Author Topic: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: COMPLETED 11/11/13  (Read 460934 times)


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Double Trouble
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2012, 03:20:06 PM »
Aww the twins is so adorable! Lovely update. :)

Offline Teacup Chihuahua

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Double Trouble
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2012, 06:10:10 PM »
Great update  ;D Looking forward to the next chapter ;D

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: In Which Sam Grows Up
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2012, 08:54:41 AM »
In Which Sam Grows Up

Chris: Right Emmy, say 'computer'...

Emily: I can already talk. I was talking in the last chapter.

Chris: Com-pu-ter

Emily: You can't get the parents these days.

Chris: Maybe we need an easier word. Say 'cat'?

Emily: Children are ruined by the current system.

Oh, Aggie, there you are.

Agnes: Shhhh! They don't know that I'm down here. I'm hiding.

What from?

Agnes: Toddlers. Toddlers everywhere. It's Sam's birthday tomorrow, I'll come out then.

You know, he might stop needing bottle feeding but he'll be able to prank you.

--Sam's birthday--

So we've gone to all this trouble of having a party for Sam to become a child, and all the guests are ignoring him. Plus most of them are vampires. Good one, Chris.

Chris: Hey. Vampires last a long time. They'll still be our friends when he's an adult.

Oh yeah! They'll help with the DecaDynasty requirements.

Chris: DecaDynasty?!

Oops. Did I not mention that? Oh, look, Sam's about to age up!

Agnes: Now blow out the candles and make a wish.

Sam: I wish that you'd stop making me wear seafoam. It's a boring favourite colour.

Agnes: I can very easily make you wear the cake.

Sam: Oh. My. God. This hairdo. I look like Malcolm Landgraab.

What trait do you want?

Sam: One that stops me resembling any of the Landgraabs.

You can have Friendly.

Aww, much better. And we've even managed to grant your birthday wish of less seafoam too.

Sam: Thanks, crazy watcher woman! I love you!

And check this out!

Sam: Wooooowwwww!

Chris: Can I have a room like that too?

Agnes: No.

Chris: I'll be in the garden.

Sam: Right Georgia, bottle time.

Georgia: Don't want. Mummy's bottles taste better. This tastes of boy.

Sam: Watcher! Can I trade my Friendly trait in? Says on the tin it's easier for me to make friends, but it doesn't work!

Apparently, if you check the small print, it's unable to guarantee effectiveness against younger siblings.

Sam: I knew mum and dad should have bought me a dinosaur instead of baby sisters. That would have been awesome! Daaaaddd! Can I have a stegosaurus?!

Agnes: Can we? Can we?

Chris: Yeah, please watcher! We'll be good!

When EA adds dinosaurs, you'll be the first to get one.

Agnes, Chris and Sam: AWESOME!

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Double Trouble
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2012, 08:59:35 AM »
You are so funny. I love your sense of humour. Sam is so cute I bet he will have all the Sunset Valley ladies chasing him when he grows up.

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: In Which Sam Grows Up
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2012, 11:02:35 AM »
Very funny update lol! Happy birthday Sam, his room look awesome.

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: In Which Sam Grows Up
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2012, 12:21:55 PM »
Great update! The whole family is just hilarious.
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Dynasty Discovered
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2012, 04:25:09 PM »
Dynasty Discovered

Awwww. Little Sam's first day at school!

Sam: Please don't embarrass me.

Well, your mum and dad both have their hands full with the twins, so somebody's got to do the soppy first day at school routine.

Sam: At least you can't give me a spit-wash, I s'pose.

Sam: Hi there Mr Bus Driver.

Bus Driver: SHUT UP! Stupid children. Thinking they have the right to make noise. Seriously.

Sam: Watcher! My Friendly trait still isn't working right!

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Sam: I can't find his off button.

Not the bus driver!

Chris: Toddler skills, complete.

Emily: When I'm older, you're going to get this picture of me on a potty out and show it to potential boyfriends, aren't you?

Chris: I wasn't, no, but now you've given me the idea...

Emily: Curses.

Georgia: And if he doesn't, I will.

Sam: So, 3 + 3 = 6. What's 3 + 4?

Butler: I have no idea. I'm just here to fulfil the NPC friend requirement.

Sam: Maybe I'll go ask Emily.

Emily: Sam, what's school like?

Sam: There's really cool playground equipment outside, football at breaktime is amazing, and you get to go on fieldtrips to the graveyard!

Emily: But what about the lessons?

Sam: You're going to be one of those kids that actually likes to learn, aren't you? You're going to be such an embarrassing sister.

Chris: Birthday time!

Emily: I have changed my mind about being a scientist if you have to wear that. I think I'm going to be a doctor now.

I thought you wanted to be a teacher?

Emily: Or maybe I should do all three. And maybe a princess as well.

I think that's the mark of an Ambitious child.

Emily: Oh! I think I may need braces!

You definitely need a trip to the mirror, if nothing else.

Georgia: I'm up here! Aging up by myself! Again! I'm starting to feel unloved here.

I love you Georgia, even if your parents don't. Now, lets get you both to the mirror for your makeovers, because I don't trust you to age up with outfits that actually match.

Hang on a minute. Where's Agnes been all chapter?

Agnes: Hiding. Turns out that two toddlers is not all that much easier than three.

I think it's safe now dear. Now, I have something to tell you all. In the last chapter, I accidentally mentioned something to Chris.

Chris: OMG! EA has got us a dinosaur?

No, sorry. By getting together, Chris and Agnes, you've accidentally started a decadynasty. Luckily for my sanity, you two don't actually have to complete any requirements.

Agnes: I can see there's a catch here.

Indeed. Sam's the one that's got to.

Sam: Do any of them involve getting to drive a truck?

Erm, not specifically no. You've got to rise to the top of a career, master a skill including some challenges, get on the honour roll in school twice, complete ten opportunities and become an adult. You then get to find a woman, get married and have a kid.

Sam: Girls smell.

Emily: *punches* Boys smell.

There's a few other things that everyone in the family can help with. You've got to have 10 serviceperson friends and 10 best friends between you, buy a building and a property, and form a collection of 10 items. Oh, and there's another one, but I'll tell you that later.

Agnes: We really can't get away from dynasties can we?

Chris: It probably was too good to be true.

You know, I'm sorry.

Agnes: Pffft. So were some of the immortal dynasty founders.

Hey, look at it this way. At least you're popular. You have fans. Every day people read stories that feature one or both of you. Generations of sim-children will be brought up in awe of the wonders that were Chris and Agnes! People will name their pets after you!

Chris: We'll be like movie stars! Only better, because we don't actually have to do anything.

Agnes: Still angry.

Chris: I reckon a dinosaur would cheer her up.

Sam: I agree to do this, as long as I can have a job where I get to drive a truck. Or maybe an aeroplane. Or be a cowboy!

Emily? Georgia? How about you? Hang on, where even are you two?

Emily: Muuuuuummmmmm! Georgia's coloured my doll blue!

Agnes: It's really quite difficult to be grumpy when children interrupt. Maybe I should hide through the child stage too.

This was a fairly odd update, and not particularly funny. All the jokes I was getting off this set of pictures related to the DecaDynasty requirements, and so I decided to explain the dynasty to them so I can use the jokes in the future.

As a round-up, Agnes is currently a self-employed painter and is working on getting a collection of paintings together for Sam's collection. Chris is employed in the Science career and has changed his lifetime wish to Creature-Robot Cross Breeder. I couldn't be bothered with the aquarium one with all the kids to concentrate on. Sam, Emily and Georgia are obviously all in primary/grade school.

Next update promises to go back to (trying to be) funny. I'm finding this family incredibly easy to both write and play. I also really love how each kid has at least some features from both parents. Agnes and Chris' genetics seem to mesh really nicely.

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Dynasty Discovered
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2012, 05:01:19 PM »
Great update don't worry about being funny,you are naturally funny. I can almost guarantee that along the way you and your Sims will go through all kinds of emotions. Sadness,laughter,love etc etc.

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Dynasty Discovered
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2012, 05:39:41 PM »
I think it is very funny that Agnes hides from the toddlers lol! The three kids at the block table is so cute. :)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Beware the Treehouse
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2012, 02:56:22 PM »
Beware the Treehouse

Agnes has been teaching Emily and Georgia how to paint. You can tell which are the Grumpy sims.

Georgia: I'm not grumpy. Just everyone else is too happy.

Why the glum face, Chris?

Chris: I thought I'd caught a dinosaur fish but it turned out to be a sea-sludge.

Do dinosaur fish even exist?

Chris: When I become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder, they will.

Dinosaurs aren't robo... Oh, this isn't going to be worth it. I'm going to leave you to your sea-sludge.

Emily: It's so annoying that school won't let me learn how to do calculus until I'm in high school!

Georgia: I can think of much, much worse things about school than that. Like having to go.

Emily: I have an idea.

Georgia: If it's about maths, don't bother.

Sam: Emily! Georgia! Mum says it's time to come down.

Sam: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Emily: Teeheeheehee

Wait, how did you two even get that water up there?

Emily: Comes with the treehouse. It's almost like the ability to throw water at your brother is programmed into it.

I knew buying you this thing was an amazing idea.

Agnes: I probably should tell her off, shouldn't I? But it's too funny.

Meanwhile, Chris is at a party making himself some friends for the Dynasty requirements.

Chris: Hey vamp!

Gobias Koffi: It's Gobias.

Chris: Oh.. erm... Science is awesome, isn't it? I mean, test tubes! Coloured liquids! Don't they just give you a massive grin? Science! I love it!

Maybe I should leave the friend-making to Georgia and Emily.

Emily: This is payback, right?

I think so. You probably did deserve it. He's still dripping, you know.

Emily: I think I'm probably radioactive.

Emily: Still friends?

Sam: Still friends.

Emily: Great. Now, you distract the driver and I'll put the whoopee cushion on his seat.

Offline alex51299

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Beware the Treehouse
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2012, 03:03:44 PM »
Ah, the joys of childhood pranks.  :D
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Beware the Treehouse
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2012, 03:15:55 PM »
I love the way that the kids are acting like real normal children and having a childhood.

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Beware the Treehouse
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2012, 03:22:01 PM »
I love the generations content for the pranks. It always disappointed me how little time I had to do anything in the immortal dynasty with the kids, so I've been loving it with these three. Expect more!


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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Beware the Treehouse
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2012, 09:54:13 AM »
I love the pranks lol! I don't think Agnes will appreciate a whoopee cushion., :P

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty: Get Your Party Hats On
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2012, 05:54:03 PM »
Get Your Party Hats On

...because it's time for Sam's teen birthday!

Sam: I can't help but be a little nervous about this. What if my voice doesn't break?

You're not going to become Neurotic, are you?

Agnes: GO SAM! It's your birthday! Party blowers are so much fun.

Georgia: And so loud. Which is why I'm over here.

Jared Frio: Haha! You're growing old! Haha! (said in the voice of the bully from the Simpsons)

Jared. One, you're probably only a few days off elder at this point in the game. Two, nobody even invited you. I would ask you to leave, but it's not like I can actually get anyone to do something while there's a birthday going on.

Jared: Haha!

Three, you're weird.

Emily: I think someone really ought to do something. Sam's clearly being eaten by a vortex.

Sam: I don't have the Malcolm Landgraab hair again do I? Please tell me I don't. Even if I do, tell me I don't.

Would it help if I said the suit matched the look?

Sam: Really no.

Jared: Haha! You look silly! Haha!

Can I remind you of who looks like they've got a sticking plaster on their hand?

Butler: Please. Get this man away from me.

Emily: Hi. Miss Jolina? I hear you're a clever doctor, and was wondering if you'd like to adopt a genius little girl and take her away from her mad family and teach her some advanced maths?

Jamie: I wish birthday cake was made of plasma fruit.

Right, Sammy, makeover time. I'm going to show all our lovely readers a before shot:

Then a new hairdo:

And finally some new clothes.

What do you say?

Sam: I actually look teenage now. What's my trait this time?


Sam: Does that impress girls?

No, but your athletic trait will.

The next day all the party guests were invited back for Chris' adult birthday. This time, luckily, Jared Frio did not happen to be walking past and gatecrash.

Chris: I wonder what the watcher will get me for my birthday?

Don't push your luck.

Agnes: Who's that girl in the background?


Agnes: That's a silly name.

Chris: I'm going to still be hot, I know it.

Agnes: The puddle? What puddle? There's no puddle here!

Mortimer: Yay birthday!

Gobais: I somehow can't stop staring.

Georgia: Maybe I should ask someone to adopt me away too.