Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 363190 times)

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Bake Sales and Birthday Parties
« Reply #75 on: March 11, 2012, 06:24:04 PM »
Abbie is very pretty and Claire is still as cute as ever! Your humor never fails.  :D
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Boy Hunt
« Reply #76 on: March 12, 2012, 09:30:35 PM »
The picture of Claire growing up is priceless lol! Great update. ;D

I know! I love the faces they pull when they're aging up, especially toddlers. And thanks :)

Abbie is very pretty and Claire is still as cute as ever! Your humor never fails.  :D

I think she looks mostly like the Ursine side of the family but with Sam's eyes. I can't wait to see how Claire ages up and who she looks like too, I always think it's really hard to tell who they look like as children.

Boy Hunt

So, who's this then?

Abbie: Stop interfering.

I'll just find out for myself then. Hello Conrad.

Abbie: I hate you. Why do you have all-knowing abilities?

Why are you talking to him, anyway? Are you asking him to the prom?

Abbie: No. He's a absent-minded and unlucky. But I'm researching my options.

So, you've rejected Conrad and now you're chatting up his brother?

Abbie: No, I'm rejecting him too. He's evil and a loner and he has a girl's name.

You are completely impossible. I can't work out if I'm pleased you're rejecting totally unsuitable boys or worried by the manner in which you're doing it. Or just despair.

Abbie: Pleased, definitely.

And does your dad know you have his motorbike?!

Abbie: What he doesn't know won't hurt him. And besides, it's his own fault for leaving his keys on the table.

Ah, I see you've given up the boy hunt and are working on your skill.

Abbie: There are seven boys in my school. It'd take too long to visit them all, and prom is on Friday. I have a better plan.

Dare I ask?

Abbie: Wait and see.

Good, the plan seems to involve doing your homework.

Abbie: Are you sure being on honor role isn't negotiable? I don't understand why x = 4.

The next day is Sam's elder birthday.

Sam: Just because I'll be an elder, doesn't mean I'm not perfectly prepared to punch you still if you even as much as touch my daughter.

Hector: Erm, you may need to say that to all the other boys too.

All the other boys?!

Abbie: I told you I had a plan.

Abs, darling, this is your Dad's birthday party. Have you even invited any of his friends?

Abbie: Not exactly. But I'm sure the guys from school would be happy to have Dad as their friend...

I don't know what to do with you. Really I don't.

Sam: They'd better ALL leave my daughter alone.

I think you maybe need to tell her to leave them alone. And Abbie, you are never again being the one to draw up the guest-list.

The combination of becoming an elder and having absolutely none of his own friends at his party does not make for a lhappy Sam.

But it's time for him to age up anyway. Poor Sam's job now in the DecaDynasty is to provide the tombstone.

Sam: Ahhh! The sparkles, they're eating my brain!

I didn't realise you had a brain to begin with.

Sam: At least my hands still look like they used to. Before I got old.

I'm a nice watcher, and take Sam to get his hair dyed back blonde.

Sam: I still have the strength to enforce the six-inch rule, and I will!

Meanwhile, back down at the party, Abbie seems to be spending time with one boy more than the others.

This is Cruz.

If they're going to go to the prom together, they may want to work on their dancing before they go.

And he seems pretty enamoured with her.

Next time here at the CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Will Abbie ask Cruz to the prom? Will Sam let them be in the same room? Will Claire actually be featured in the update?

Abbie: You're making my love life sound like an episode of Eastenders. Please stop it.


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Boy Hunt
« Reply #77 on: March 13, 2012, 11:10:05 AM »
Happy birthday Sam! Very funny update. ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Last Birthday for a While, I Promise
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2012, 02:56:40 PM »
Last Birthday for a While, I Promise

Yes, another birthday in this chapter. However, after this chapter there hopefully won't be any for a little while and everyone will spend less time staring at pictures of sparkles and cake. But first, Abbie's got a secret.

Abbie: Well, it's not a secret any more, is it?

Abbie and Cruz, sitting in a tree,  K I S S I N G!

Abbie: SHUT UP!

Let's rewind a little bit. Abbie gets invited over to Cruz's house after school. He asks her to play video games. She asks him to the prom. He says yes.

Abbie: Of course he does.

And then...


She asks him to go steady, and he accepts.

Abbie: Obviously.

And little Abbie has a boyfriend. Don't they make a cute couple?

Abbie: Again, shut up. I hate you.

Are you speaking to me again yet?

Abbie: No. I'm going to prom.

You look lovely.

Abbie: Flattery will get you nowhere, voice.

Meanwhile, Sam has retired from firefighting and taken up the guitar.

Sam: I'm going to be the next Jimmy Choo.

Don't you mean Jimmy Hendrix? Jimmy Choo designs shoes.

Sam: No, definitely Jimmy Choo.

Right. Okay. I'm going to leave you to get on with that one then.

And Claire plays video games.

Claire: Nooo! Blue shell!

Naomi's drawn the short straw of teaching Abbie to drive.

Naomi: Are you sure we can't hire a driving instructor? There must be someone with a deathwish somewhere in Sunset Valley.

Abbie: Come on Mum! Driving's easy, even Dad can do it!

I won't tell your dad you said that.

Naomi and Sam are still very much in love. Every time they see each other, they're popping wishes to make out and woohoo. It's really quite cute.

Claire: Mum... Dad... please...

Claire: Seriously! I'll be in my room!

And here we are for this chapter's birthday. Claire's going to become a teen today.

Sam: Why do they have to get older?

Chris: I don't know. It's really quite disturbing how you're an elder and I'm still an adult.

Here's Claire with Abbie's hairstyle, just to show how similar they are. Claire's got Sam's hair colour and Naomi's eyes whereas Abbie's are the opposite but other than that they look incredibly similar.

Here's Claire's new look.

She's got a bit of a quirky fashion sense.

Abbie: Yes, two tickets to Al Simhara, Egypt please, from Sunset Valley Airport. Now? Are you sure?

Abbie and Claire: To Egypt!

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Last Birthday for a While, I Promise
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2012, 04:09:42 PM »
Oooh a trip to Egypt can I come?

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Last Birthday for a While, I Promise
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2012, 05:29:28 AM »
Happy birthday Claire! Can't wait for their adventures in Egypt. ;D

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
« Reply #81 on: March 21, 2012, 12:59:00 PM »
We're All Going On A Summer Holiday

Egypt. So much history, so much to see and do.

Claire: Right, where's the hotel? I wanna go to the beach.

Abbie: I think it's those tents over there.

Claire: TENTS? I'm in a tent?!

This is going so well already.

Claire: Seriously, adventures? Where's the sunbathing? Holidays are meant to be sea, sand and hot boys, right?

Abbie: This is going to be hell.

The tombs?

Abbie: No. My sister.

Claire eventually finds an adventure to her taste, one where all she has to do is make friends with a local.

Claire: You wanna be my friend, right? I'll give you half the ancient coins that I'm getting as a reward for befriending you.

Merchant: Sure.

Claire: Bribery is the key to everything.

Don't go into politics.

And then she goes shopping. Apparently I promised her a camera. I don't remember this, but I'm not an omnipresent voice in the sky am I?

Claire: Exactly. Now hand over the camera.

Hey! At what point did I say you could have a Kenspa?

Claire: At the same time that you said I could have the camera. Maybe you ought to get this memory loss checked out.

Maybe you should go into politics, actually.

Meanwhile, Abbie is in a tomb.

Abbie: Wow, it really is beautiful in here. Look at the decorations! That wall-hanging!

Those fire-traps.

Abbie: Ahhhhhhh! Get me out!

Abbie: Why am I sticking my hand into a dark hole in a really quite dangerous tomb and rooting around looking for a switch to turn off a lethal electricity trap which I then intend to cross? I don't even want to do something fun, just something that I may be less likely to die doing.

Just think of all the stories you'll be able to tell at school.

Abbie: If I survive. If.

Abbie: I really don't think I should be this close.

Your Dad used to put out fires for a living and he survived.

Abbie: Yeah. I guess if he can do it, anyone can. But that doesn't make it rational. Dad also thinks that travelling by a coach pulled by butterflys is possible.

Okay, maybe he wasn't the best example.

Nearly there! If we can just shift this rubble we'll have our prize!

Abbie: Erm, excuse me? We?

Sorry. You.

Abbie: It's an old statue. I've just risked death for an old statue. I don't even know what it's of. I ALMOST DIED FOR A STATUE OF NOTHING!

Claire: I don't know what Abs has been moaning about. Adventures are easy. You just ride around on an awesome red scooter picking up bits of metal and befriending people and getting paid!

Abbie: Just because you didn't do a real adventure, because you're a wimp.

If I have to separate you, I will.

The second day in Egypt is spent in a rather more relaxed manner. Abbie, probably still scarred from yesterday, is learning the local recipes.

Claire is eating them.

Claire: Somebody's got to do the hard job of being a taste tester.

Yay! You've completed your lifetime wish already!

Abbie: I'm just that awesome.

To celebrate, they decide to have a go at snake-charming.

Claire: Easy.

Abbie: Are you sure there's even one in here?

And then girls head home from their Egypt trip still bickering, but I think they've both had a nice time.

Abbie: I'd have had a nicer time if it hadn't been there.

Claire: You're just jealous I'm better with snakes.

Abbie: At least I can get a boyfriend. The snake just felt sorry for you because you can't.

It's going to be a long flight back to Sunset Valley.

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Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
« Reply #82 on: March 21, 2012, 02:47:47 PM »
Great update! The girls are so pretty.
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
« Reply #83 on: March 22, 2012, 03:21:15 AM »
The girls are hillarious they act like real life sisters. Great update as always.

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
« Reply #84 on: March 22, 2012, 03:37:49 AM »
Very funny lol! The girls are both pretty, but Abbie is my favorite. :)

Offline Xanatos

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
« Reply #85 on: March 22, 2012, 12:36:18 PM »
I love your sense of humor it makes me laugh all the same.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: We're All Going On A Summer Holiday
« Reply #86 on: March 22, 2012, 06:13:53 PM »
Great update! The girls are so pretty.

Thanks! I think they are too. I'm getting excited about the next gen already!

The girls are hillarious they act like real life sisters. Great update as always.

I have four sisters IRL, so I'd say I've got a pretty good idea what they're like to each other. And thanks!

Very funny lol! The girls are both pretty, but Abbie is my favorite. :)

Thanks, she's my favourite too, although I've never been sure about her teen hairstyle. Claire's hairstyle however I love.

I love your sense of humor it makes me laugh all the same.

I'm glad I make you laugh (:

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: A New Addition
« Reply #87 on: March 22, 2012, 07:06:56 PM »
A New Addition

Well, this isn't a new addition, I hear you cry. This is Sam playing guitar in the park. But apparently he has an announcement for his fans.

Sam: I do.

Go on then.

Sam: I've just got $14 in tips.

Yes, but what's the announcement.

Sam: Didn't you listen? I've just got $14 in tips from Simis Bachelor.

Oh. That's... lovely, dear. I'm sure the readers are amazed by your guitar prowess.

Sam: I'm probably the best guitarist ever. I should get an award.

I'll just go and see if anyone's up to something actually interesting ask the mayor if you can have one.

Nobody is up to anything interesting. Naomi is at work, trying to reach her LTW of International Super Spy. Abbie and Claire are both at school.

Sam: Oh, hi Georgia.

Georgia: Hey Sam, you're looking well.

Sam: So are you. Grey hair really suits you. And so does that extra weight.

Georgia: HOW DARE YOU!

Sam: Help! Help! Brother abuse! I didn't even do anything!

Never say a woman looks old or fat.

Sam: I didn't, I was complimenting!

Women are funny creatures, Sam. Never say anything that even hints at the words old or fat. In fact, just don't mention age or weight at all.

Sam: What if they ask your opinion?

Especially then.

Luckily Georgia calms down, because that stick looked dangerous. I'm sure a zimmer frame would be a less lethal alternative to hand out to elders.

Having just seen Sam's ability at dealing with women, you may wonder how him and Naomi are still together. Well, they are, and they're very much in love.

Sam: I love you.

Naomi: I love you too.

Naomi: This is the last time I let Abbie cook.

She's a natural cook. It can't be her food doing that to you!

Naomi: Hmmmpf. Well I only started feeling ill since I ate that falafel this afternoon. I didn't learn the logic skill for nothing.

No, you learnt it for your career.

Meanwhile, Abbie's YA birthday has crept up on us.

Abbie: I wish that my sister was less annoying.

You may want to try something achievable. How about a new haircut?

Abbie: Alright.


Abbie: But maybe not this new haircut.

I thought you were your mum for a second there.

Abbie: Exactly why I don't want this new haircut.

Abbie: That's much better. It's young, it's cute, it won't get in the food when I'm cooking.

Erm, Naomi, where are you off to? It's your daughter's Young Adult birthday party, you should probably be at the house.

Naomi: I prefer not to give birth in a party, so I'm off up the hospital. Sam fainted, but if he wakes up tell him where I've gone.


Naomi: Yes, that's a fairly good impression of him actually. If you get chance, you may want to explain the birds and the bees. Oh, and save me some cake.

Meet Lola CrumpleSteel. She's a genius and perceptive. Sam now lives with four opinionated and feisty ladies, and I really don't know how he's going to cope.

The whole family is enamoured by Lola. If there was a spoilt trait, she'd have that too.

Abbie: Nooboo! Who's an adoable little nooboo?

You know, bringing her to graduation is only going to look like she's yours. It's only going to get you gossiped about.

Abbie: But she's so cute!

The family-oriented trait should probably be renamed "Nooboo Lover". I think it's more apt.

Abbie graduates holding Lola the whole time, and gets Valedictorian and Most Likely To Have A Big Family. The way she's heading, she may be the first sim I've never had to come close to following their graduation award.

Now that's more what a newly-graduated girl should be doing.

Abbie: Go away. Busy.

And Naomi gets back into shape.

Naomi: I've had three children. You can't expect to just ping back into shape. And the criminals won't run slower for me now I'm older!

As we close this update Sam is at his 90th day. I really hope we don't have a death in the next update. Until next time!


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: A New Addition
« Reply #88 on: March 23, 2012, 03:29:50 AM »
I love the part where Georgia hit Sam with the cane lol! He risk his life to tell a woman she look good with extra weight! Congrats with the birthday and nooboo. Abbie is so pretty! Awesome update. ;D

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: A New Addition
« Reply #89 on: March 23, 2012, 03:40:07 AM »
Poor Sam is slightly outnumbered isn't he. I really enjoy your writing style.

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