Author Topic: Nooboo help  (Read 18467 times)


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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2010, 03:47:29 PM »
Awesome news on the teddy bear! I didn't know that. By the way, I tried the canopied crib, it worked like a charm on my first toddler with brave and artistic as traits. He woke up with plenty of bar left on all his needs. However, the younger son in my Legacy family, with athletic and artistic as traits, didn't have such an easy time of it. Even making sure all bars were maxed except sleep before putting him to bed in the identical crib his older brother had; he still awoke starving and needing extreme attention. His food and social bars down to the orange alert.

This makes me think that EA did in fact make it random and some babies are just better babies than others just like in real life! I'm assuming that it's based off their traits, mine both have artistic because that is the trait my Legacy family carries. I guess athletic kids need to eat more often and require more attention. I can understand the eating part as they are probably more active, but the social part doesn't make sense to me. I suppose my brave son was brave enough to stay alone for a lot longer, who knows?

Anyway, I just figured I'd let you all in on this little test I did. And I'll let you all know how subsequent babies behave in that very same crib.

Lisa  ;)

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2010, 04:06:15 PM »

This makes me think that EA did in fact make it random and some babies are just better babies than others just like in real life!

If it is indeed a random element that EA threw in where some babies are just naturally more fussy than others, then kudos to EA because that is definitely real life.

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2010, 04:19:21 PM »

This makes me think that EA did in fact make it random and some babies are just better babies than others just like in real life!

If it is indeed a random element that EA threw in where some babies are just naturally more fussy than others, than kudos to EA because that is definitely real life.
They always are like this. I had twins, one toddler was such a good toddler! He was so quiet and always keeping himself busy (even if his needs were low he didn't cry once!) His twin however would cry and cry and cry and cry even though there was nothing wrong with him! I'd have him snuggled with, played with, I'd keep him occupied all the time and he would just fall over and cry and cry and wake everyone else up!

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2010, 05:28:29 PM »
I've always put a teddy in the crib for my babies because it looks right; my new Sims haven't had a baby yet but I do have the mummy teddy so I'm just wondering if that would come up.

First, you have to put the bear in the baby's inventory to get the moodlet.  Just making sure that part is understood.  Second, the mummy bear acts the same as the regular bear.

Y'all should try the interaction of talking to a toddler or child through the bear.  The adult or teenager need to have a bear in inventory, then click on the bear and select "Talk Through" and choose the Sim to do it with.  It's really very cute.  :D
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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2010, 03:02:19 AM »
First, you have to put the bear in the baby's inventory to get the moodlet.

But then the bear disapears from the inventory and appears in the crib? So could you have both, for looks and moods?

I also put some toys from the chest in toddlers inventory so if they are say downstairs or upstairs from their toys they will have something to play with.
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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2010, 03:16:40 AM »
But then the bear disapears from the inventory and appears in the crib? So could you have both, for looks and moods?

The bear is always part of the baby's inventory, but it shows up in the crib when the baby is actually sleeping.  Or I might have it backwards and it appears in the crib when the baby is awake.  Either way, it changes as the child is asleep and awake.  I'll be having a baby shortly and will double check which way it goes.
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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2010, 12:48:54 PM »
This information about putting bears and toys into the babies personal inventory is interesting to me as I did not know it could be done. I always buy two teddy bears when I place a crib in a nursery. I put one inside of the bed to stay and then I put one on the floor so that the baby or toddler can play with it. The bear in the bed has never disappeared when the baby was taken out of the crib. Pam - I know you have said several times on this thread already that the bear has to be in inventory to get the moodlet, I guess my question is am I wasting my time and money buying the extra bear to place inside the crib? I have not payed close attention to the moodlets to know for sure, but now I am curious. And thanks for the tip about the older Sims talking to the baby through the bear. I can't wait to try that out! I just watched for the first time my child Sim play peek-a-boo with my toddler and it was just too cute! EA did really good on these interactions, I'd like to see more. It makes this part of the game really fun for me personally.

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2010, 01:03:37 PM »
Catlvr -

Yes, you're basically wasting your money on buying a bear for the crib.  All it does it look cute for you.  The baby gets nothing from it.  Once it's in the inventory, though, the baby gets the Cuddle Time moodlet for sleeping with it and it's handily available for playing during awake hours, which helps bring up the social bar as well as the fun bar.  There's no reason to remove it from inventory until the baby is a teenager or adult, and then maybe pass the bear to his or her own child.  Or just keep it for playing with the little ones.
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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2010, 04:11:16 PM »
Thanks for the help Pam!

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2010, 04:18:00 PM »
My pleasure.  :)
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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2010, 06:52:43 PM »
I just checked on the teddy bear in inventory thing with Mnementh Goth, son of Goth Goth.  After putting the bear in the baby's inventory, it will show up in the crib when the baby is awake.  When the baby sleeps, you no longer see it in the crib because the baby is cuddling with the bear at that time.  Confirmed!  :D
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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2010, 07:45:56 PM »
Aww that's good to know how that works :)
however I must ask something a little out of the ordinary, Pam, how in the world would you pronounce Goth Goth's child's name? It's making me very curious. Sorry if its too far off topic, I like the way it looks, but I'm not quite sure how you would say it...

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2010, 08:07:15 PM »
Hehe.  The first M is silent.  So it's pronounced nem'-enth or ne-menth' with the accent being on either syllable.

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2010, 09:20:40 PM »
Ohh, I figured that it was either the M or the N that was silent! That name is quite awesome. :) I love unique names, they always make me laugh when people try to pronounce them (Like when I tried pronouncing that name!)

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Re: Nooboo help
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2010, 04:48:36 AM »
My sims never get up in the middle of the night. Toddler can scream as much as it wants but the other sims in the house are not getting up until their allotted sleeping time is over. My other favorite tactic is to have a guest over and make them sleep in the room with the toddler.

The bears will give the child a moodlet bonus until they become teens, so keep it in the inventory until then.