Thanks everyone!
At the moment it's about even for Riverview and Twinbrook, I think. Kelsey is in Riverview yeah, although I'm not too worried about that. She seems like someone who would be involved in a paradox! I'd forgotten about the combined rabbitholes bug, thanks Trip. Looks like Moonlight Falls is out then!
Corey, yes I did dye Mary's hair, although the first screenie is actually the shower dye and the rest is what I did. Ethel doesn't strike me as a character who'd do just normal pranks! She's definitely got a problem with hoarding too. She does it autonomously which I've never seen a sim do quite as much as she does.
Dextra, I'm really not sure I could let Hunter Cottoneye and Iris get together. They would just encourage each other...
I couldn't resist the horse joke!