I went to Amazon and downloaded some songs that I liked. They have to be Mp3 to be put into your game. You just download a song, it will be put into a folder and then I drug the folder to my desktop. I went into the sims folder and found the folder "custom music" and then drug the folder with my song in it right into the custom music folder. When you go into your game and go to choose your station, just choose custom music and your song will be in there. I am not the best at explaining things sometimes, so I hope this helps.
with this method, it only playable at "Live mode", I mean when you have a stereo, turn it on and you can hear it.
Speaking of songs, has anyone figured out how to put your own music in the songs section and how do you actually get to choose what songs play during different times, like, shopping, building, etc.?
if you want to actually to play your own music during "shopping mode (F2)", "building (F3)", you must use 3rd-party program to change it. Basicly, TS3 has compressed those default music files, put it all together in a *.package file. So, if you want to change those music files, you must edit that .package file, and it againts the forum rules, so we cannot discuss about it here
Hope you understand what I'm trying to say