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I believe you have to sell a lot of goods at the consignment store before you get this... I don't know if there is a specific price, but I believe over 25,000 Simoleons.
Yep, Cndneh is right! Here's a link to Carl's guide on the Consignment Store
yes.... that is one of the challenges.... i had sell over $100,000.00 and i still have the challenge close.... and the challenge u open when u get $25,000.00 in sales is "Consignment Store Profit".... i dont know what to do
Please be mindful of punctuation, grammar and spelling. Also, we don't allow "text speak", so "u" needs to be spelled out as "you". You can make the changes in your posts by clicking on Modify and save when the changes are complete. This has been mentioned before, specifically about using ... to end sentences. Please use the correct punctuation.
Because you have so much more money earned than required for this challenge, I am going to guess it is bugged for that sim, and no matter how much you earn you're not going to earn that challege. Is there a specific reason you want to complete it?
You could try using resetsim on your sim.
1st- what??? how? is that possible??? and 2nd- NO WAY, I WOULD HAVE TO LOSE EVERY CHALLENGE I COMPLETED (i guess if i reset the sim the challenges unblock i lose them, and the skills go to 0 or lvl 1)
Reseting a sim is easy. First, you open the cheat console by hitting control+shift+C than you type in testingcheatsenabled true than hit enter. Than open it again by control+shift+C than type in resetSim Firstname Lastname. So to reset Cornelia, I would type in resetSim Cornelia Goth. It is case sensitive, so be sure to spell the name right. What this does is resets them back to a neutral position, with their needs met. So say Cornelia is stuck somewhere, or has something like a guitar stuck to her head, (it does happen lol) that would save her. It's mainly for whenever a sim is stuck somewhere or with something stuck on them. I'm not sure if it would work with this as it sounds like a glitch more than a sim stuck but you could try. It doesn't reset their challenges, skills or anything like that. It simply returns them normally to their home lot with the needs at least halfway met.