Awesome news on the teddy bear! I didn't know that. By the way, I tried the canopied crib, it worked like a charm on my first toddler with brave and artistic as traits. He woke up with plenty of bar left on all his needs. However, the younger son in my Legacy family, with athletic and artistic as traits, didn't have such an easy time of it. Even making sure all bars were maxed except sleep before putting him to bed in the identical crib his older brother had; he still awoke starving and needing extreme attention. His food and social bars down to the orange alert.
This makes me think that EA did in fact make it random and some babies are just better babies than others just like in real life! I'm assuming that it's based off their traits, mine both have artistic because that is the trait my Legacy family carries. I guess athletic kids need to eat more often and require more attention. I can understand the eating part as they are probably more active, but the social part doesn't make sense to me. I suppose my brave son was brave enough to stay alone for a lot longer, who knows?
Anyway, I just figured I'd let you all in on this little test I did. And I'll let you all know how subsequent babies behave in that very same crib.