Hazel's UpdateAren't you meant to be working towards your requirements?
Hazel: I decided that if you wouldn't come to me, I'd come to you.
What do you mean?
Hazel: I'm the heir, and there was no mention of me in the last update. So, if you'll excuse me...
Stop chasing me with your bike!
*grabs camera*
Hazel: My name's Hazel and I'm the heir of this here DecaDynasty. My great-grandma Agnes and great-grandpa Chris started it off, then my grandad Sam, my Mum Abbie, and then me. This all means that Harry, my twin brother, is...
Harry: So, so much better.
Hazel: Oi.
Hazel: So the day before our birthday we had the biggest night of a teenager's life, prom. Only AstroBoy (Harry's imaginary friend made real) had bothered to get a date, so the rest of us (me, Harry, and Savannah, my imaginary friend made real) went stag. Pamela came round to ours to get ready, and us girls all jumped in the limo as soon as it arrived, because we were all really excited. The boys took FOREVER.
Harry: I was doing my hair.
Hazel: You wore your hat.
Harry: So?
Hazel: Anyway. We all got to the prom on time despite those two and had a great time! I got a romantic interest, Shona. Everyone else was boring though. AstroBoy was kissing Pamela all night and Savannah and Harry kept disappearing on me.
Harry: Because you were boring and dancing with Shona.
*the camera is dropped, and arguing can be heard in the background*
If you two can't be sensible, I'll have that back thanks.
*picks up camera*
Yes, it was an eventful prom for all concerned. In other household matters, it being a Sunday Abbie was at the bistro, and Hector and Cruz were having some brotherly bonding time.
Hector: Brotherly slave labour time.
Of course you can't have a dynasty chapter without birthdays, so...
Hector: You could too.
...carrying on... Hazel's young adult birthday.
Hazel: I wish for... no, wait, if I tell you it doesn't come true.
Now we know why everyone's wishes for good hair always fail.
Hazel: Wellll, there's something to be said for this look.
Abbie: And it's not anything good.
Harry's up next.
Harry: To not having to go to school!
Harry: I didn't wish for fire!
So yep, that's two cake fires in less than a week, having never had a cake fire before in any of my games.
Harry: What?
Yep, it's weird isn't it?
Harry: No! We're not the first family you've played? I feel... I feel cheated!
Hazel: HOW DARE YOU! Skipping school to try and age yourself up early! You're grounded! You'd better help out around the house to get on my good side!
Harry: Erm, sis, you did the same thing about five minutes ago.
Hazel: Oh yeah. Don't mind me.
Harry's second attempt at aging up goes much more smoothly.
And now for a quick advert break while we wait for Savannah and AstroBoy to come home from school and age up! Don't go away!
Requirements UpdateBorn: Day 3 of new house, to Abbie and Cruz
Honour Roll: Check, both grade school and high school
10 NPC Friends: No.
10 Best Friends: Abbie, Cruz, Savannah, AstroBoy, Harry, Sapphire, Pamela, Shona, +2
Career: Gardener (lvl 3)
Skill: Gardening (lvl 10)
Black Ops: 5
Tombstone: Erm, sorry Hector.