My plan is to work my way though every lifetime wish available to Sims and blogging about... I might not blog a story but just about the wish itself. I would love to have people follow along and offer comments when I get to certain wishes. I know there will be some I find really hard (the Heartbreaker one for example I'm not looking forward too!) And before you ask
Yes I am playing with cheats and mods. I'd look at "My Plan" page for details.
Follow along with my LTW project on my
All comments welcome.
Lifetime Wishes Completed -
Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder.
(18 days to complete)Becoming a Master Thief
(18 days to complete)Becoming an Astronaut
(20 days to compete)Become a Super Star Athlete
(11 days to complete)Bottomless Nectar Cellar
(12 days to complete)Celebrated Five Star Chef
(15 days to complete)CEO of a Mega Corporation
(10 days to complete)Chess Legend
(9 days to complete)Culinary Librarian
(1 day to complete)Descendant of Da Vinci
(14 days to complete)