Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 461478 times)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 52: Birthday Time
« Reply #210 on: June 12, 2012, 06:13:37 PM »
Chapter 52: Birthday Time

We have another birthday upon us.

Ben: Yay! Candles!

Hazel: You're supposed to blow them out, not smile at them.

Ben: But they're so awesome!

Ben: Oooh. Cross eyes. Not so awesome.

And we have a kid.

Ben: Stylish.

Cousin Jess: Family parties are so lame.

Jessica: And vampires getting in your way? Seriously?

Jamie: Is that an astronaught?

Woman nobody invited: I love cake, do you think it's homemade?

Everyone: Cake, cake, give me cake now! I don't care for the convention of queuing, or letting someone else take their piece, or even patience. I just want cake!

Ben: You know what? I'm just going to have my cake later and avoid this scrum.

If only more sims were like you.

Child makeover. Now, he will embark on seven days of playing and going to school, seeing as he can't work on his supermax yet. Roll on slides, trampolines, dressing up...


Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 52: Birthday Time
« Reply #211 on: June 12, 2012, 06:29:04 PM »
Woot for actually getting to have a childhood. What is Ben's supermax anyways.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 52: Birthday Time
« Reply #212 on: June 12, 2012, 06:50:40 PM »
He's going to be doing nectar making. Hopefully the Vizard of Vine challenge will register for him.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 53: The Hard Life of Ben
« Reply #213 on: June 15, 2012, 06:14:17 PM »
The Hard Life of Ben


Ben: Aaaarghh!


Ben: I have a very stressful life you know, how dare you disturb my rest!

Let's show our lovely readers what a stressful time you've been having, shall we?

Eating sandwiches while dressed as a prince is up there with moving house and family deaths in the top five most stressful things to happen.

Playing on a pirate spring-rider is too.

Sometimes you have to dress as a dinosaur and run around roaring just to feel sane again.

Sandcastles are very tricky and stressful to get right.

Ben: Alright, alright. But I have a lot to do when I grow up. It's the stress of ex-peca-ta-shuns. Mummy told me how you made her run around almost constantly for ten days because she hadn't got her career right.

That's not quite what happened... okay, yes it is. But, they're not my rules. If you have a problem, you should take it up with a guy called Metropolis Man, who wrote these rules.

Ben: I will!

Dear Mr Metrepollyss,

I would like to complain about the rules you wrote that I have to do. I don't like rules, I like playing in sandpits and with my toys and on my trampyline. Please can you make playing a supermax skill, and sandcastle building a carreer. I think I could be a very good professional sandcastle builder.

Benjamin Hector CrumpleSteel, aged 7 1/2

I'll get your mum to put it in the postbox. Why don't you go get practicing?

Ben: Wheee!

Hazel: Time for tea, Ben!

Ben: Awwww, one more go?

Just in case Metro doesn't allow playing as Ben's supermax skill, Jamie has gone to France to grab some nectar makers.

Jamie: This is so awesome, I feel like I'm in a cop-chase.

Simple things, simple minds.

Jamie: I know I'm a bit of a loser but at least you could be nice.

Jamie: Three nectar makers please.

Nectar Merchant: Do you want a bag?

Jamie: A bag? How big are your bags?

Gnome: I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a wonderful feeling! I'm happy again!

And we'll leave you today with our wannabe-Broadway gnomes.

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 53: The Hard Life of Ben
« Reply #214 on: June 15, 2012, 06:17:21 PM »
Aww, Ben has such a stressful life. Hopefully Metro will at least take his request into consideration.  ;)
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Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 53: The Hard Life of Ben
« Reply #215 on: June 15, 2012, 07:06:15 PM »
I think playing would be an awesome suprmax skill. Just imagine the endless hours of watching them slide or throwing water out of the tree house 997 times to complete a challange. Alright it would probably get boring to watch after five minutes but at least they probably wouldn't set fire to themselves.

Enjoy your childhood Ben.

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 53: The Hard Life of Ben
« Reply #216 on: June 16, 2012, 06:18:44 AM »
That's cruelty! Making poor Ben work so hard, how horrid of you!! ;) Great update! I'm sure those gnomes will fulfill their Broadway dreams someday..

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 53: The Hard Life of Ben
« Reply #217 on: June 16, 2012, 10:34:26 AM »
Ben has a stressful life

Offline Aredhelrim12

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 53: The Hard Life of Ben
« Reply #218 on: June 22, 2012, 02:35:00 AM »
It was great when Ben turned out to have ginger hair. My name is Ben. I have ginger hair too.  ::) I love your "voice-in-the-sky" interactions with the characters!

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 54: Another CrumpleSteel
« Reply #219 on: June 25, 2012, 10:34:28 AM »
Thanks for all the comments guys! I love that people are enjoying this story, especially as it's so much fun to play and write.

I've just got back from a holiday and realised how many screenshots I have waiting on my computer for this story, so expect quick updates for a while until I've got closer again to where I'm at in my game.

Chapter 54: Another CrumpleSteel

Hazel: I'm pregnant!

I'd tell Jamie gently. He almost fainted last time you gave birth.

Hazel: It's alright, I know how to do it this time.

Meanwhile, at home, two lots of father-son bonding time are happening.

Cedric: Fart.

Ernesto: Hahahahaha! Daddy, you're so funny!

Cedric: Hahaha.

They say men never mature much past the age of fifteen. I'm not sure Cedric even got that far.

Jamie: You're going to be having a baby brother or sister.

Ben: Yay! Can they sleep in my room? We can stay up all night and play on the slide and...

Jamie: They're not going to be big enough for the slide for a while.

Ben: Why?

Jamie: They won't be able to climb the steps to it.

Ben: It's okay. I can throw them up there.

Sometimes on this forum people show pictures of their pregnant sims driving to the hospital while in labour. I present to you Hazel CrumpleSteel riding her bike to the hospital while in labour. It's certainly not what I'd want to do at that point.

Hazel: The planet needs saving! I can't abandon my principles just because I'm having a baby!

I think the planet would forgive you, this once.

Luckily, Jamie persuades her to get the limo home. It's carbon neutral if there's three passengers, apparently. Nice to see the baby start his life in such an eco-friendly manner.

Jamie: And I didn't faint.

Hazel: Some attention? I've just given birth.


Hazel: This is baby Michael, named in honour of Michael Bachelor who lived in this very house many generations ago.

That's an evil look.

Hazel: Do I need to remind you again that I've just pushed a baby out?

Fair enough.

Michael: Bottle, now.

Not one to stop, Hazel calls over Justine Keaton (yes, still around!) for her last chess game and wins the Grand Master title mere hours after giving birth.

Justine: I...I...I don't understand. I've been the Chess Master since your great-grandparent's time!

Hazel: Yeah, well now you're not.

And the next morning, it's birthday time!

Ben: I wish to age up in peace, without someone taking pictures to stick all over the internet.

Not going to happen, kid.

Ben: I want a new watcher.

Ben: Woah! What's happening to me?!

Oh no! He's disappearing!

Offline Aredhelrim12

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 54: Another CrumpleSteel
« Reply #220 on: June 25, 2012, 01:35:42 PM »
Are you telling us that Ben is going to be a magician? Haha. And I don't think riding a bike is at the top of the list of the doctor's "When You're About to Give Birth" pamphlet.

Offline ArianaJade

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Are you telling us that Ben is going to be a magician? Haha. And I don't think riding a bike is at the top of the list of the doctor's "When You're About to Give Birth" pamphlet.

If only we knew what those pregnancy books in the Sims said...

Chapter 55: Terrible Teens and Terrible Twos

Ben: Don't be so stupid. I'm here!

Excuse him. He's a bit eccentric.

Ben: Your fault for not giving me traits that are actually useful to anything.

Genius, Easily Impressed, Eccentric and Virtuoso are all very good traits.

Ben: Except they don't really add up to anything sensible.

Hazel: It's all in the plan. Stay calm.

A nutritional family breakfast.

Hazel: You want to do what?!

And a makeover. His eyes are actually normal sized, he just blinked when I took this shot.

We're going for nerd-chic. Let's hope there are soon some more girls at his school to try it out on.

Ben: I'm glad I chose nectar-making as my skill. It's going to be well easy.

Erm, you chose?

Ben: Yep. I chose.

Hazel: Do you want some bigger swim-trunks dear? You'll catch your death of cold!

Ben: AAAAHHHH! *splat* Ow. My bum.

Still easy?

Ben: Mum distracted my with her stupid mother-stuff.

Ben: And nearly there... nearly to my first bottle of nectar... I'm going to need it after this...

Why are you wearing your dressing gown?

Ben: Cold down here.

Maybe your mother was right. And you have a perfectly good pile of clothes over there.

Ben: Of course she wasn't right. She's never right. And neither are you. Shut up.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the teenage years.

Jamie: Hey, AstroBoy. I'm running for Mayor, and I need your support. Will you donate to my campaign fund to make Sunset Valley a better place?

AstroBoy: I dunno, I mean, politicians have a lot of promises they never keep. Why are you different?

Jamie: I have a real vision for this town. I want to... that's it! BROCCOLI! Broccoli for the masses!

AstroBoy: OMG! That's my favourite vegetable!

Jamie: I never knew politics was this easy.

Meanwhile, at home....

Ben: I think I've changed my mind. I think I'd rather be a rock star and just drink nectar.

Sorry love, guitars out. Your great-grandad maxed it. You'll have to get back down into the basement.

Ben: I want a jumper first.


We started this update with a birthday, and we're ending it with one too. Little Micheal has his first birthday, and Cedric has forgotten to put his trousers on. Who will he look like?

Well, at the moment he looks more like an egg than either of his parents. Let's get that fixed.

Much better. I don't know where the hair colour comes from, it's nowhere in the family tree.

Micheal: Why am I wearing dungerees? I hate the outdoors! And my favourite colour is green!

And you can't talk yet.

Hazel settles him into his swing, and we say goodbye to Micheal for the next sim week.

Micheal: Hey, wait, it's not fair...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Offline alex51299

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I love Ben's style!  ;)
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 56: The Great Prom Date Hunt
« Reply #223 on: June 26, 2012, 09:39:07 AM »
I love Ben's style!  ;)

Thank! So do I :)

Chapter 56: The Great Prom Date Hunt

Cedric: Hi. I'd like to buy... erm...

Consignment Clerk: What?

Cedric: A date with you?

Consignment Clerk: I'm sorry, I don't have any of those in stock right now.

Cedric: Oh, I guess I'll just sell the sculptures in my pocket, then. Although, how ten stone sculptures as tall as I am fit in my pocket I have no idea. I'm rambling aren't I? But you're so pretty...

Micheal: Maybe if I shut my eyes, learning to walk will be less scary.

Hazel: AHH! A toddler!

Micheal: AHHH! A ginger!

Baby swing = best invention ever. I don't know why I didn't get it before now.

Hazel: Neither do I. Parenting is actually fun with this thing.

The other CrumpleSteel household visit the park. That's Savannah on the left, then Cruz, Stephen, Harry, and Jessica. Cruz was eighty-six when Hazel moved out, and considering Ben's a teen he's now very old indeed. Harry's elder wardrobe is actually pretty apt for something the game picked, I think, but let's not dwell on Stephen's outfit.

But why are we in the park? Ben's looking for a prom date. He hasn't managed to meet any girls at school yet.

I think she's a bit young.

Ben: It worked for Recipe Man.

You're not Recipe Man, and that's only a good thing that you're not.

And she's somewhat of a gold-digger.

Ben: Yay! Hair ribbons!

Papergirl: They have foiled my plan.

Probably too old.

Ben: Nothing wrong with an older lady.

Except for the fact that she'll probably die before you can marry her.

Ben: Okay, what about this one? She's a teen!

And a vampire.

Ben: She'll be alive when I want to marry.

And she's a vampire. Do you really want to go to the prom with someone who thinks you're a tasty snack?

Ben: Fiiiinnneee.

Micheal: I HATE YOU.

What's up?

Hazel: I think he's annoyed he's not ginger.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 56: The Great Prom Date Hunt
« Reply #224 on: June 26, 2012, 02:22:01 PM »
Just caught up with this after my holiday.  Supermaxed playing sounds a great idea :)

