Hi to everybody, for before thing I apologize for the bad translation of google translate, I regret it. It has already happened me before it died me a sim and it became a ghost, but he had remained in the active family and therefore I checked him as the other sims and I have been able to make then him to prepare and to eat the ambrosia and therefore to return in life, and above all the relationship with the other famigliaris has been unchanged. This time has gone out of the family, it is in the house the famigliaris they can interact with him, his wife waits for a child from him, but the relationship is changed now they are engaged, and he is not controllable. Why? I don't have the oppurtunità to bring the rests of the dead one in the laboratory. I have tried with the makeup (perhaps the correct word is cheat?) TESTINGCHEATSENABLED ON to add him/it to the active family but it doesn't allow me him. How do I do to recover his control? Thanks for the patience to try to understand my bad translation, there will be thankful for any help can give me.
P.S. does a "cheat" (I don't know if it is the correct word) exist for doing so that his/her child that will be born between sim and ghost both sim or ghost, as for males and females they make apples and watermelons?