Congrats with the wedding!
France, Part 1Savannah: Euurrgh. I think I had too much nectar last night.
Abbie: You sure about that?
I'm not.
Hazel: And so, I said to her...
Erm, Hazel?
Hazel: Yes?
You know that's a plant you're talking to, right?
Hazel: Yup.
Right. Okay. I think we need to get you away for a little while.
Hazel: One ticket to France please. No! I don't want to hold!
*half an hour passes*
Hazel: I'm still on hold.
Eventually, SimAir lets Hazel off hold and we're in France.
Hazel: To adventure! To glory!
Or something like that.
Hazel: Some French dude wants me to ask you out for him. Apparently he's too scared to do it himself, but rather than just getting on with it he decides to put a notice up outside the base camp in a vague hope that some passing foreigner will see it, get your address, and ask you out. It almost seems like less work just to do it yourself.
French Girl: And they say romance is dead.
Hazel: Well, this wasn't what I had in mind for my first morning in France, either. I wanted danger, adventure and rare grapes, instead I get this. So we're both disappointed.
French Girl: You know, I think I'll give him a chance after all. He can't be worse than you.
Hazel: Charming.
Hazel: She said she'd go out with you. Here's her number.
French Dude: Thanks!
Hazel: And she also said to tell you never to send some boring, self-obsessed gardener to her again. And I agree that it was a bad idea; you'd have done much better asking me first.
French Dude: Just take your VISA points and leave. Please.
Hazel: I hear you have a quest for me. And if I have to ask anyone out, forget it.
French Dude 2: Here, have some VISA points just for bothering to ask.
Hazel: Yay! I have a VISA! Does that mean I'm done yet?
Sorry. No. You need VISA level 3.
Hazel: Please say this quest involves adventure!?
French Dude: Go get my baseball.
Hazel: Well, that was easy.
Only because your mother already solved that tomb a generation ago. In fact, she got a baseball out of it too.
Hazel: You mean somebody was stupid enough to lose their baseball twice down the same hole?
Hazel: And I thought my brother was thick.
Hazel: Eww. These grapes are sticky.
Still no danger and adventure?
Hazel: Eww. Eww. Eww.
Hazel: So many buttons! I'm going to press the big red one!
Don't press the big red one.
Hazel: Why?
It'd explode the entire DecaDynasty!
Hazel: And then I wouldn't have to have children!
You'd also be dead.
Hazel: Oh yeah.
Hazel: Here's your nectar. Now give me those VISA points.
French Dude 3: Alright, alright. But it's not very good nectar.
Hazel: Snob. Am I done now?
Nope, still only VISA 2. But we're only halfway through our trip, so that's fine.
Hazel: In which case, it's time for a break.
Did I say you could...?
Hazel: No. But I deserve this nectar! *giggles*
Oh no. Sugar rush!
Erm, Mr Paparazzi? Isn't that a bit creepy?
Mr Paparazzi: Shut up, I'm happy.
And creepy. Really quite creepy.