The Boy In PinkMeet Thomas, or Tommy as we've been calling him. His favourite colour is hot pink, and he likes kids music and hotdogs. He's friendly and a virtuoso.
Eugenia: And you've just confused all the readers.
Let's go back a bit.
This is Louie Wells, the maid.
And he has an admirer.
What happened after that is obvious.
As is the result.
Kelsey: Hello in there! When you get out you can be my shark-hunting companion!
Eugenia: Ahhh! Help! It's coming!
I can't work out if Eugenia is freaking out because her daughter is in labour, or because she's terrified her grandchild will be as mad as her daughters.
And we get back to the point where we meet Tommy.
Other than the birth of a new CrumpleSteel, life continues roughly as normal. The triplets are a week off their adult birthdays and so the whole household is focused on fulfilling the heir's moving requirements.
The maid still shows no sign of doing any work, preferring to photograph the chance sighting of celebrity Eugenia CrumpleSteel in her own kitchen.
Kelsey upgrades the new truck she got for topping her career as a firefighter. It's a nice, erm, colour, Kels.
Kelsey: I know. Wards away the sharks. And encourages the fires.
As you may have guessed, Kelsey is not the heir. Sam did the firefighter career for his unique career, and therefore if Kelsey was the heir she would have ended the dynasty by now.
Kelsey: No! I might anyway! I never did find that shrubbery!
Anais questions a teenager in the course of duty as a cop. She's at level 8 of her career.
Lexa tries to sweet talk her boss. She's at level 6 of her career. I'd forgotten how annoying the criminal career is, especially the part where your job experience doesn't go up before midnight if you were promoted the shift before.
Lexa: So I said to my sister, go and look on the computer, there's a present for you.
Lexa: And she went and looked, and there was a cake on there. Except when she tried to eat it, it was salty!
Alyson: That's hilarious!
Something else Lexa likes to do is steal candy from Tommy.
Tommy doesn't like this.
Anais: You really are evil, aren't you?
Lexa: I'm really only still practicing.
And NPCs begin visiting the house in droves so that Eugenia can befriend them.
Jody: She really wants to be my friend. That's so sweet!
Only for the requirements, love. Sorry.