Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 461632 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 134 4/2/13
« Reply #795 on: February 05, 2013, 12:11:01 PM »
Happy Anniversary, CrumpleSteels! I love the shot of the monster's eyes.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Ceewah

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 134 4/2/13
« Reply #796 on: February 07, 2013, 11:10:55 PM »
Windows Vista's horrors scared me so much that I switched to Macs.  :P

Poor Peggy..

Macs are awesome! I never use windows, Always macs!

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 134 4/2/13
« Reply #797 on: February 10, 2013, 08:21:34 AM »
Hilarious as always!
Happy Story Anniversary! You're doing a brilliant job with the Crumplesteels.  ;D

Offline Wiry

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 134 4/2/13
« Reply #798 on: February 10, 2013, 08:51:56 PM »
I love this story, just reminding you.  Happy DecaDynastyVersary!
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 135 12/2/13
« Reply #799 on: February 12, 2013, 12:55:22 PM »
Another Mary-Free Chapter

Time for a birthday: Iris is becoming a young adult. About time too. This generation feels like it's gone on forever (Never have this many kids in a dynasty file. Never play the Baby Boomer challenge at the same time. If I see another nooboo again it's too soon, and I've still got half my Baby Boomers challenge left to play.)

Iris: Yeah, back to me now please.

Iris: Yay! I'm old enough to move out into a proper anti-shark compound and away from my five younger siblings!

Umm, no you're not. You have to be an adult. Sorry.

Iris: Wait, what? Since when?!

It's in the small print.

Iris: Oh come on. Nobody reads the small print. It's like the Terms and Conditions.

Maybe you should get glasses.

Iris: I don't need glasses and I don't want to read the small print!

YA Iris. Isn't she pretty?

Peggy: I love having cake for breakfast.

Josie: Help! Help!

Peggy: Stop trying to get all the attention. You always try to get all the attention.

Josie: But the chair is eating me! I'm stuck! Help!

Peggy: I said stop it!

Josie: Okay. I'll die. See if I care.

Iris: "Read the small print" she said. "Terms and conditions apply" she said. I'll move out if it's the last thing I do and I'll show her how to read the small print!

It will be the last thing you do, once you've completed your requirements.

Also, you do know you're shouting at a gravestone, right?

Iris: It's more intelligent than you are!

I thought teenagers were supposed to be the ones with mood swings.

Iris: I hate you.

Daniel: Genie! Release!

Daniel: Well, that was disappointing. I guess I'll have to go down to option 132 to fill my retirement then.

Are any of those spending time with your family?

Daniel: No. The ideal afterlife for me would be peace and quiet.

Might join you.

Gabrielle: Josie darling, be careful with that.

Josie: Stop being silly Mum, I know what I'm doing!

Josie: Ahhhhh! Mummy, Mummy, I hit my finger and hurted it!

Gabrielle: If mothers were allowed to say 'I told you so' I would.

Ethel: When I grow up I'm never having children. Stupid things. Why do they want me to take them to play when I could be doing productive things like stealing or harassing the neighbours. I hate children. And adults.

And society in general by the sounds of it.

Ethel: I definitely hate you. You don't understand what it's like.

Peggy: Come and play on the seahorse Ethie!

Ethel: I am not Ethie. I will never be Ethie. If you ever call me that again I will make sure that the monsters are in your bed and not under it next time.

Peggy: Watcher! Make her play nice!

Sorry kiddo. I've tried and she's a lost cause.

Peggy: What's a lost cause?

Someone who is really annoying and will always be annoying.

Peggy: When the TV was annoying Daddy swapped it. Can't we swap Ethel?

Ethel: No we can't swap Ethel.

Peggy: But the TV is better now. It's even a nicer colour.

Ethel: If you think I'm ever speaking to you or taking you to the park again, you're wrong.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 135 12/2/13
« Reply #800 on: February 12, 2013, 01:52:16 PM »
Iris grew into a very lovely YA!

But the stars of this chapter have to be Peggy and Ethel. Oh my word, the exchange between them had me cracking up!


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 135 12/2/13
« Reply #801 on: February 12, 2013, 02:22:59 PM »
I'm with Raia, those two are hilarious! Very funny update. ;D

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 135 12/2/13
« Reply #802 on: February 13, 2013, 12:05:21 AM »
Ditto! Ethel and Peggy had me giggling my head off.
Ethel must be most proud she's never been a child herself! Umppff - *more giggling*

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 135 12/2/13
« Reply #803 on: February 13, 2013, 06:27:08 AM »
Iris is a marvellous product of generations of Sim genetics. You must have plenty of sister experience, because that whole conversation between Peggy and Ethel rings very true.
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By samoht04

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 135 12/2/13
« Reply #804 on: February 15, 2013, 04:08:59 PM »
Iris grew into a very lovely YA!

But the stars of this chapter have to be Peggy and Ethel. Oh my word, the exchange between them had me cracking up!

Any screenshot with Ethel in it always manages to provide me with tonnes of material. I really need to move her out when she hits YA to concentrate on Iris but I don't want to!

I'm with Raia, those two are hilarious! Very funny update. ;D

Thanks Louise!

Ditto! Ethel and Peggy had me giggling my head off.
Ethel must be most proud she's never been a child herself! Umppff - *more giggling*

Well, of course she was never a child! Why would she have been so stupid as to be a child?

Iris is a marvellous product of generations of Sim genetics. You must have plenty of sister experience, because that whole conversation between Peggy and Ethel rings very true.

I do. I grew up in an all-female household! I don't have a sister quite like Ethel, though...

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 136 15/2/13
« Reply #805 on: February 15, 2013, 04:20:42 PM »

Iris: Thank you for coming to my graduation. I love you all. I'd like to thank my mum and dad for being there for me...

It's not the Oscars.

Gabrielle: I'm so hungry, if she doesn't stop soon I might have to eat a horse.

Albert: Get a beefburger.

Mary: I hope she didn't notice I was late.

Ethel: Ohhhh, family unity. Isn't that sweet!

Get in the shot.

Ethel: No.

A disaster happens coming out of the ceremony. Nobody's harmed, but Albert is embarrassed.

Daniel: Love you, little girl.

Peggy: I love you too Daddy, but you don't know which twin I am do you?

Daniel: Yes, of course I do! It's not my fault you look similar, can't you be more different?

Mary: More different is really bad grammar, Dad.

Daniel: And then they all lived happily ever after.

Josie: I like your stories Daddy. But when can I start reading them alone?

Daniel: When you're older.

Josie: I'm older than I was yesterday.

Daniel: And younger than you will be tomorrow. Can't you stay young?

I notice how you've started saying that again now they're out of nappies.

Daniel: Nappies STINK.

Josie: Only Peggy's did.

Oh dear. Teen pranks have got a little out of hand lately round here.

Mary: What's happened now?

Don't look in the mirror.

Mary: Ethel! How could you! It's prom tomorrow and the yellow won't come out!

Ethel: Maybe if you were as much of a genius as you think you are, you'd know how to reverse the permanent dye.

Mary: Permanent?

Mary: I hate you.

Ethel: Sorry, did someone say something?

Mary [louder]: I HATE YOU!

All capitals is considered shouting.


Oh dear. Maybe I should build them separate rooms now.

Mary and Ethel: Yes please.

And to add insult to injury, she gets caught in one of Albert's pranks.

Mary: ETHEL!

I said Albert's pranks.

Ethel, what's this?

Ethel: Stuff I stole.

Why the wall chart?

Ethel: I'd have said the sword was more noteworthy. That one was difficult to get past the metal detectors in the police station.

I get why you might want an antique sword. I don't get why you might want a kids wall chart.

Ethel: To be honest, I don't know why I wanted it either.

Ethel: And before you ask how I got those home, piece by piece.

Words fail me. I give up.

The non-problematic child practices his guitar. He's picked a lifetime wish already to become a Hit Movie Composer.

Oh not again.

Ethel: I though you gave up.

I did. I'm here to despair, not stop you.

Ethel: Well, don't mind if I ignore you then. This bench is going to be tricky enough to fit in my pocket without you disturbing me. And yes, I can hear you sighing.

Gabrielle: I'm glad you're doing well at school and in your skills dear. What is it again, athletics and bass?

Albert: Logic and guitar.

Gabrielle: Well, nearly.

Peggy: Mary, why do you have yellow hair?

Mary: Ethel.

Peggy: She's not very nice is she. Shall we gang up against her?

Daniel: Do you think we've done a good job with them?

Gabrielle: I think so. None of them have died, anyway. Or failed at school.

Daniel: That has to count for something when you have six.

Gabrielle: I think we've earned our retirement.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 136 15/2/13
« Reply #806 on: February 15, 2013, 04:27:39 PM »

The CrumpleSteels will be using up their second world move when Iris completes her requirements. I love Lunar Lakes, but the file crashes upon opening it sometimes and I've lost count of the amount of days I've had to redo. Poor Ethel aged up to YA four times before I managed to save quickly enough.

Like last time they moved world, I'm going to ask you lot to help me choose...

Sunset Valley and Lunar Lakes are out because the CrumpleSteels have already been there. I don't want to use Sunlit Tides because I'm playing an immortal dynasty there, or Starlight Shores (for no good reason, just because Anais is supposed to be there from the move from Sunset Valley!).

So that leaves me with a choice from Twinbrook, Riverview, Hidden Springs and Moonlight Falls. I'd prefer not Moonlight Falls because I'm thinking of doing a Life States when this is over and that seems the obvious place for it. What should I pick?

The other annoucement to come out of this is that all the file problems are what's making my updating so slow. They'll pick up once we've moved town!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 136 15/2/13
« Reply #807 on: February 15, 2013, 04:43:10 PM »
I can certainly understand file problems. I've heard that although beautiful, Hidden Springs is very difficult to play long files in and becomes buggy very quickly. Isn't Kelsey in Riverview? So you probably don't want to use that one either. Personally, I am quite partial to Twinbrook.
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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 136 15/2/13
« Reply #808 on: February 15, 2013, 04:45:37 PM »
Riverview or Twinbrook. They're both stable (okay, I vaguely remember Riverview running fine, but I haven't played there in months) so the last Crumplesteel generations (hopefully!) won't experience loads of crashing. Hidden Springs is a routing mess from what I've heard and I'd keep your decadynasty far away from it. Riverview and Twinbrook also don't have combined rabbitholes (the single-biggest problem with Moonlight Falls; the world otherwise runs really smoothly on my pitiful laptop).

Sorry to hear that the file isn't behaving. :(

Offline Beezy

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 8, Chapter 136 15/2/13
« Reply #809 on: February 15, 2013, 04:49:07 PM »
I think Riverview, it's not only interesting, it doesn't require a lot of "juice". Seriously, I ran it without any problems on a 2004 PC. WITH Windows Vista.

Ethel, why do you keep hoarding stealing things?

Did you die Mary's hair yellow? That was hilarious!