, i had a few extra packages and sims 3 items i downloaded from previous sites. So when i try to play everything is really slow, it is playable but when i move the camera or anything it like falls to 2 fps or something its really annoying and frustrating :(. I read online about the ati hot fixes and stuff like that but still nothing. I read another thread about the choppiness being caused due to " town decay "? basically having too many people, but i find that weird because i have JUST started from a fresh install and it is going really slow and choppy. It is anooying cause my build can preety much play anything with really good fps and quality.

Thanks for the help and sorry if my english is bad, its my second language.

my rig:
intel i7-2600k
8gig ram
64bit os
his 6970
ocz ssd ( my os is on )
and a samsung spinpoint ( the game is on )

ps: any help at all will be much apreciated thank u :)

Offline Figwit

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Re: Game is choppy and lags.
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 03:47:42 PM »
Custom content can slow down your game.  This game does not seem to like it at all and a lot of it got broken in the Pets patch.  Try with your cc disabled.

Try resetting your hood as well - testing cheats enabled on and type 'resetsim *' (without the quotes).  Sims can get stuck because of routing failures which are particularly bad in some of the EA worlds. 

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