Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 363110 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 79
« Reply #330 on: August 10, 2012, 12:13:42 PM »
With such fantastic writing I know this story will be entertaining no matter who the heir is. I think the triplets personalities work together to provide the humour.Having an insane Sim is all the more interesting when you have a sane Sim for contrast. Lexa is the diet coke of evil at the moment so very funny.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 80
« Reply #331 on: August 11, 2012, 08:03:03 PM »
Sharks and Sisterhood

We start this update with a birthday. Tommy decides it's a really good idea to want to age up just as I'm about to give the command for him to go to the cake. So he ages up next to the unused cake.

Anais: Well, what else do you really expect from round here?

Ohh, come on, don't be shy.

Thaaaat's better.

The hair colour comes from his dad, the eye colour is the same as all three triplets and comes from Hazel's husband Jamie originally.

And he's adorable. But now back to the actual story.

Kelsey is upgrading the fire alarm. The other day she completed a job on free will. I had no idea the alarm had even gone off because I was concentrating on the heir's supermaxing of martial arts and then I switched over to her to find her just completing a small house fire. I didn't realise sims would do that.

Oh, just one more toddler shot. He's so cute.

Now really back to the story. Lexa's promotions are coming in a lot quicker now.

Lexa: The world will be mine soon, don't you worry.

It can't be any worse than Kelsey taking over, can it.

Talking of Kelsey, I think we've discovered why all the blokes at her work are obsessed with her. It might not have anything to do with her exercising outside in her swimwear, but I suspect it does.

Kelsey: It's the shark's mind control techniques. Stupid watcher. I've been explaining this to you for ages!

Anais has been hard at work... infiltrating the bistro.

Anais: It's a hotbed of crime! People have been stealing milk!


Anais: I know! It's terrible isn't it. I thought Sunset Valley was a nice town.

Kelsey: So it says in this book that the sharks are definately out to get us.

That's funny. It looks like a handiness skill book to me.

Kelsey: Erm... you can upgrade sharks with an improved polymer injection system?

Give me that...

Oh not again.

Lexa: It wasn't my fault.

What do you mean?

Lexa: It's this hat. It's ridiculous. How am I meant to blend into the background with this hat?!

Policewoman: You look a lot like one of the other policewomen here, you know.

Lexa: That's odd. I'm an orphan, without any known family.

Policewoman: Oh right, otherwise I'd have said you were Anais' sister. Also, you do know that hat is ridiculous, right?

Lexa: Shut up about my hat!

Lexa: I wish young adults could still prank.

You've just got out of prison, narrowly missing seeing your sister on her way into work, and that's your main concern?

Lexa: Well, it isn't exactly fair that we can't. I could be much more ingenious these days.

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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 80
« Reply #332 on: August 11, 2012, 08:24:19 PM »
The day that Anais and Lexa cross paths on a professional level will be absolutely hilarious. :)

Kelsey is still my favorite though, even if she isn't the heir. :P

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 80
« Reply #333 on: August 11, 2012, 09:39:44 PM »
I am trying to figure out whose kid Tommy is :P He is adorable! I must say Lexa is my favorite I hope she is the heir. But I would be fine with Anais as well. No matter what it will still be entertaining.

Offline Wiry

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 80
« Reply #334 on: August 11, 2012, 10:46:30 PM »
I want Anais to be the Heir, Lexa isn't as nasty as I would like  ;D

Lol @ Kelsey and her insanity as well.
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Offline uponthewaters

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 80
« Reply #335 on: August 11, 2012, 11:06:35 PM »
Just read this whole story-- it's hilarious! I'm putting my vote in for Lexa as the heir. I do rather wish it were Kelsey, though. She's so very amusing.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #336 on: August 12, 2012, 12:39:29 PM »
For those of you who want to know who the heir is, this is the last update before I reveal that, along with who Tommy's mother is, as there's only a few left of the generation. Thanks everyone for reading!

The Worst Firefighter Ever

Lexa has a friend. A creepy friend who stands by the garage and thinks about her.

But then again, if she does insist on standing around in her nightwear...

Lexa: I'm going to kill him.

Assassination is not an option in the sims.

Lexa: Okay then, I'll lock him in a room with Kelsey. Then he'll kill himself.

Anais: He was probably thinking about how he needed to hide from her.


Anais: She kept insulting him yesterday and accusing him of being a diva. It's why we get through so many maids round here. And why I'm having to clean the bathroom floor while he hides behind the dustbin. I have no idea how she's going to get a husband.

*looks at Lexa's relationship panel* Wow, the only people whose relationships are in the green with Lexa are Kelsey and her fellow criminals. Though, she does spend a lot of time insulting people.

You're not supposed to stand in the fire while you're trying to put it out, are you?

And nor are you supposed to stand by and watch as Gretle Goth does most of your work for you.

Gretle: It's okay, it's boring in the netherworld. I've read all the books.

Kelsey: If you've read all the books, have you ever thought of taking up exercise?

Gretle: Oooh no. I'll have to nip down to Grim's Gym and try it out. Would you recommend a treadmill at first, or...

Tommy update time. Here he is playing with Puzzle, his doll from the mysterious Aunt Bertha. I'm beginning to think she's like the uncle that always gets far too drunk and embarassing at weddings. Everyone seems to have one.

Eugenia is smitten with her first grandchild. She's more or less given up her stylist career to become a full time granny, partly because Kelsey is the only one reliably at home during the day otherwise and partly because every time I go to complete a stylist job the game crashes. I think it's the file size.

She teaches him to walk. What's he watching out of the corner of his eye?

Anais: I seem to have been sent on a mission to my own house, that's weird. And so's this outfit. I have no idea what job position requires this as a uniform.

Uh oh.

Anais: What?

Erm, just saw Kelsey with a shrubbery?

Anais: Oh dear.

Lexa: Ahh, Alyson, there you are! Right, I've got the plan. It's completely foolproof. The world will be ours by midnight. You've got the cash, right?

Anais: You're... you're... A CRIMINAL?!

Lexa: Emperor of Evil, to you!

Anais: I'm not Alyson, I'm Anais!

Lexa: Oh.

Anais: I can't believe you! You said you were a mixologist! I trusted you! But instead you're just a petty criminal, I thought you were better than that, Lexa.

Lexa: You can't believe me? Who are you, my mother?!

Anais: Our mother would be ashamed if she knew you were a criminal.

Lexa: If you'll excuse me, I have a world to take over.

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Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #337 on: August 12, 2012, 03:09:32 PM »
Oooh she finally found out! I think I know who the heir is now, and in the beginning did you mean Tommy's father?
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Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #338 on: August 12, 2012, 07:23:50 PM »
Oooh she finally found out! I think I know who the heir is now, and in the beginning did you mean Tommy's father?
No she meant his mother. She never said who his mother is.

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #339 on: August 12, 2012, 08:47:58 PM »
No she meant his mother. She never said who his mother is.
Oh right, sorry about that.
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #340 on: August 13, 2012, 12:24:50 AM »
A firefighting ghost? I've never seen that! Pretty awesome!

Offline Beezy

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #341 on: August 13, 2012, 09:58:12 AM »
After reading the last three chapters, I know who the heir is now.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 81
« Reply #342 on: August 13, 2012, 02:50:51 PM »
Alex, Artsygirl:Tommy's father is Louie Wells, there's pictures of him at the beginning of the update before last and also in the update that's coming in a sec.

Raia: I'd never seen a firefighting ghost before either! It was a really weird thing to see but also really cool. I guess ghosts are at an advantage though as they can't be set on fire.

Corey: Let's see if you were right then!

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 82
« Reply #343 on: August 13, 2012, 03:03:53 PM »
Lexa's Big Reveal

Some of you might have guessed this, others might not. But the heir is... *drum roll*


Lexa: Just give me the recognition I deserve and get on with it.

Being the heir meant that she's the only one to go back to China to complete the martial arts tournament. So she books tickets and off we go.

Lexa: Hello? Yes, get to the market, so I can kick your butt into next week!



She plays chess when she's fatigued.

This poor guy is a teenager, yet he already has grey hair.

Lexa: Loser.

Done yet?

Lexa: Keep your knickers on. One more to go.

Lifetime wish achieved, and unique skill supermaxed. Result.

And Lexa being the heir of course means that Anais is Tommy's mum, because Lexa can't have her first kid until she moves.

Anais: Mummy's glad she's not the heir, because otherwise Mummy wouldn't have her baby Tommy. Can you say Tommy?

Tommy: Uh...

Anais: Tom-my. Tommy.

Tommy: Mummy!

Anais: Awwww.

Louie and Anais are still very much in love.

But we can't leave the CrumpleSteels without seeing Kelsey.

Kelsey: Aha, it's nearly done.

What is?

Kelsey: My rocket-washing-machine-ship.

What's the sofa for.

Kelsey: To sit on! She's really quite stupid sometimes, isn't she Mr Hand?

Let's leave this chapter there. Next time, Lexa gets engaged and we have a triple birthday.

Offline uponthewaters

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 5, Chapter 82
« Reply #344 on: August 13, 2012, 04:04:37 PM »
YAY, Lexa's the heir! I'm quite interested to see whom she gets to marry her....