Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 363324 times)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Ghosts and Engagements
« Reply #180 on: June 03, 2012, 04:47:51 PM »
Ghosts and Engagements

Jessica likes the chemistry set.

Jessica: Put the sulphuric acid in with that, then add a little bit of Chemical X...

I'm going to leave now before there's an explosion.

Stephen ages up.

Stephen: Ta-da.

Said with so much enthusiasm.

Stephen: Childhood means school.

And dinosaur costumes.


Hazel: Finished.

Yay! Don't you feel a sense of achievement, of joy, for finally reaching level ten in a career? And in only twelve days?

Hazel: No, just really, really sleepy.

Go home and go to bed. You've got a big day tomorrow.

Hazel: So what am I doing here? I told you, no more cases. I'm bored of cases. I've done nothing but cases for YEARS.

You're a sim, you don't have years. And anyway. It's not a case, you're here to meet your future husband.

Hazel: And they say romance is dead.

Hazel: Hello, I like your house. It's a very... housey house.

A housey house? No, I thought it looked more like a donkey.

Hazel: Shut it.

Jamie: What does she want?

Hazel: To marry you.

Oh, that's effective.

Oh, wait, no, it really was effective.

Jamie: You're pretty.

Hazel: Hang on, I want to try something.

Hazel: *sloppy kiss noise*

Hazel: I met you three hours ago, but I think I love you. Marry me?

And you were complaining about romance being dead.

Hazel: Shut up, you're ruining my moment.

It's next to a toy oven, it's not the most romantic moment ever.

Jamie: Hey, toy ovens are cool.

Hazel: Um?

Jamie: Oh, sorry, yes of course I'll marry you.

Abbie: So, moving time is on us again.


Abbie: And you'll go with them?


Abbie: Maybe I'll miss having a big booming voice coming from the roof.

Aww. I'll miss you too.

Abbie: But not when you start talking when I'm asleep. Or when you drop something onto your desk and it makes a big crash. Or when you forget to tell Cruz to clean the toilet.

Cruz: It doesn't have to be my job to clean the toilet. You know you could do it.

Savannah: Midnight snacks. Om nom nom.

Hector: So, miss me?

Of course.

Hector: I don't miss you. Even if I did, I wouldn't admit it.

At least you don't change in death. That's reassuring.

Hector: I'm not watering the plants, if that's what you mean.

Cruz: And so if you remember to go outside a lot, marriage is quite easy really. Just find a place outside that your partner can't find you and hide there until they calm down.

Hazel: Okay. So the first rule of marriage is staying away from your spouse?

Cruz: Yep.

Abbie: Heard that.

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Ghosts and Engagements
« Reply #181 on: June 03, 2012, 07:09:25 PM »
Lol, the key to a marriage is staying away from your spouse! that made me laugh out loud!
My nephew looked at me funny. ;D

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Ghosts and Engagements
« Reply #182 on: June 03, 2012, 08:25:38 PM »
You can tell Cruz has been married for awhile. I am so excited that Hazel is getting married because very soon there will be nooboos yay.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: It's The Final Countdown...
« Reply #183 on: June 04, 2012, 05:43:37 PM »
It's The Final Countdown...

You know all that cheering you were doing at the end of the chapter for the completion of requirements? Yeah, we weren't actually done. I threw a wedding party, looked at my notes just for something to do while I was waiting for everyone to get there, and... only nine opportunties.

This picture of Hazel sums up exactly what I did.

Hazel: What?! You took that picture?! Give that here! That can't be shown to the world!

Too late.

Luckily, it wasn't too late for the DecaDynasty to be saved.

Hazel: Oh, I am pleased.

You are. If it had failed, you'd never have got married, and your file would have gone to the recycle bin.

Hazel: Not the recycle bin! Anything but the recycle bin!

Hazel: I'm sorry Jamie. I hope you can forgive me for cancelling the wedding yesterday. My watcher is stupid *glares* and I still have to wait for another opportunity to come through.

Jamie: I'm going to be marrying into a weird family, aren't I?

Oh yes.

Hazel: Not weird, special. Very special.

So here we are, just passing some time.

Hazel: Hmmm, so if my pawn moves there, it's certainly going to get taken by that knight. But if I move my bishop, there's nothing they can do. Unless...

You know you're playing by yourself?

Hazel: Yes.


And then her peaceful chess session is interrupted by two things. The first was a random paparazzi dying. Luckily it wasn't the one Savannah had befriended.

Hazel: *sobs* I don't even know your name, but I'm going to miss you so much! Even though you hounded me and my family constantly, and took that picture of my brother wetting himself, which I laughed at for hours, the world will be so much of a worse place without you, random paparazzi!

Maid: OMG! I love Hazel! Marry me, Hazel!

Hazel: I wonder what happens if I use my moodlet manager on the Grim?

Grim: Ahhhh! Forcefield!

Paparazzi: Maybe I can just sneak away...

Maid: I don't know what just came over me.

Today, folks, we have learnt that absolutely nothing happens if you try to moodlet manager the Grim. I was hoping he'd pass out or something.

Hazel: That's really mean.

He's the Grim.

The second thing to happen was Hazel's last opportunity rolling in. So this time, the wedding is actually going to go ahead.

Hazel: Please double check. I don't want to risk the recycle bin. I heard that there's all sorts of stuff in there!

I did dump a load of very boring finance spreadsheets from work in there yesterday. You definitely don't want to spend eternity with finance spreadsheets. But no, we're safe. All requirements double and triple checked this time.

To celebrate, here's the happiest bridesmaid ever. Maybe she's the only bridesmaid in the history of weddings to actually wear a dress they really love.

Jessica: YAY!

And, as the sun goes down on the beach, we witness the happy couple exchanging their rings.

Ladies and gentlemen of Carl and Pam's Sims 3 Forum, I present to you Mr and Mrs CrumpleSteel.

And with the third move complete, what are you going to do next Hazel?

Hazel: I'm going to enjoy my wedding night. You going to leave.

Is that chimes, or just the groom's brother playing computer games?

Heir 3 - Hazel CrumpleSteel
Born: Day 3 of new house, to Abbie and Cruz CrumpleSteel
Honor Roll in Grade School: Yes
Honor Roll in High School: Yes
10 NPC Friends:
  • Grim Reaper
  • Sam Mejia, Postman
  • Myles Hadley, Pizza Delivery Man
  • Stanley Tisdale, Paparazzi
  • Pierre Dutiel, Nectar Merchant
  • Bret Hagan, Social Worker
  • Shane Cramer, Repairwoman
  • Bernardette Byers, Maid
  • Shjerry Jordan, Papergirl
  • Brandt McCombs, Butler
10 Best Friends:
  • Savannah CrumpleSteel
  • Cruz CrumpleSteel
  • Abbie CrumpleSteel
  • Harry CrumpleSteel
  • Arlo Bunch
  • Stephen CrumpleSteel
  • Justine Finn
  • Jessica CrumpleSteel
  • Frances Shaw
  • Jamie Hickey
Career: Private Investigator
SuperMax Skill: Gardening
  • The Honor Roll
  • Old Ladies Crossing
  • Badging Ceremony
  • The Research Project
  • Make-A-Dream
  • Uncommonly Good
  • Garlic Goodness
  • Outstandingly Rare
  • Business Model
  • Broadway Cameo
Building: Landgraab Industries Science
Property: Central Park, level 3
Tombstone: Hector Morey (medium)
Collection of 10 Items: Metal ingots - 9x Titanium, 1x Woohooium, worth £10,391 total

Offline ratchie

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Congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Crumplesteel. Which house are they living in did any famous Sunset Valley townies live there once.

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Offline ArianaJade

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They're living in the house the Bachelors live in at the start of a new game. Jamie and his brother Cedric aren't related to them though.

Offline Lunarpixels

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Nooboos!! congrats on the move!

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Congrats on the wedding and the move! Can't wait for the nooboo. ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Nooboos!! congrats on the move!

Congrats on the wedding and the move! Can't wait for the nooboo. ;D

Thanks! You'll both be pleased to know that the nooboo is adorable. I can't wait to introduce the newest CrumpleSteel.

Offline hazelnut

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I've just read through the whole story so far.  I love your sense of humour:

Hazel: *sobs* I don't even know your name, but I'm going to miss you so much!

Good luck with the next generation!

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Woop woop! Yey for the third move! Cannot wait to see the nooboo. ;D

Offline amyrose

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I've just finished reading the whole story, it's really awesome! Congratulations on the getting Hazel married :)

Offline fanofaband

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I was getting worried about Hazel.  Excited about the move, can't wait to see nooboos!  By the way, have you seen anything about what's happened to everyone who's moved out?  I actually kind of figured AstroBoy and Sapphire might get together, but oh well.

Offline ArianaJade

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I've just read through the whole story so far.  I love your sense of humour:

Good luck with the next generation!

Thanks! That must have taken a while to read! Thanks for the luck, too, hopefully they won't be as awkward as Hazel was.

Woop woop! Yey for the third move! Cannot wait to see the nooboo. ;D

Nooboo chapter is ready and waiting to be posted. I actually went 'woo' out loud when she moved, much to my housemate's confusion.

I've just finished reading the whole story, it's really awesome! Congratulations on the getting Hazel married :)

Thanks! I thought she'd never get there for a while.

I was getting worried about Hazel.  Excited about the move, can't wait to see nooboos!  By the way, have you seen anything about what's happened to everyone who's moved out?  I actually kind of figured AstroBoy and Sapphire might get together, but oh well.

I was getting worried about her too! Sapphire is actually in the next chapter, but before the move she had one kid, Nicky, whose father is now a vampire. AstroBoy is single, and I don't think has any kids, but I can't be sure as he's not on the family tree. He lives by himself, anyway.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Generation 4
« Reply #194 on: June 05, 2012, 01:15:14 PM »
Generation 4

Most newlyweds are not to be found nicking vegetables on their first full day of marriage.

Hazel: They're my vegetables. It's your stupid rules that made me empty my pockets of them before I moved out, so I'm just collecting them really.

Fair enough. Most newlyweds are also not you. Don't forget to get all the grapes.

Meanwhile, Jamie gets a makeover. His traits aren't really anything useful: Loser, Light Sleeper, Unlucky, Ambitious, and something equally useful.

Jamie: I don't think I like what you're saying about me.

It's said with love.

Jamie: And I'm not sure I'm quite used to hearing someone talk at me yet.

You'll get used to it. Everyone else has.

Jamie: Oh, right. I'll just go join the Business career then shall I?

First, fix the shower that your brother broke.

Jamie: I think if I tighten this one here, that should work.

Why are you doing it in your underpants?

Jamie: So my trousers don't get wet. Years of being unlucky has taught me that if you can't have good luck, at least be prepared for the bad luck. Oh... I give up... *starts bashing with spanner*

This is Cedric. Cedric is Jamie's younger brother, and is busy at the moment. You make recognise the woman his face is glued to as Sapphire, Hazel's cousin. Looks like Cedric's wish to marry her will go unfulfilled, as she's not eligible to be a member of the household. Maybe they'll have a kid before she ages up to elder, though.

It looks like generation four is on the way.

Jamie: Is this... really... a baby?

Hazel: No, it's last night's trifle.

Jamie: I'm going to be a daddy to a trifle?!

Come on guys. The Jade dynasty is already using a very similar joke. Be original here.

Hazel: Come here. I love you.

Jamie: I love you too.

*kissing noises*

Yeah, you're great couple, you're both as dense as each other.

Cedric: Please stop that, you're putting me off my dinner.

You can talk. You were snogging in public earlier.

Hazel, babe?

Hazel: Yeah?

Shouldn't you be using safety equipment? Those things are quite dangerous, you know.

Hazel: Coat didn't fit over the giant belly I have these days.

But the goggles? Surely your face doesn't get bigger in pregnancy?

Hazel: Oh, they looked stupid.

Don't blame me when the thing explodes, then.

Hazel: I'm far too good a chemist to be stupid enough to let it explode!

On the final day of her pregnancy, a party is held in Hazel's honour at City Hall. Apparently, she's the greatest private investigator Sunset Valley has ever seen.

The Mayor: You're actually the only private investigator we've ever had, you know.

Hazel: Suddenly, I'm not so flattered by this award.

But it does explain why you've had so many cases to solve.

And what celebration is complete without your proud mother showing up to throw confetti? Sadly, Abbie died soon after this picture was taken. She sort of disappered from outside City Hall, where Hazel still was, and then seconds later I got a pop up saying that she'd passed on. RIP Abbie. We'll miss you.

And as soon as we get home...


Jamie: She's having a baby! Help! Somebody! Anybody!

Cedric: And she's blocking my access to the fridge. Can't you use another room? It's really unsanitary, giving birth in the kitchen.

Abbie: I'm having a baby! I can't just move!

We got her up the stairs to the nursery eventually. One last funny face, one last eye cross, and we welcome...

...generation four, Ben CrumpleSteel. He's Easily Impressed and a Virtuoso. I had no idea what traits to give a nectar maker, so I rolled for them.

