Thanks Fez! So do I!
Not-So Imaginary Friends
Firstly, Sapphire's teen birthday.
Sapphire: *to herself* Please decent clothes, please decent clothes...

Sapphire: Don't let that camera near me yet! I haven't had chance to check out mu outfits!
Sapphire becomes a genius, mostly because Hector wished for it and Hector is going to be our required tombstone.
Hector: If I wasn't so naive I might realise you were using me and just leave.

She's one of the few sims I've put this hairstyle on and liked it. She's pretty too.

Abbie's taken up the piano.
Abbie: So middle C is this one, right? And then E... no, wait, that was F# Or E#. Does E# exist? Whatever it was, it sounds horrible.
Yes, yes it does.
Abbie: I hate you sometimes.

Harry: Tag! You're it!
Abbie: *from indoors* Harry! I've told you before! No friends round after six on a school night!
Harry: But Muuuuummmm! It's only AstroBoy!

Abbie: I can't see any boy.
Harry: He's there! Look! Oh, wait...
Abbie: It's alright, son. Everyone has imaginary friends when they're little. It's alright to.
Harry: But he's real! He is, I'll prove it!

Abbie isn't so convinced. For one thing, AstroBoy is the name of the rag doll he had as a toddler, which sits outside next to the newspaper all day while he's at school. Unless Harry's throwing him, he's not doing any tag playing.
So Harry 'borrows' Uncle Hector's potions bag. Don't try this at home, kids. Because Harry chose the right potion, but if you get the wrong one you could accidentally make your imaginary friend smell really badly. And then you'll not only be unable to prove your mother wrong, which is always important, but you'll be being followed round by an invisible stink bomb and everyone will think it's you that smells.

Harry: Here you go, AstroBoy. This'll make you into a real sim like me!
AstroBoy: Errrm... if you're sure!

Harry: Saffy! Saffy! I'm making AstroBoy real!
Sapphire: Is that a pig I see flying over there?

AstroBoy: I'm engulfed in pink! Help!
Harry: This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would.
AstroBoy: Really not filling me with confidence!

Ta-da. I love the eyes.
AstroBoy: I've got no strings to hold me down, to lift me up, to make me frown...
Alright, alright, you were an imaginary friend, not a puppet.

There's a little bit left in the bottle, so Harry gives it to Hazel and Savannah also becomes a real sim. Now the family has eight. And Harry and Hazel are going to have some explaining to do when their parents realise there's two more kids in the house.
As such we've done a bit of house remodeling.

Here's the living/dining room, which nobody uses.

Harry and AstroBoy's room. They both like green.

Hector's room. Green too, like his favourite colour.

Abbie and Cruz have the master bedroom, with an ensuite bathroom. It's decorated in white for Abbie and green for Cruz. Half this family's favourite colour is green.

Hazel and Sapphire share a room, thankfully green-free as I was running out of nice things to do with the colour green. The spiceberry is for Hazel and the blue for Saffy.
Afterwards I realised I'd forgotten to do anywhere for Savannah to sleep. So at the moment she's in the living room. I'll probably remodel to get her sharing with Hazel and Sapphire into a room of her own.