I was wondering - if an Adult Sim has the Childish trait and reads a Toddler Skill Book - do they get the Skill Points for reading it?
They will get points for it under one condition : The sim must not have already gained any skill in the normal-aged skill.
Namely : The first time a sim uses a Chess Table, they will unlock the Logic skill (you may not see it listing on the skill panel though, since you need at least Level One for it to display).
- The game will go through and count the number of toddler books they have read, and adjust their initial skill level accordingly (The Peg Box skill is also checked at this point).
So as long as the sim in question has NEVER attempted any Logic related interaction, reading the toddler books will count towards their skill level.
- As soon as the Logic skill is unlocked though, reading the toddler books has no effect on skill level.
Same applies for Writing and Painting.