Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 448985 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Side Effects
« Reply #150 on: May 15, 2012, 05:39:55 PM »
I think Harry is one of my favorite ever Sims. Is there any chance he could perhaps make into the swap shop.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Side Effects
« Reply #151 on: May 15, 2012, 07:50:19 PM »
I think Harry is one of my favorite ever Sims. Is there any chance he could perhaps make into the swap shop.

I'll get him from my game next time I play, and maybe put some of the others up too. I have at least all of the heirs saved, and I think Claire too.

Harry's going to be impossible next time I get in my game, now though. I think he has an inflated sense of his own importance.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Wedding Gnomes Are Ringing
« Reply #152 on: May 18, 2012, 12:29:19 PM »
Hazel and Harry are now on the swap shop.

Wedding Gnomes are Ringing

--Two Days Previously--

Savannah: Kiss?

Harry: Hang on a moment.

Savannah: *grumbles*

Harry: Savannah, will you marry me?

Savannah: *unintelligible squeals*

In the bathroom. So classy.

Abbie and Hazel, from outside the door: *squeals*

Cruz: Girls.

Savannah: So beautiful!

Harry: I know I am.

--The Wedding Day--

Savannah and her maid of honour, Hazel, set off for Stoney Falls where the wedding is being held together.

The groom signs an autograph for his cousin Sapphire before the ceremony starts.

The bride looks gorgeous, the groom has put his hat through the wash, the vows are perfect. It's a wonderful moment for both of them.

They kiss as their friends and relatives cry, cheer and throw confetti.

At the reception, the groom is cornered by an elderly aunt...

...the bride and her friends prop up the bar...

...and the maid of honour... fishes?

Hazel: What?

The bride and groom have opted for a honeymoon at home, and the whole house stays out of their way to give them some privacy.


What on earth!?

Hazel: It's attacking me! It's evil!

It's a vampire gnome.

Hazel: Get it away!

Oh yes. It's all normal here.


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Wedding Gnomes are Ringing
« Reply #153 on: May 18, 2012, 01:03:57 PM »
Lol! I cant remember what generation Savannah is

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Wedding Gnomes are Ringing
« Reply #154 on: May 18, 2012, 01:05:08 PM »
Savannah is generation 3's imaginary friend, now the generation 3 spare's wife. Hazel is our heir.


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Wedding Gnomes are Ringing
« Reply #155 on: May 18, 2012, 06:36:59 PM »
Congrats with the wedding! :)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: France, Part 1
« Reply #156 on: May 20, 2012, 10:41:11 AM »
Congrats with the wedding! :)


France, Part 1

Savannah: Euurrgh. I think I had too much nectar last night.

Abbie: You sure about that?

I'm not.

Hazel: And so, I said to her...

Erm, Hazel?

Hazel: Yes?

You know that's a plant you're talking to, right?

Hazel: Yup.

Right. Okay. I think we need to get you away for a little while.

Hazel: One ticket to France please. No! I don't want to hold!

*half an hour passes*

Hazel: I'm still on hold.

Eventually, SimAir lets Hazel off hold and we're in France.

Hazel: To adventure! To glory!

Or something like that.

Hazel: Some French dude wants me to ask you out for him. Apparently he's too scared to do it himself, but rather than just getting on with it he decides to put a notice up outside the base camp in a vague hope that some passing foreigner will see it, get your address, and ask you out. It almost seems like less work just  to do it yourself.

French Girl: And they say romance is dead.

Hazel: Well, this wasn't what I had in mind for my first morning in France, either. I wanted danger, adventure and rare grapes, instead I get this. So we're both disappointed.

French Girl: You know, I think I'll give him a chance after all. He can't be worse than you.

Hazel: Charming.

Hazel: She said she'd go out with you. Here's her number.

French Dude: Thanks!

Hazel: And she also said to tell you never to send some boring, self-obsessed gardener to her again. And I agree that it was a bad idea; you'd have done much better asking me first.

French Dude: Just take your VISA points and leave. Please.

Hazel: I hear you have a quest for me. And if I have to ask anyone out, forget it.

French Dude 2: Here, have some VISA points just for bothering to ask.

Hazel: Yay! I have a VISA! Does that mean I'm done yet?

Sorry. No. You need VISA level 3.

Hazel: Please say this quest involves adventure!?

French Dude: Go get my baseball.

Hazel: Well, that was easy.

Only because your mother already solved that tomb a generation ago. In fact, she got a baseball out of it too.

Hazel: You mean somebody was stupid enough to lose their baseball twice down the same hole?


Hazel: And I thought my brother was thick.

Hazel: Eww. These grapes are sticky.

Still no danger and adventure?

Hazel: Eww. Eww. Eww.

Hazel: So many buttons! I'm going to press the big red one!

Don't press the big red one.

Hazel: Why?

It'd explode the entire DecaDynasty!

Hazel: And then I wouldn't have to have children!

You'd also be dead.

Hazel: Oh yeah.

Hazel: Here's your nectar. Now give me those VISA points.


French Dude 3: Alright, alright. But it's not very good nectar.

Hazel: Snob. Am I done now?

Nope, still only VISA 2. But we're only halfway through our trip, so that's fine.

Hazel: In which case, it's time for a break.

Did I say you could...?

Hazel: No. But I deserve this nectar! *giggles*

Oh no. Sugar rush!

Erm, Mr Paparazzi? Isn't that a bit creepy?

Mr Paparazzi: Shut up, I'm happy.

And creepy. Really quite creepy.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: France, Part 2
« Reply #157 on: May 22, 2012, 07:00:58 PM »
France, Part 2

We should get on with what we came here to do: get grapes.

Hazel: Mmm, grapes.

But maybe without the creepy paparazzi.

Paparazzi: Yay, it's Hazel! Hey, Hazel!

Hazel: Excuse me while I run away.

Run away into some nice adventures to finish off getting that VISA level.

Firstly, retrieving some nectar from a dive well.

That's not a dive well.

Hazel: But it looks interesting. Ewww, maybe not.

I won't ask.

Hazel: Wheeeee!

Hazel: I'm wet. I don't want to be wet. Why am I wet?

You jumped into a dive well with your clothes on.

Hazel: The residents of France are all useless. Next time, they get their own nectar. I'll show her, I'll go and drip on her porch.

And now to investigate some strange noises in the library.

Hazel: Finally, something that isn't just an errand! I bet that sign says something ominous though.

Read it.

Hazel: No. Sometimes I want to remain oblivious.

This seems like a nice little tomb.

Hazel: It's got vases and everything. You don't get decoration in every tomb.

This must be the bit of the museum that's closed, then.

What are you doing?

Hazel: The sign says this podium wants a relic.

So you're giving it some... limes?

Hazel: I don't exactly carry valuable relics around in my pocket, and I felt sorry for it.

You're feeling sorry for a podium with a sign on it. You're sure you're not insane?


Hazel: And so some museum curator dude got stuck down here, and says if I pull his bones out of this hole and promise to go put them in the cemetary next to his wife's grave, he'll show me the way out.

How does he know the way out if he got stuck in here because he presumably couldn't find the way out.

Hazel: I dunno. Didn't think of that.

Luckily, it ends well.

Hazel: Aww. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside for reuniting a long-dead man with his long-dead wife.

Or that could be the flame fruit in your pocket.

Hazel: Yes, or that.

Merchant: Congratulations! I award you VISA level 3!

Hazel: Can I go home now?

Get those rare grapes off the special merchant, and then, yes.


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: France, Part 2
« Reply #158 on: May 23, 2012, 05:55:00 AM »
Very funny update lol! Hazel are so cute. ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Tombstone Requirement
« Reply #159 on: May 23, 2012, 10:24:02 AM »
Tombstone Requirements

Savannah is pregnant.

Savannah: Hello in there, little one!

It can't hear you.

Savannah: Are you saying I'm fat?!

Hector: I love cooking. Well, I don't really. I'm just saying that so you're my friend and my career metric improves.

Damien Griffiths: I see. I love cooking too!

Friendship status: reached.

Look cheerful, love, it's your birthday!

Cruz: *mutters* I hate you.

What was that?

Cruz: Nothing.

Makeover time, now with added beard.


Hector: I only regret that I never reached level 10 of my career.

I'm going to miss you.

Hector: You were horrible to me while I was alive.

I'm sorry, Hector. I wish there didn't have to be a tombstone requirement. I really will miss you.

Hector: I might even miss you too.

Grim: Alright, alright. Calm down. It's only a bit of death.

Savannah reaches her 20 friends challenge. Hector's tombstone forms one of Hazel's requirements.

Paparazzi: I'm just pretending to cry because I want to look at the man with his shirt off.

Hazel: But at least Uncle Hector left us a Moodlet Manager as our inheritance. I don't even feel sad anymore! This is great!

Maybe you should learn how to use it before making poor Sav pass out.

Hazel: Oops.

Another birthday calls.

Abbie: I'm sure I was meant to be doing something.

That's a sign of getting old if nothing else.

Abbie: *thinks* Must smile, must smile. Wish they'd put that camera away.

Savannah: Harry! Harry! The baby's coming!

I can't see why you want him. He'd be useless.

Harry: Where? Where is it?!


Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Tombstone Requirements
« Reply #160 on: May 23, 2012, 03:09:25 PM »
Not a cliffhanger! R.I.P Hector.  :'(
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline EnglishRose

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Tombstone Requirements
« Reply #161 on: May 24, 2012, 03:20:33 PM »
I've just read the whole of this story and love it, can't wait for the next update! I know lots of people have said this already, but you have a brilliant sense of humour :D

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Tombstone Requirements
« Reply #162 on: May 24, 2012, 03:40:09 PM »
Poor Hector the only good thing about being the tombstone is that you get a lot of happiness points.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Tombstone Requirements
« Reply #163 on: May 29, 2012, 10:07:08 AM »
Not a cliffhanger! R.I.P Hector.  :'(

But I love cliffhangers! It's probably extra mean to make everyone wait this long to meet the nooboo too...

I've just read the whole of this story and love it, can't wait for the next update! I know lots of people have said this already, but you have a brilliant sense of humour :D

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the story!

Poor Hector the only good thing about being the tombstone is that you get a lot of happiness points.

He was a very happy simmy when he died. I do feel a bit bad though having a sim in the house whose sole purpose is to wait for Grim to come calling.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Tombstone Requirements
« Reply #164 on: May 29, 2012, 11:45:10 AM »
A Change of Plan

Will everyone please give a warm, forumy welcome to baby Stephen CrumpleSteel.

Savannah: I didn't want to call him Stephen. I wanted to call him Huxley.

Well, he's called Stephen. I have the dialog box to name him and the keyboard and everything.

Savannah: What's so great about the name Stephen?

I couldn't think what to call him, and my friend Stephen was the last person to phone me.

Savannah: So really, there's no reason I couldn't call him Huxley. It's not like it's for sentimental reasons.

That's not the point.

Savannah: Harry! Keep it down!

Harry: I'm celebrating! I maxed my guitar skill at the same time as my baby son was being born! I'm now officially the most awesome guitarist on the planet!

Apart from all the other people that also maxed the guitar skill.

Harry: Ahh, but I'm hotter than all of them. Therefore, I am best.

And now, back to the regularly scheduled programming of Hazel's requirements. We've had a bit of a change of plan here in Sunset Valley.

Hazel: Indeed. It's been a stressful few days. You see, I'm four days away from my adult birthday and I'm only just at level seven of my gardening career. Even if I could do it before my elder birthday, it's going to be cutting it a bit fine. I've supermaxed the gardening skill, so I've decided to keep only my essential plants and instead I'm going to become a private investigator.

You've got a case then?

Hazel: Shhh! I'm trying to be secretive! Nobody can see me!


Hazel: Of course not! I'm in hiding.

Don't you think they can see your shoes? Or just know that there isn't usually a bush growing out of the pavement?

Hazel: Hmm, I wonder if its her.

Laura McGillevry: Oh look. The park keepers have put a new bush in over there. Looks lovely.

Hazel: See? They don't suspect a thing.

She's also wearing flippers. Never trust someone who wears flippers.

Hazel: I've caught them, right in the act!

Hazel: Own up! I know you stole the car. I saw you with my own eyes.

Nicky Morey (who is Sapphire's son): I'm seven years old...

Hazel: That means nothing. I saw someone in an orange shirt steal a car. You're wearing an orange shirt. Obviously, you are the culprit. Where were you five minutes ago?

Nicky: I was playing in the sandpit.

Hazel: Can anyone confirm that?

Nicky: *bursts into tears* I want my mummy!

Yes. I think you should do some more reading before you're allowed out on a case again. I hope the book tells you how not to make small children cry. 

Hazel: I think this book may assume that you won't accuse small children of crimes they couldn't have committed.

Then that book may well be too advanced.

While we leave Hazel to ponder the best ways to rise up the ranks of the investigator profession without offending too many more people, Savannah can be found making some friends for another of Hazel's moving requirements.

Savannah: So, do you like nachos?

Arlo Bunch: Erm, hadn't thought about it.

Savannah: Nachos are awesome.

And Stephen is growing up.

He's cute. Very cute.

Cruz: Can you say encyclopedia. En-cy-clo-pe-dia?

Stephen: ?

Cruz: Maybe we should have started with 'cat'.

