Sorry if this is in the wrong board.
I am getting two expansion packs (local computer store is having a great buy 1 get 1 free sale
), but I can't decide which ones. I already own Pets and am just starting to work it out, but detailed information about the EPs is hard to find (although I have already read everything on each of the EPs on this site) and these will probably be the only ones I'll get for a while, so I want to make sure I get ones I'll enjoy.
I'm pretty sure that I want Late Night for sure, because it sounds like a hybrid of NL and AL in TS2 and those were definitely two that I enjoyed. I'm kind of torn between World Adventures and Generations for the 2nd, though. WA sounds really cool, but I've heard it can get old fast, and I remember the same thing happening to me with BV. On the other hand, the Adventures sound similar to the design of Sims Medieval, which I have a lot of fun with. Generations also sounds interesting, but I'm usually quickly bored playing children and I don't know if the new child interaction will keep me entertained enough. I do like to play teens, but doubt I will use the daycare career option.
I am leaning away from Ambitions because I don't focus on careers as much as other aspects of the game. People seem to love it though, so I'm still considering it. I've heard it comes with a lot of new Buy and Build Mode objects, which I like.
I'm kind of a love 'em and leave 'em player, lol. I'll create a sim or family, play them for a little while (say 2-3 weeks), then get bored and never look at them again. Only occasionally do I have a family I'll play through several generations. I also love the building and decorating aspects of the game, if that helps.