Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 461306 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: You're Just Adorable, Aren't You?
« Reply #120 on: April 05, 2012, 11:43:14 AM »
I loved the part where the twins were learning their skills. I have said it before but it needs repeating you are very funny.

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Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: You're Just Adorable, Aren't You?
« Reply #121 on: April 05, 2012, 04:18:48 PM »
I love how the toddlers of this story seem almost smarter than their parents! Welcome Sapphire! She's very pretty.  :D
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: You're Just Adorable, Aren't You?
« Reply #122 on: April 06, 2012, 08:42:20 AM »
The twins are so cute. Very funny where Abbie teach them their skills lol! Great update. ;D

Aww, I know, I've had a change of heart on sim toddlers lately. Thanks!

I loved the part where the twins were learning their skills. I have said it before but it needs repeating you are very funny.


Thanks! I think I'm lucky in that my sims seem to make it quite easy for me.

I love how the toddlers of this story seem almost smarter than their parents! Welcome Sapphire! She's very pretty.  :D

Haha, they are I think! Toddlers are just so much fun to write about, hence why there's about another update and a half of pictures of them being cute...

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #123 on: April 06, 2012, 06:01:50 PM »
Another Toddler Montage

But this time with a few more things that aren't toddler related. Else my other simmies may mutiny.

Abbie gets the gift of a Young Again Potion from Hector.

Kristal starts a fight with the ghost of the paparazzi that died a couple of chapters ago.

Kristal: How dare you be in my house!

Collin: My urn is in it. Where else am I supposed to go?

Kristal: How dare you!

This actually happened about five times over the course of a week. And then got a wish to flirt with him. And a wish to get married. She'd also taken to picking fights with Hector, and picking up the toddlers and putting them outside by the swimming pool. It's at this point that I got her to move out. (Note to self: committment issues, hot-headed and flirty are not a good collection of traits)

Oh, and Collin's urn went with her.

Sapphire: Do you want to play peekaboo, little cousin?

Hazel: Oh no! Where's Sapphire gone?! Is she alright? Mum! Uncle Hector! Sapphire's gone missing!

Sapphire: Boo!

Hazel: Ahhhhhh! How dare you sneak up on me like that? Again, again!

Harry: Mmmmm. Tasty dolly.

Your mum is a five-star chef at the finest bistro in town, and you're eating your rag doll. Toddlers these days have no taste.

Harry: AstroBoy says he wants to be eaten.

Oh, well, that's alright then.

Hazel: Hahaha! You can't see me now!

Hate to tell you this, love, but I can.

Hazel: No you can't! Liar!

Hazel: If I hide in here, they definitely won't be able to see me.

Abbie: Hazel? Hazel? Cruz, I can't find Hazel.

Hazel: Hehe. Told you. And there's even a tank in here. This was an inspired hiding place.

Cruz: Have you tried looking for her?

Abbie: Yeah, she's not in the fridge or anywhere! Eww, and I'm sure this milk is past it's sell-by-date.

Abbie: Found you!

Hazel: Oh no, tickling torture! Somebody call the UN! This has got to be against my human rights!

I don't think human rights apply to pixel characters. Sorry.

Why is there a paparazzi standing in the back garden AGAIN?

Oh, that'll be why then. Cruz, I think you're going to attract far too much attention if you insist on painting in your swim-trunks.

Cruz: What can I say? There's nothing wrong with my outfit. Abbie doesn't mind.

I'm sure she doesn't.

Hazel: Om nom nom.

Oh not you too. Dollies are not for eating!

Hazel: Oh sorry Savannah. Did I hurt you? Let me rub it better...

Yes, all normal round here! Next update, the twins age up and maybe we get to know Savannah and AstroBoy a little better.

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #124 on: April 06, 2012, 08:02:03 PM »
Aww, that was one of the cutest updates ever!  ;D
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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #125 on: April 07, 2012, 03:35:38 AM »
Love the update! The twins are adorable. :)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #126 on: April 07, 2012, 06:44:38 AM »
I've finally caught up! :D This is a brilliant story, you are super-hilarious and I can't wait for more!

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #127 on: April 08, 2012, 07:01:45 PM »
Thanks alex, loveSims and Fez!

The Twins As Kids

This is just a short update to show off the twins as children. Real one to follow tomorrow.

Hazel: Mummy, is growing up scary?

Abbie: Only when you get to my age, darling.

Hazel: Well at least you can't get any older now, because you're already old!

And here's our third heir all nicely aged up. It's hard to tell who they resemble as children, but I'm pleased she's got the ginger hair. As a ginger IRL it amuses me though, because it's a recessive gene. But apparently not in the sims, as this hairs come four generations now from Claire Ursine. I hope it makes it down a bit further.

Harry: I can't wait to age up!

Abbie: I can't wait for you to age up either. Less nappies.

Harry gained the ambitious trait. I can't tell who he resembles either, but he's got Cruz's hair and eyes. Actually, that's a lie, I changed his, Cruz's and Hector's hair from that horrible green-brown that townies often get. I don't normally change hair colour on sims, but I make an exception for that one. Just eww.

Tomorrow's update features new household members, Sapphire aging up, and some house pictures!

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #128 on: April 09, 2012, 03:58:05 AM »
The kiddies are so cute. I noticed that about the ginger gene it certainly stays around. I once played a legacie where my second generation married Latonya Wainwright.(She had her mums hair colour) and my heirs were still redheads at generation nine.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #129 on: April 09, 2012, 02:30:10 PM »
The kiddies are so cute. I noticed that about the ginger gene it certainly stays around. I once played a legacie where my second generation married Latonya Wainwright.(She had her mums hair colour) and my heirs were still redheads at generation nine.


Maybe we will see the ginger gene for a bit longer then! I thought I'd still be seeing much more of Chris and Agnes by now though, seeing as they've got pretty strong genetics too. Still, I like surprises!

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #130 on: April 09, 2012, 04:28:25 PM »
I love ginger hair, I hope the gene stays around for very long! The kids are so cute. :)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 31 Another Toddler Montage
« Reply #131 on: April 09, 2012, 07:30:20 PM »
Thanks Fez! So do I!

Not-So Imaginary Friends

Firstly, Sapphire's teen birthday.

Sapphire: *to herself* Please decent clothes, please decent clothes...

Sapphire: Don't let that camera near me yet! I haven't had chance to check out mu outfits!

Sapphire becomes a genius, mostly because Hector wished for it and Hector is going to be our required tombstone.

Hector: If I wasn't so naive I might realise you were using me and just leave.

She's one of the few sims I've put this hairstyle on and liked it. She's pretty too.

Abbie's taken up the piano.

Abbie: So middle C is this one, right? And then E... no, wait, that was F# Or E#. Does E# exist? Whatever it was, it sounds horrible.

Yes, yes it does.

Abbie: I hate you sometimes.

Harry: Tag! You're it!

Abbie: *from indoors* Harry! I've told you before! No friends round after six on a school night!

Harry: But Muuuuummmm! It's only AstroBoy!

Abbie: I can't see any boy.

Harry: He's there! Look! Oh, wait...

Abbie: It's alright, son. Everyone has imaginary friends when they're little. It's alright to.

Harry: But he's real! He is, I'll prove it!

Abbie isn't so convinced. For one thing, AstroBoy is the name of the rag doll he had as a toddler, which sits outside next to the newspaper all day while he's at school. Unless Harry's throwing him, he's not doing any tag playing.

So Harry 'borrows' Uncle Hector's potions bag. Don't try this at home, kids. Because Harry chose the right potion, but if you get the wrong one you could accidentally make your imaginary friend smell really badly. And then you'll not only be unable to prove your mother wrong, which is always important, but you'll be being followed round by an invisible stink bomb and everyone will think it's you that smells.

Harry: Here you go, AstroBoy. This'll make you into a real sim like me!

AstroBoy: Errrm... if you're sure!

Harry: Saffy! Saffy! I'm making AstroBoy real!

Sapphire: Is that a pig I see flying over there?

AstroBoy: I'm engulfed in pink! Help!

Harry: This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would.

AstroBoy: Really not filling me with confidence!

Ta-da. I love the eyes.

AstroBoy: I've got no strings to hold me down, to lift me up, to make me frown...

Alright, alright, you were an imaginary friend, not a puppet.

There's a little bit left in the bottle, so Harry gives it to Hazel and Savannah also becomes a real sim. Now the family has eight. And Harry and Hazel are going to have some explaining to do when their parents realise there's two more kids in the house.

As such we've done a bit of house remodeling.

Here's the living/dining room, which nobody uses.

Harry and AstroBoy's room. They both like green.

Hector's room. Green too, like his favourite colour.

Abbie and Cruz have the master bedroom, with an ensuite bathroom. It's decorated in white for Abbie and green for Cruz. Half this family's favourite colour is green.

Hazel and Sapphire share a room, thankfully green-free as I was running out of nice things to do with the colour green. The spiceberry is for Hazel and the blue for Saffy.

Afterwards I realised I'd forgotten to do anywhere for Savannah to sleep. So at the moment she's in the living room. I'll probably remodel to get her sharing with Hazel and Sapphire into a room of her own.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 33 - Child Years
« Reply #132 on: April 11, 2012, 06:12:30 PM »
Child Years

I can't believe you got into four fights. Four.

Sapphire: Two of them, I was provoked.

And the other two?

Sapphire: Let's ignore those for the time being.

No wonder you didn't get prom queen.

Hazel: I don't understand. Today in Maths we did subtraction, and my homework isn't about subtraction.

What's it about?

Hazel: Cal-cu-lus?

Wow, they teach calculus in primary now?

Hazel: I'm going to fail everything! It's going to be horrible and mummy and daddy and Uncle Hector will hate me and Harry will laugh and I'll have to do and live on a bench in the park and be homeless. My life is ruined! *pauses* Oh, no, wait, this is Saffy's homework.

Meanwhile Harry goes over to a friend's house after school. He's on the potential spouse list for Hazel, simply because of this house. I could definitely tolerate playing here.

Hazel: But I don't want to get married.

Sorry, love, DecaDYnasty heir and all that.

Savannah is getting tutored. I'm changing her favourite colour, as the yellow with that hair is a bit much.

Cruz: If I have ten apples, and I give Harry three and AstroBoy one, how many apples do I have left?

Savannah: That's not fair, is it? Harry gets more apples.

Cruz: I don't think Maths problems are supposed to be fair.

Savannah: I don't like Maths, then.

AstroBoy: Speaking of not fair...

You have the neat trait.

AstroBoy: So does Savannah.

You were closer.

AstroBoy: I'm going to leave home so that I'm never closer again.

Hector: You are complaining?! I haven't done anything fun since you guys moved in! First it's making a potion so my brother can become young again, but no I can't have any. Then I do get to get a job, but I end up cleaning up after toddlers. Now it appears I'm the resident handyman.

Yeah, and what I have planned for you when Hazel ages up isn't all that much better, sorry.

Hazel: Are you coming? It's my scouting badge ceremony!

Hazel: And this one is for knot tying, and this one is for fishing...

Abbie: That's lovely dear.

Sapphire: This is awful. I hate family outings, they're disgusting.

Sapphire: Are you sure Uncle Cruz said we could use his car for driving lessons? I mean, it belongs to the police.

Hector: It's fine, all perfectly legal. Just don't drive near the police station. Turn that siren off! Now!

Sapphire: This is awesome!

Abbie: Oooh, yeah. Right there.

Cruz: And there I was thinking that the massages would be a once-off thing while you were pregnant. I didn't envisage doing them daily.

Abbie: I love you darling.

Hazel: I wish for...

Hey! Wait! You can't age up yet!

Hazel: Too late.

I'm not doing four teenage makeovers right now. I'm not. Sorry, but I'm going to turn the game off now.

Hazel: No! You can't!

Can too.

Hazel: Wait, don't turn it...

*save and exit*

Progress Update
Honor Roll in grade school: Check
Three BlackOps: The Honor Roll, Old Ladies Crossing and Scout Badging Ceremony
Seven best friends thanks to everyone in the household being somebody's best friend

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 32 Not-So-Imaginary Friends
« Reply #133 on: April 11, 2012, 06:15:26 PM »
I thought you couldn't save during birthdays.  ;)
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Chapter 32 Not-So-Imaginary Friends
« Reply #134 on: April 11, 2012, 06:19:50 PM »
No, you can't. I let her age up and then saved. I've been at work all day and I didn't fancy having to makeover four sims. I thought I'd taken a pic of her as a teen, but I can't find it, hence leaving it here!

I could have just said it was suspense, haha.

