Part One, Chapter One
Arthur Langerak and his fiancée Gloria Goode lived in a house on the outpost of Simish civilization, Lunar Lakes.
Both had left the irresponsible days of young adulthood behind and had become mature adults without any troubling midlife crises. Arthur worked as a filing clerk in business; Gloria was studying to become a doctor and worked as an intern. Arthur hated being outside because the yellow dust triggered his allergies, but early every morning he would go out and play the guitar while the planet Simhome descended to the horizon. His ancestors came from a town there, Sunset Valley, while Gloria’s came from Twinbrook.
One morning while he was outside, the Watcher spoke to Arthur. “You’re living in a crater,” boomed the voice.
“No, actually I live on the plateau,” said Arthur. “Wait, who is this?”
“I am the Watcher, and I was speaking metaphorically. Day after day you sink deeper into the dust, trudging to a job you hate, working for a man you can’t stand. Day after day you put off getting married to the woman you love.”
“Actually, it’s Gloria who keeps putting off the wedding. She can’t decide whether she wants to get married in the Twinbrook park, or up by the pavilion, or maybe in the Nasca maze.”
“Arthur, you’re as bad as your ancestor Dustin. He could never decide whether he wanted to run a consignment shop or a stylist salon.”
“Wait, you knew my great-great-great-great grandfather Dustin?”
“I am the Watcher; I know everyone. And you left out a great, but that doesn’t matter. I have come to you for a Purpose.”
“Yes?” said Arthur nervously. “Do you think we could continue this conversation inside?”
“Vampires are coming to Lunar Lakes,” the Watcher intoned ominously. “Vampires and celebrities and paparazzi, but the vampires will be the worst. You, Arthur, will be my bulwark against them, you and your ten heirs.”
“Actually, even though Gloria would love to have children, I don’t think she’s up for ten.”
“Your child will be the first heir; his child will be the second, and so on. Each heir will reach the top of a different career and become a super expert in a different skill.”
Arthur coughed. “I’m not sure Gloria and I can afford a Tree of Prosperity.”
“The Watcher above Watchers hasn’t decided yet, but your heirs may have to forego the Tree of Prosperity. But let me continue. Each heir will complete ten different opportunities, unique to himself. The household of each heir will befriend ten different service people and have ten best friends. Each household will amass a unique collection of ten objects, and each heir will buy a building and upgrade a property.”
Arthur coughed again. “This dust really is getting to me…”
“Each heir will marry someone who lives in a house here on Lunar Lakes. This person may not be a vampire, and if there are any vampires in the house, they will have to move out. Each heir will have to be an adult, past the years of irresponsibility and not yet an elder. Each heir will have to leave behind the tombstone of someone who lived a full and happy life. Arthur, is your life full and happy?”
“It’s okay, I guess.”
The Watcher snorted. “That’s not going to be good enough. I suggest you quit this job you hate and become a musician.”
“I’d like to,” said Arthur, “but I don’t know if I can make enough money to pay the bills.”
“You are artistic and a virtuoso – you can make more money in tips than you could ever make in business.”
Arthur coughed. “If it weren’t for my allergies…”
“City Hall is installing a subway system even as we speak,” said the Watcher. “Good-bye.”
“But –“
“I am the Watcher. I have spoken.”
Arthur sighed. He had a dozen questions, but the Watcher was gone. Eyes streaming, he went back into the house. “Gloria,” he said, “we have to get married.”
“Oh, Arthur, you’re crying,” she said.
“Actually, it’s –“
“I guess if it means that much to you, we can do without a fancy wedding,” said Gloria. “We can get married right now, just the two of us.”
“And I was wondering if we could maybe have a baby?” said Arthur. “Because the Watcher –“
Gloria giggled. “That rhymes! Maybe and baby – get it?”
Arthur sighed. Much as he loved Gloria, there were times when her childishness got on his nerves.
“Well, come on,” she called from the top of the stairs. “I’m waiting.”
There was really no reason why Gloria had to know about the Watcher, Arthur decided. Later that day, he went to the theater and applied for a job in music. After that he took a class in charisma and picked up some sheet music at the bookstore.
Meanwhile, Gloria put on some make-up and added a little color to her hair. Even though the Goodes were noted for having white hair, she wanted this baby to be blonde. She got some new clothes, too.
A few days later, after Arthur had picked up a few thousand Simoleons playing for tips in the subway, Gloria took him to the park dedicated to Twinbrook. “I’ll give you three guesses,” she said.
The maternity clothes were a big clue, but Arthur knew he had to come up with two other guesses.
“Um, you’ve changed your favorite color to brown?” he said.
“Nooo,” she laughed.
“You got a promotion?”
Gloria shook her head emphatically. “Third and last guess,” she warned him.
“What if I get it wrong? Will you tell me?”
“Maybe,” she giggled. “And that’s a clue for you.”
“Maybe—baby,” said Arthur. “You’re going to have a baby!”
Part One, Chapter TwoPart One, Chapter ThreePart One, Chapter FourPart One, Chapter FivePart One, Chapter SixPart One, Chapter SevenPart One, Chapter EightPart One, Chapter NinePart One, Chapter TenPart Two, Chapter OnePart Two, Chapter TwoPart Two, Chapter ThreePart Two, Chapter FourPart Two, Chapter FivePart Two, Chapter SixPart Two, Chapter SevenPart Two, Chapter EightPart Two, Chapter NinePart Two, Chapter TenPart Two, Chapter ElevenPart Two, Chapter TwelvePart Two, Chapter ThirteenPart Two, Chapter FourteenPart Three, Chapter OnePart Three, Chapter TwoPart Three, Chapter ThreePart Three, Chapter FourPart Three, Chapter FivePart Three, Chapter SevenPart Three, Chapter EightPart Three, Chapter NinePart Three, Chapter TenPart Three, Chapter ElevenPart Three, Chapter TwelvePart Three, Chapter ThirteenPart Three, Chapter FourteenPart Three, Chapter FifteenPart Four, Chapter OnePart Four, Chapter TwoPart Four, Chapter ThreePart Four, Chapter FourPart Four, Chapter FivePart Four, Chapter SixPart Four, Chapter SevenPart Four, Chapter EightPart Four, Chapter NinePart Four, Chapter TenPart Four, Chapter ElevenPart Four, Chapter TwelvePart Four, Chapter ThirteenPart Four, Chapter FourteenPart Four, Chapter FifteenPart Four, Chapter SixteenPart Four, Chapter Seventeen