Are you telling us that Ben is going to be a magician? Haha. And I don't think riding a bike is at the top of the list of the doctor's "When You're About to Give Birth" pamphlet.
If only we knew what those pregnancy books in the Sims said...
Chapter 55: Terrible Teens and Terrible Twos
Ben: Don't be so stupid. I'm here!
Excuse him. He's a bit eccentric.
Ben: Your fault for not giving me traits that are actually useful to anything.
Genius, Easily Impressed, Eccentric and Virtuoso are all very good traits.
Ben: Except they don't really add up to anything sensible.
Hazel: It's all in the plan. Stay calm.

A nutritional family breakfast.
Hazel: You want to do what?!

And a makeover. His eyes are actually normal sized, he just blinked when I took this shot.

We're going for nerd-chic. Let's hope there are soon some more girls at his school to try it out on.

Ben: I'm glad I chose nectar-making as my skill. It's going to be well easy.
Erm, you chose?
Ben: Yep. I chose.
Hazel: Do you want some bigger swim-trunks dear? You'll catch your death of cold!

Ben: AAAAHHHH! *splat* Ow. My bum.
Still easy?
Ben: Mum distracted my with her stupid mother-stuff.

Ben: And nearly there... nearly to my first bottle of nectar... I'm going to need it after this...
Why are you wearing your dressing gown?
Ben: Cold down here.
Maybe your mother was right. And you have a perfectly good pile of clothes over there.
Ben: Of course she wasn't right. She's never right. And neither are you. Shut up.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the teenage years.

Jamie: Hey, AstroBoy. I'm running for Mayor, and I need your support. Will you donate to my campaign fund to make Sunset Valley a better place?
AstroBoy: I dunno, I mean, politicians have a lot of promises they never keep. Why are you different?
Jamie: I have a real vision for this town. I want to... that's it! BROCCOLI! Broccoli for the masses!
AstroBoy: OMG! That's my favourite vegetable!
Jamie: I never knew politics was this easy.

Meanwhile, at home....
Ben: I think I've changed my mind. I think I'd rather be a rock star and just drink nectar.
Sorry love, guitars out. Your great-grandad maxed it. You'll have to get back down into the basement.
Ben: I want a jumper first.

We started this update with a birthday, and we're ending it with one too. Little Micheal has his first birthday, and Cedric has forgotten to put his trousers on. Who will he look like?

Well, at the moment he looks more like an egg than either of his parents. Let's get that fixed.

Much better. I don't know where the hair colour comes from, it's nowhere in the family tree.
Micheal: Why am I wearing dungerees? I hate the outdoors! And my favourite colour is green!
And you can't talk yet.

Hazel settles him into his swing, and we say goodbye to Micheal for the next sim week.
Micheal: Hey, wait, it's not fair...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...